I've been chasing my dreams for so long now you know what? I figure my dreams might've just served me a restraining order some time ago.
I only have 4 dreams. The first one is to get a better paying job so I can move out and have my own apartment. The other two are a first kiss and a first date because I've never had either yet.What are your dreams?
I only have 4 dreams. The first one is to get a better paying job so I can move out and have my own apartment. The other two are a first kiss and a first date because I've never had either yet.
Thank you for asking, I really hope you get the physicians assistant job you want.![]()
Using your only wish on a person you've never met before, aren't you selfless! I don't think it's selfish to talk about our problems on this forum because if they're kept bottled up for too long then the emotions will just be unleashed on somebody that doesn't deserve it. This is off topic too but I don't know why the word "shit" is uncensored but every other swear word is bleeped out on the forum, lol.You're welcome! Although I mostly come on here to vent/selfishly talk about my own problems, I actually give a shit about other people. Thank you very much - I still need a lot of schooling first. I hope all of your dreams come true - I will be on the look out for shooting stars to wish upon for you![]()
Using your only wish on a person you've never met before, aren't you selfless! I don't think it's selfish to talk about our problems on this forum because if they're kept bottled up for too long then the emotions will just be unleashed on somebody that doesn't deserve it. This is off topic too but I don't know why the word "shit" is uncensored but every other swear word is bleeped out on the forum, lol.
Commenting on your "just be yourself" quote, I used to see my university counselor in counseling sessions during the school year. I told her I thought I was slowly turning into the character Gregory House from the old TV show House M.D. My counselor told me that they agreed. If anyone knows what Hugh Laurie was like on that TV show then that is not a particularly good thing, lol. On the plus side I have always been a fantastic listener and have had a talent for years for making other people smile or maybe laugh sometimes so the medical/fitness field suits me well.
And 12 hour shifts...amazing. I know people that work shifts like that. Much respect for that work ethic.
Did I graduate? Yes, a Master's degree in kinesiology only 4 months ago. In a nutshell it's studying how the body's muscles, bones, and body chemistry all work together to operate our bodies and what happens when those systems break down. I work in a not so well known fatty-food restaurant so technically speaking I'm doing more to put people in hospitals more so than I'm doing to make people healthier. Oh gawd...the irony is so #$%&ing thick you could cut it with a knife :ironicsmile: When it comes right down to it my life is basically one big race: Will I find a better paying job and finally move out or will homelessness catch me before that happens? Just thinking about it sends my anxiety skyrocketing :idontknow: I could be in big trouble in several short weeks, months, or years? It's like reading a book on your own life and having the last several chapters ripped out. What is faith in God if it isn't put to the test I suppose...That's true - it's good to get it all out in here. Haha I really have no idea why they bleep everything else out.
LOL I actually really like House! That character alway made me laugh. What specifically in the medical/fitness field are doing? Did you already graduate? Being funny/a good listener are two very good traits - don't lose that![]()
Did I graduate? Yes, a Master's degree in kinesiology only 4 months ago. In a nutshell it's studying how the body's muscles, bones, and body chemistry all work together to operate our bodies and what happens when those systems break down. I work in a not so well known fatty-food restaurant so technically speaking I'm doing more to put people in hospitals more so than I'm doing to make people healthier. Oh gawd...the irony is so #$%&ing thick you could cut it with a knife :ironicsmile: When it comes right down to it my life is basically one big race: Will I find a better paying job and finally move out or will homelessness catch me before that happens? Just thinking about it sends my anxiety skyrocketing :idontknow: I could be in big trouble in several short weeks, months, or years? It's like reading a book on your own life and having the last several chapters ripped out. What is faith in God if it isn't put to the test I suppose...
Anyway...the biology and chemistry classes you'll end up taking are ohhh so much fun to be a part of too, I hope you stocked up on aspirin. Hit the anatomy and physiology-themed classes hard because those classes will pack a punch to your GPA if you aren't careful! GOOD LUCK!
Yea, House knew Dr. Cuddy from med school in the show so that's probably how he got the position at the hospital. Their relationship made up for the fact that he was an a-hole. I need to find the "Cuddy" in my own life.I have found that, a lot of times, getting a job has A LOT to do with your social presence rather than what's on your actual resumé.
Yea, House knew Dr. Cuddy from med school in the show so that's probably how he got the position at the hospital. Their relationship made up for the fact that he was an a-hole. I need to find the "Cuddy" in my own life.
That's the law of attraction isn't it? (your vibe = basically the energy of the thoughts you think)I just changed my vibe and KNEW something good would happen. Sometimes the best thing to do is just chill out, take a step back and know things will work out just fine
I'll have to disagree on that one though. I've been waiting for 45 years, and the right girl STILL hasn't found me. Either i'm not being the real me, i'm doing it all wrong, there is no "right" girl for me, or my destiny is to remain single for my entire life. :question: :question: :question:Just be you and the right girl will find you
That's the law of attraction isn't it? (your vibe = basically the energy of the thoughts you think)
I'll have to disagree on that one though. I've been waiting for 45 years, and the right girl STILL hasn't found me. Either i'm not being the real me, i'm doing it all wrong, there is no "right" girl for me, or my destiny is to remain single for my entire life. :question: :question: :question:
Well, there are a few things I can think of that would keep you from that. One of which being a lack of social opportunity - having SA makes you a hermit, so meeting people can be difficult