Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I feel whole again :rolleyes:

And now back to my regular posting.

My therapist i coming in 1 hour 19 minutes so we can go down the town and get shopping. I shouldn't be worried, we've done similar things for like 3 weeks now, but I'm still terrified. Damn phobias.

Oh I have so many random thoughts and feelings today. I think I need to make vlog :D

I hope your shopping trip goes well with your therapist. I know it's not easy but try not to think about it too much.


Well-known member

Luckily, it's over :p


Growing a beard for the first time. This should be interesting, but it itches like hell.


my little 3 year cousin is so extraordinary. she understands social cue, very hyperactive and can draw very well. you should see her handwriting! ::eek::
and yes she is that smart!


Well-known member
pretty good first day, talked a little bit in my first class.
Stayed pretty quite in the rest.

A lot of people were sitting alone in my chemistry class, so I won't feel as lame when we have to a partner. :)


Well-known member
pretty good first day, talked a little bit in my first class.
Stayed pretty quite in the rest.

A lot of people were sitting alone in my chemistry class, so I won't feel as lame when we have to a partner. :)
^ Nice to hear you had a pretty good day. I hope the rest of the week is just as good, or even better. :)
pretty good first day, talked a little bit in my first class.
Stayed pretty quite in the rest.

A lot of people were sitting alone in my chemistry class, so I won't feel as lame when we have to a partner. :)

keep it up!, you'll be just fine, just don't play with chems like this guy :p

going to the movies sucks when you are the third wheel, i'm not looking forward to it, but they just got me the tickets, i think i'd rather be at work today


Well-known member
pretty good first day, talked a little bit in my first class.
Stayed pretty quite in the rest.

A lot of people were sitting alone in my chemistry class, so I won't feel as lame when we have to a partner. :)
Firsts days are always the worst part, you made a big step, good job :)


Well-known member
I think the most "fun" part about work is that you have to suck it up, fake a smile, and be "professional" to people even when they're complete a-holes to you. I swear if my manager hadn't gotten in the way I would have punched that smug little b**** right in the face hard enough to make her go crying to her plastic surgeon to add on to her artificial face. Stupid b****.


Jumping rope is hard.

Oh, and I want a pair of roller blades. And all the safety gear with it. My birthday's October 9th (HINT, HINT)


This morning I was shaving my legs...and don't ask how I did it, but I actually shaved part of my fingernail off, down to the skin underneath. It was gross and I hope I never do that again. ::(:


Yikes! Gives me chills reading it.

In other news, I am bored out of my mind. I've already done all my errands for the day, got some exercise in..... What else? If I had a damn friend I could go have some fun, but...... no :(


Well-known member
This morning I was shaving my legs...and don't ask how I did it, but I actually shaved part of my fingernail off, down to the skin underneath. It was gross and I hope I never do that again. ::(:

Dear God... I just experienced the worst sympathy pains in the history of sympathy pains. Hope you're okay! ::(:


Well-known member
Well done V :)

^ Nice to hear you had a pretty good day. I hope the rest of the week is just as good, or even better. :)

keep it up!, you'll be just fine, just don't play with chems like this guy :p


Firsts days are always the worst part, you made a big step, good job :)

Thank you everyone : )
I think it will be a good year, now all I have to do is pass!: D

Just got a chill pad for my laptop. I hope this helps with the freezing of my computer, and burning of my legs: P