Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm sick of this hugging crap.Here's some violence.


Well-known member
Hey, I go to bed and miss all the fun....

I need to stay awaken from.... 2am to 5am? Go to hell, I'll hug myself XD




Well, I still have drganon's violence :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I think i'm going to leave this forum. It hasn't really been helping my SA and I really need to get out into the real world and make friends and beat my SA. I think it's time to properly face up to my problems.
I think that if it isn't helping you're making the right decision. And if you need it again you can always come back :)

Hopefully you will not need it again, though, if that means you get better of your SA. Good luck Will :)


Hmmmm random thought: I don't know why, I always liked short lines with smileys at the end XD


Well-known member
I think i'm going to leave this forum. It hasn't really been helping my SA and I really need to get out into the real world and make friends and beat my SA. I think it's time to properly face up to my problems.
^ Sorry to see you go, but I wish you all the best! Good luck!
Oh no not this hugfest stuff again... *sticks finger down throat* =D

Ah heck. Well you'll have to settle for a cyber lemur hug! *HUGS*

Thank you. And I just wanted to include MrJones, since he apparently slept through it all. I'm done with the hugs, though. Even I have a tipping point. :)

ETA: See, I effing did it again! Twice in the span of five minutes. Why me? WHY?

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Well-known member
Neglected, ignored. Invisible. Trash. I don't want pity, but all people can say is "i'm sorry" or "idk what to tell you kat" usually it's people Idek. The people I do know, that know I have issues..they don't say a thing. Idk which bothers me more. My boyfriend chose a bad time to go all needing space from me -.- lol.
I don't get it. I'm one that enjoys to relax on the bed watching TV, but whenever it's time to actually got to sleep I procrastinate systematically. Like, driven by these illusive thoughts that I still have a lot to do, when I really don't. :/


Well-known member
is it just me or is insomnia great.

You get to stay up all night which is like rebelling against your parents and watch wierd films you would never normally get to see.

Just a shame it comes with being totaly knackered the next day, feeling grumpy and making you more depressed than normal.

But it's great.....