Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah feel bad eavesdroppin' on a rather personal conversation between friends, but there's a group of joiners fae Glasgow in ma attic tryin' fix the issue of damp in ma bedroom ceiling. And ah nearly burst oot laughin' at yin o' them tellin' this story aboot huvin' tae pick-up his friends' kids fae school recently. Which is funny by the guy's descriptive way he recall an argument with his pal...

"Am like that... He's like that. An am like: Aw, so yer gonnae guilt-trip me noo. It's like that is it?"

:giggle: :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I've started a mental list of who else might not make it through he rest of the year - trouble with that is I'll blame myself if they don't :p

Oh no! I am thinking actually Paul McCartney or Bob Dylan. Sometimes I cannot believe either one is still alive. Wait, Paul died yrs ago (talk about a crazy conspiracy that one is!)

It was so weird with Prince I was talking about him for no apparent reason a few days before.

Fingers crossed for Celien Dion- don't know why she just bugs me so much lol


Well-known member
Oh no! I am thinking actually Paul McCartney or Bob Dylan. Sometimes I cannot believe either one is still alive.

Saw Bob in concert a few years ago and man did he look bad and he sounded even worse. But it's Bob so, you know...

Oh and I think that Mick Jagger and Keith Richards will outlive us all cause they made a pact with the devil.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
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I wish I had a deep bathtub.

One more thing to add to my wish list.

I HAVE to learn how to ride a ****ing bike. I have to. Have to. Have to. Have to.
The Internet can really make you think 99% of humanity is just sick in the head.


But really, I saw someone post a video on Facebook of a father forcing his son to box him (with gloves) as punishment for slacking off in school. The father basically beat him and the son had blood all over his face and shirt when he was done and he was crying. The father filmed his son and forced him to apologize for slacking off and humiliated him. This is obviously abuse. The scary part was that almost ALL of the comments supported the father and agreed with his form of punishment! And on top of this, someone who commented disagreeing with the father's actions was told to shut up for racial reasons and told he wouldn't care if he actually witnessed it in person. And then there was a comment commanding women not to post a comment that said they disagreed with the father's behavior (because, you know, women are pussies). So, abuse, sexism, and race issues all on one post. I... just... can't. Fellow humans never cease to boggle the mind.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
John English too. Who's he? Non aussies will enquire.

Cheers for that, Kiwong. Did enquire about who he wus. F**k! This has definitely been a downer as far celebrity deaths go. Ah know that might seem trival to seem, but still... There just people like the rest of us at the end of the day.:sad:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ugh! Naw, I'm not even gonna say why am in a irritable shite mood the day. :kickingmyself: I'm just glad to be shy, quiet fella who tries to think afore he speaks.
The Internet can really make you think 99% of humanity is just sick in the head.


But really, I saw someone post a video on Facebook of a father forcing his son to box him (with gloves) as punishment for slacking off in school. The father basically beat him and the son had blood all over his face and shirt when he was done and he was crying. The father filmed his son and forced him to apologize for slacking off and humiliated him. This is obviously abuse. The scary part was that almost ALL of the comments supported the father and agreed with his form of punishment! And on top of this, someone who commented disagreeing with the father's actions was told to shut up for racial reasons and told he wouldn't care if he actually witnessed it in person. And then there was a comment commanding women not to post a comment that said they disagreed with the father's behavior (because, you know, women are pussies). So, abuse, sexism, and race issues all on one post. I... just... can't. Fellow humans never cease to boggle the mind.

I just hate facebook, it facilitates this kinda crap. The less people know the more they 'think' they know and the more they shout about what they 'think' they know. Facebook gives them a podium. I agree, that is abuse. People are the worst.
Gaaaaaaaah exam stressss. Im reaaaaallllly trying. The fear of failure is so intense....Ive worked so hard all year but I am not prepared for this and I honestly think Im looking at a fail. . . still trying but its this::(: horrible feeling of fighting for something that you kinda know is a lost cause..but if Im failing, im gonna at least fail while try my best :crying: ...not the best motivation ...but thats all I got. I hate exams....does not in anyway work as a form of assesment for me I just do not do well in exams. I cant ever even figure out wtf the question is. Might know all about it but under pressure I dont know what theyre asking. Hate exams. ticking clock. pens scratching, invigilators pacing, enclosed space, totally quiet, can't leave til its over, shudder. this is not a good environment to quiz me about anything!
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Should ah get some tattoos to cover-up those slightly noticable scratch scars on ma left inner forearm. :question: Probably need tae get that big mole removed first, though.


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