I really need to be negative and vent for a moment. Let me start by saying this: I am a lucky woman. I have a great apartment, a job (that I am starting to hate) that pays well above minimum wage and was NOT effected by COVID-19, a boyfriend who loves me, an amazing, supportive family, the ability to attend college with good grades and a scholarship and a great car. I should not be bitching because I have more than most, but damnit, I’m feeling like an ungrateful shit tonight.
In spite of all I have going for me, I cannot seem to be normal in social situations. I avoid people, I am awkward, I avoid eye contact, I get intimidated by higher ranking or more attractive people and become extra anxious/stupid/subservient around them. I feel like I don’t deserve other people being kind to me or going out of their way for me. In fact, I get embarrassed by it. I don’t know what I did wrong, if it’s just part of my hardwiring, but I feel like I did something bad. That I am a bad undeserving person. I also can’t say no - I’m a yes woman. Even if I really don’t want to do it and if I say no? I’m consumed by guilt and replaying it in my mind. If I want to be a medical professional and even a doctor someday, I need to change. I need a backbone and to get better socially. I am so afraid that my career will be ruined by this. That my low self-esteem/self-efficacy/social shortcomings will make people not like me as a provider and ruin me.
Aside from this, I am unhappy with my appearance. I feel ugly most of the time and am over it. I am sick of being fat, yo-yo dieting, emotional eating - I just want to be normal with a healthy relationship with food. I want to be a pretty girl. I am disappointed in myself because I am supposed to go to Disneyworld in July and I was supposed to lose weight. I didn’t. I have two months to get it together and I hope I do better. Ugh... I should be doing homework right now. Reading my music chapter or practicing molar solubility and acid/base titration calculations, but no. I’m feeling sorry for myself instead.