Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Why do some people think they're so much better than everyone else? I don't understand that mentality. And I don't understand how they can live with themselves WITH that mentality. I'm not sure there is anything more off-putting than an arrogant douchebag.

^Ah I can't understand that either. I mean everyone is better than other in different sides. How can someone be so sure that they're superior?


I'm not sure there is anything more off-putting than an arrogant douchebag.
There's the loser with a low self esteem. Not sure why I always wait until right before bed to start feeling inferior. Maybe it helps me sleep
Why do some people think they're so much better than everyone else? I don't understand that mentality. And I don't understand how they can live with themselves WITH that mentality. I'm not sure there is anything more off-putting than an arrogant douchebag.

True, but haven't we all been in situations where we have thought we are better than someone? Even if it's you thinking you are better than the person that is thinking they are better than everyone. I know there is a difference between the occasional thought and the always thought, but I think most have been there before. I certainly have. I usually think that way because I feel inferior and I want to gain the upper hand before the other person does. Devaluing one person to make you feel better about yourself is as ancient a practice as there ever was.


Well-known member
Ugh, it's going to be another long day tomorrow. I have to get up earlier than I usually do because I have a photo shoot at 8 AM. Then I have class. Then I have to go have this major dropped, even though I dropped it almost 2 years ago (but evidently they're too stupid to fully process paperwork). So now I gotta do it again in order to graduate. :s

Going to stay home today. I don't care what people think of it. I'm not geeting paid, the actual job I do can wait and I'm there to improve social skills (which I can't practise when miserable from the start).

In healthy comditions I put prioity on the job, now I'm going to take some personal time to get better.


Well-known member
It's weird how something pretty small can trigger everything and makes me feel like absolute sh!t for days on end. I'm getting more desperate and more depressed every day, yet I have no real motivation to do anything about it. I'm disgusted with myself.


Well-known member
I hear so much about 'procrastination' on here
so here are a couple of quotes from the book of Qi,

Only put of until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
Pablo Icasso

Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done.
Aaron Burr


Haven't gotten any "you look so YOUNG" comments lately. Or 12-year-old comments, hahaha (though, when I tell other people that I've been told I look 12 (mostly by old people), they go, "WHAT???? Yeah you look young, but not THAT young, god!" Haha. I get 15 sometimes, I can live with that. It's only 5 years younger than I am, which won't be a bad thing later on :D

I guess I've outgrown my 12-year-old phase :rolleyes:


I think my family is just going to have to accept that I may not live to a ripe old age like they want me to.