Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I really don't understand this whole Donald Trump thing.

Are people just being ironic by supporting him? Is his winning the two primaries some sort of political statement about people losing faith in their system in general?

I mean... how can anyone not see that he doesn't have a clue what the president even DOES?

I honestly think he's just trying to be the boss of America instead of a public servant who has to co-operate with other public servants in a system that still at least vaguely approximates democracy.

It's like he thinks the US can go back to the golden era of the 1950s, and the way to do that is to implement Hoover's protectionist economic policies from the 1930s--the ones that ignited a global trade war and deepened the Great Depression.

So his plan is to spend billions rounding up immigrants and building walls between the US and Mexico while plunging the US economy into a downward spiral? This is something that Americans support? Because why? Racism?


Well-known member
If Trump becomes president, and in all likelihood he will, I hate to think what destruction he will do to this country.
Actually all the viable candidates seem to be destructive this time in their own way but Trump seems like he would be like a dictator.

The voting system in America is a complete sham. As fake as the "meat" inside a McDonald's hamburger!


Well-known member
^Most people supporting Trump aren't being ironic, they're just stupid. Trust me, I know a few of them.

This right here. I dont think they realize that Trump does not in any sense of the word have their best interests at heart. I think the people he'll be looking out for are those that are like him. Rich and disconnected from the rest of society. The biggest thing Im worried about is what we're gonna do about the climate change. Id rather not see our species die out before we actually get anywhere.


Well-known member
Not a clue about things. Agreed to travel abroad but not that I am, don't want to filled with anxiety plus dreading married life, just don't know if I can do it and make it work...


Well-known member
I've been getting the silent treatment from my mother for about a day and a half now. As tempting as it is to break the silence, I won't do it. In a way, let this be proof that she can go a day (or more) without asking me where I'm at, what I'm doing, etc.


Well-known member
I just got back from grocery shopping and I'm proud to say that I made the following changes:

Cookies? Nope, grapes.

Chips? Nope, apples.

Soft drinks? Nope, calorie-free drink mixes and almond milk.

White Castle cheeseburgers? Yep, Rome's fit butt wasn't built in a day. :D

This is a rather large step, as most of my shopping list was exchanged for healthy alternatives. All I have to do now is start substituting salads and non-processed, whole foods for the fast-food and other garbage I'm eating.

It'll be interesting to see what I look like once I'm in shape again, seeing as how most of my facial features have either been obscured or outright engulfed by my current level of corpulence. :bigsmile:

Good for you. I also started changing some things in my diet some months ago. I replaced dairy milk with light soy milk, got rid of chocolate cereal and replaced lipton ice tea with bottled water. Started eating apples regularly (not at 1 a day yet, but getting there). I also eat these very simple cookies that are rich in fiber and don't have much of anything else. Also got gluten-free bread a few weeks ago and butter low in salt to go along with it. Still have a ways to go with vegetables though, having a hard time getting used to their flavour (plus my mum isn't the best vegetable cook out there, I should probably learn how to cook and do it myself).

I personally didn't see many changes, though my face looks better I think. Then again I've always been a mix between skinny and in shape (I mean, I'm skinny but I got some muscles). My next step is to figure out a way to put more healthy calories into my breakfast, which is complicated because almost everything makes me feel nauseous in the morning (specially milk/yogurt). Maybe I'll just stuff more bread into my mouth.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Good for you. I also started changing some things in my diet some months ago. I replaced dairy milk with light soy milk, got rid of chocolate cereal and replaced lipton ice tea with bottled water. Started eating apples regularly (not at 1 a day yet, but getting there). I also eat these very simple cookies that are rich in fiber and don't have much of anything else. Also got gluten-free bread a few weeks ago and butter low in salt to go along with it. Still have a ways to go with vegetables though, having a hard time getting used to their flavour (plus my mum isn't the best vegetable cook out there, I should probably learn how to cook and do it myself).

I personally didn't see many changes, though my face looks better I think. Then again I've always been a mix between skinny and in shape (I mean, I'm skinny but I got some muscles). My next step is to figure out a way to put more healthy calories into my breakfast, which is complicated because almost everything makes me feel nauseous in the morning (specially milk/yogurt). Maybe I'll just stuff more bread into my mouth.

Giving up sugar is tough, apples have been a big help for me, though they contain sugar, it's nothing compared to what I'm currently consuming in soft drinks. You mentioned trying to eat more of them, and I have to say that these Fuji apples I bought recently are so delicious, if you haven't tried them I can't recommend them highly enough, they almost taste like candy.

Almond milk is tasty, and I honestly can't tell much difference between it and the regular stuff. But I am currently drinking the whole variety, or whatever you'd call it, and it has 80 calories a glass, which I know will need to be addressed, which isn't a big deal because they make much lower calorie versions.

Vegetables are tough for me too, which is why salads will be the next big item to swapped onto my menu. I especially like salads with grilled chicken.

As far as seeing changes, I know that I'm going to have to start exercising again, which I'm actually looking forward to after being sedentary for so long. It'll be a nice change of pace. But without it, the difference on the scale and in the mirror won't be as stark.


Well-known member
I used to be on a thing called a Gut-busters diet. They recommended measuring your waist, the losses are more apparent in dropped inches than in drops in weight on a scale. Also the diet was a 5 day affair, then you could enjoy yourself a bit on the weekends, recognizing that a 7 day abstinence is not practical.


If Trump becomes president, and in all likelihood he will, I hate to think what destruction he will do to this country.
Actually all the viable candidates seem to be destructive this time in their own way but Trump seems like he would be like a dictator.

The voting system in America is a complete sham. As fake as the "meat" inside a McDonald's hamburger!

Luckily, there's a big difference between saying things and actually doing them... because he still has to convince the rest of congress and he's not used to being a team player. No matter how corrupt and evil congress gets, they're not stupid enough to completely destroy the economy over nothing, and they're much better manipulators than the guy who just says whatever pops into his head.

If he actually wins, I can see Trump reduced to a toothless cartoon character endlessly whining about how hard it is to get things done in a democracy by 2018... and then refusing to run for a second term because being the president isn't as much fun as he thought it would be.


Well-known member
Luckily, there's a big difference between saying things and actually doing them... because he still has to convince the rest of congress and he's not used to being a team player. No matter how corrupt and evil congress gets, they're not stupid enough to completely destroy the economy over nothing, and they're much better manipulators than the guy who just says whatever pops into his head.

If he actually wins, I can see Trump reduced to a toothless cartoon character endlessly whining about how hard it is to get things done in a democracy by 2018... and then refusing to run for a second term because being the president isn't as much fun as he thought it would be.
Using that logic congress can just override any of these candidates then, which is why I've been saying that we don't even need a president, just let congress be the president.

But Trump is just annoying. How many years have I had to hear about this guy just because he is rich? Since the early 80s? Why can't he just buy a private island and live out his days in hedonism and leave our festering shit fest of a country alone?

Rich people and their constant need for more *eyeroll*


Well-known member
OMG, please let me get this contract position... It's perfect. It pays a ton, is easy to get to, and will last until June/July/August, which will make moving apartments so much easier ('cause a lot of places won't rent to you if you're unemployed, plus you need money regardless). *fingers crossed*
I absolutely hate my time being taken for granted. I barely have time to sleep with my workload so when I take a few hours to go out of my way to be kind to someone else and its a real inconvenience to me and its taken for granted and Im left waiting around for them and then they decide another day suits them better........

Kilojoule smash

I cant stand selfishness.......its a horrible trait