Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm really bored. I want to have a really fun conversation with someone but I haven't had one in ceeeenturies. Talking seems like just doesn't come naturally. I feel sorry for anyone who is stuck in a conversation with me. I wish I was...different, just so I could talk freely and easily with most people. I dunno why it's so difficult. I dunno what's wrong with me.
"But knowing and feeling are two very different things, dissociated and antagonized..."

I love this sentence. I think it perfectly describes the battle between our hearts and our heads. It's something that I'm really struggling with right now. And I found it in a fanfic, of all places!


Well-known member
I f##king HATE my neighbours!!!!:mad::mad::mad: They've been blasting off fireworks in their yard all night, which, by the way, is illegal. Got all the dogs nearby barking at one in the morning cause, no sh#t, they're scared. Assh0les!!!! And no doubt they're drunk. They're always drunk. It won't be long before they burn something down. They do this all the time. I got in a nasty argument with them over this a couple of months ago. Pissed to the eyeballs lighting off fireworks. Yeah, that's real smart! I am so ready to call the police. I'm tired of putting up with this sh#t. They don't f##king care that it's dangerous and it bothers people. GGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!:mad:


Well-known member
Well, this week's been fun. First, a crack in the sewer pipe in the basement. Then the toilet decides to leak, necessitating the removal of part of the kitchen ceiling.

And just before 6 PM yesterday a rather large branch decided it had had enough wind and rain, and fell. It starts at about a foot in diameter, and it chose to smash the air conditioner out of my parents' bedroom window. I took some pics, but don't feel like uploading them at the moment. Now I'm waiting until around 7:30 to go out and start breaking and cutting it up.

The best part? I've been meaning to take a pic of the curved branch outside my bedroom window all year. It had deep grooves in the bark, an interesting shape, and was covered in moss. So much for procrastination....


Well-known member
I've been trying to decide for over 6 weeks whether I should stay or if I should go. I can't seem to make my mind up. One min I'm ok and I want to stay the next min I'm not doing ok and think it would be best to stop and go.


Well-known member
I'm doing really good thanks. Something which I can't and shouldn't tell you about is making me very happy at the moment :D. Well it isn't really a thing. I need to shut up lol.

I WANNA KNOW tell me tell me telll meeeeeeee askljdaskjdlksa


Well-known member
AWW PEBBLES, I MISS MY BROS (I'm talking to you too, MrJones)

I'm doing okay.. Nothing really interesting has been happening so I haven't got much to talk about haha, what about you?
Hi Jess, good to see you again :)

And, as this is not Facebook, I left the rest of the conversation for private messages, like you, pebbles... oh, wait :rolleyes:

^Just kidding :p


Well-known member
Well.... That all depends on your song choice. :)

If it was this one below then I don't think it would be inappropriate. lol

The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go (Music Video) - YouTube

I wasn't talking about current living situation.
Haha I was thinking about the same song XD

I think it's better to leave, but like I said before it's better to have enough money first...

What if the other leaves and you stay there? You're not the one who's making trouble in the situation.


Well-known member
Wanting to start getting on this site more and have online friends again.
I have a bf and I have low self esteem and want to be around him all the time and I get too jealous and I don't trust him.

I got upset with him earlier because he was looking through peoples stuff(people who are moving out) and non of the stuff is his and I don't see a reason for him to go through the stuff.
A few weeks ago I caught him jacking off to one of their porn mags and it really pissed me off and made me worst than ever because we haven't had sex for a couple of days and he said something about it. He said he was getting something to eat downstairs and I wanted a drink and I caught him doing that.

I was happy that day, for a few days... and once I am things like that happen to me.

I try not to let it bother me so much but it does.


Well-known member
I don't know why I like to change my appearance right before school starts.
I never like the results.

But yet, I did it again, and don't like it.

why do I torture myself???