Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

A girl on Facebook posted a picture of a depressing-looking room with a bare mattress with a caption about how she had returned to that room (in her family's house) thinking her life was over, and how she spent so much time in there sad and crying, but now she had made a new start and she was hopeful again, etc.

The pic received a lot of attention from people. I don't know that she doesn't struggle with depression or really did have a terrible time, but I do know that she bullied me a bit in high school and was not a nice person; I wasn't really bullied that much, but the few times I was, they naturally stuck in my mind, and so I've always had a lingering - although faded by now - feeling of resentment toward her. Why I accepted her friend request, I don't know, I guess I've wondered if she's changed. It's possible.

But it bothers me that - judging off this post alone - she goes through one rough time and gets all this sympathy and it's all so dramatic and wonderful for her, when people like us on this forum go through this all the time. Some every day. I can't count the number of times I've been curled up on the floor crying and wanting to die. I've moved back home more than once. I've spent horribly dark days in many rooms that I never want to see again. But I don't post about it on Facebook and get 70 likes and comments about pulling through the darkness. I don't want that kind of attention anyway or to make all my private feelings public like that. But it's bothersome to see that nevertheless. Some people have no idea what some go through, all the time.


Well-known member
A girl on Facebook posted a picture of a depressing-looking room with a bare mattress with a caption about how she had returned to that room (in her family's house) thinking her life was over, and how she spent so much time in there sad and crying, but now she had made a new start and she was hopeful again, etc.

The pic received a lot of attention from people. I don't know that she doesn't struggle with depression or really did have a terrible time, but I do know that she bullied me a bit in high school and was not a nice person; I wasn't really bullied that much, but the few times I was, they naturally stuck in my mind, and so I've always had a lingering - although faded by now - feeling of resentment toward her. Why I accepted her friend request, I don't know, I guess I've wondered if she's changed. It's possible.

But it bothers me that - judging off this post alone - she goes through one rough time and gets all this sympathy and it's all so dramatic and wonderful for her, when people like us on this forum go through this all the time. Some every day. I can't count the number of times I've been curled up on the floor crying and wanting to die. I've moved back home more than once. I've spent horribly dark days in many rooms that I never want to see again. But I don't post about it on Facebook and get 70 likes and comments about pulling through the darkness. I don't want that kind of attention anyway or to make all my private feelings public like that. But it's bothersome to see that nevertheless. Some people have no idea what some go through, all the time.

After reading this I can't help but think... How many of those 70 people liking her post will actually get in her life and help her get up? Nevermind, actually how many will think about her for more than a couple seconds before moving on to the next post with their liking spree?

People like you and me don't feel like exposing ourselves like that because our problems are actually bigger than our need of having other people noticing our existence. Seven million likes wouldn't solve our problems. Likes and posts on Facebook are not real friends offering you their love and time. The internet is actually the most distant and detached way of reaching someone or keeping a friendship, people love Facebook exactly because things are so shallow and easy there.

However, you can be certain I'm sympathetic to your feeling and what you have been through, because I deal with the same. And also because of that, I know you are way stronger and more independent than attention seekers on Facebook. ;)


Well-known member
Freedom.... so close, yet still so far away. I don't think I've been this excited about summer in a while, but I have so many things I'm looking forward to. I'm happy that I'll finally have some free time to work on a few projects and also be able to work more. I don't earn a lot, but at least it's something. And I actually like a few of my coworkers. They're nice, hardworking ladies.

I'm hoping I'll be able to obtain a 22-week internship too, but I won't know anything until next week sometime. I'm also thinking about saving up some money to attend a one-day $99 nutrition class in the beginning of June. Yeah, it's a bit expensive for only one day, but a part of me thinks it'll be worth it. It's a great opportunity to network, which I really need to start doing more of.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Gotta love how social anxiety turn ya intae a dumb lookin' eejit in most social situations. Buckin' great, innit?
Being the guy in the room doesnae help matters, either. :eek:h:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
One of my physiotherapist rehab team told me I was quite tall today durin' ma exercise. Then there wus an awkward moment... Me tryin' to surpress ma laughter.

Don't know if it wus a geniune compliment or if she wus. figuratively, pullin' ma pisser? Since ah don't how to take compliments at the best of times. :idontknow:

Ah mean... me - tall? :sarcastic: Exactly! C'mon, that's got tae be an exaggeration! I've always perceived masel' as a wee, hairy, cynical, pessimistic, freckle-faced Scottish-Kenyan bloke with an aversion toward people who are overly cheery...


Well-known member
Still fairly numb about married life. There used to be a time, pre-wedding, that I used to look forward to the weekends and wish the week would go quick. Now I'm finding the week goes quick but there is a dread to the weekend besides sleeping in. I still find my eyes wandering to women who I can't have but still find amazingly attractive. Wish I could live a life on my own, maybe I'd break the shackles of family's opinions and be more relaxed to tackling things.