Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I've been attending a CBT group on campus for the past two weeks. I'm already thinking about quitting. I really don't like the guy who's hosting it. I mean, he's probably a nice dude and all, but I am just not feeling any sort of connection. Instead, after every meeting I end up feeling worse than when I went in.

The guy who's hosting it really isn't that good. He doesn't seem all that.... sympathetic I suppose? Like, when we're asked a question, say, how we're feeling and what thoughts go with those feelings, he makes everyone say something. He literally forces you to say something, puts you on the spot, and that I do not like. I understand there's suppose to be a slight bit of challenge to this group, to share your feelings and thoughts with others, but it shouldn't feel like it's forced upon you. A common statement he says is, "I don't want to hear myself talk. Someone say something or I'm going to start picking at random."

How is that going to get anyone better? How is that going to help someone be comfortable enough to come out of their shell and share their experiences? It doesn't make any sense. I'm already 2 meetings in and it already feels like emotional boot camp. No me gusta. :thumbdown:
I had several one to one CBT sessions. I did not like the counsellor but during each session there was always one very very significant take home point. These sessions started my recovery. Can you find any similar take home points?


You want to know how I got these scars?
I've been attending a CBT group on campus for the past two weeks. I'm already thinking about quitting. I really don't like the guy who's hosting it. I mean, he's probably a nice dude and all, but I am just not feeling any sort of connection. Instead, after every meeting I end up feeling worse than when I went in.

The guy who's hosting it really isn't that good. He doesn't seem all that.... sympathetic I suppose? Like, when we're asked a question, say, how we're feeling and what thoughts go with those feelings, he makes everyone say something. He literally forces you to say something, puts you on the spot, and that I do not like. I understand there's suppose to be a slight bit of challenge to this group, to share your feelings and thoughts with others, but it shouldn't feel like it's forced upon you. A common statement he says is, "I don't want to hear myself talk. Someone say something or I'm going to start picking at random."

How is that going to get anyone better? How is that going to help someone be comfortable enough to come out of their shell and share their experiences? It doesn't make any sense. I'm already 2 meetings in and it already feels like emotional boot camp. No me gusta. :thumbdown:

As tough as it will seem, this is where you sort of need to be a little selfish. Think to yourself 'I'm not here to make friends or be your friend. I'm here to pick up any little bits of info that may help.'..

So try not to look at the person who's talking, but listen to what they're saying.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Just realised I'm really crap at playin' the guitar. Or maybe I shouldn't have given up on learnin' it 10 years ago? :idontknow:
Either way, I'm really crap at it. :sad:
I was watching ice melt into water, and I wonder if that's what happens when we die. The "ice" dies, and will never be again, but it becomes water. Water which will become parts of future ice cubes, evaporate into gas, or combine with many other things to create new chemical structures. Maybe a little oversimplified I know, but the gist.

I like to think that too. It makes turning into worm food a little more dignified and less bleak. You're part of the universe, and you always will be.
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Well-known member
Someone in MY area REALLY wants to meet ME!

And all this time I thought I was unlikable. :eek:h:

If not for making one chuckle, I'm not sure what's the point of spam emails.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I was watching ice melt into water, and I wonder if that's what happens when we die. The "ice" dies, and will never be again, but it becomes water. Water which will become parts of future ice cubes, evaporate into gas, or combine with many other things to create new chemical structures. Maybe a little oversimplified I know, but the gist.

We are all star dust. Every thing about us, our hair, teeth, the water in our bodies..every physical thing we see, every element.. everything was formed in the heart of a dying star.
When we die we decompose and in the big picture the elements in our bodies are returned to the universe for recycling. Our lives are too short for us to see this happening, but over time it does.

So yes, what you are saying is correct :)
The internet is such a great thing. Almost weekly it helps me solve a problem I would not have been able to solve in a lifetime on my own.


Well-known member
I had several one to one CBT sessions. I did not like the counsellor but during each session there was always one very very significant take home point. These sessions started my recovery. Can you find any similar take home points?
^ I have been having success at finding little bits and pieces in which would help me. Like learning how to find alternative ways of thinking. Each week we're told to log any negative thoughts we have that are a result of our anxiety and/or depression that are triggered by a certain situation. Then, looking at the situation and thoughts, we're supposed to come up with alternative thoughts and how that could impact how we're feeling.

For example, one situation I had was I was feeling anxious about was I had a lot of stuff to do one day involving meeting quite a few people. I was going to be on campus all day with classes, meeting up with a girl to study with (we just started meeting, we're not friends, so it still kinda makes me nervous), going to a meeting for a side project I'm doing, and also attending therapy. I listed my emotions (anxious, scared) and how uncomfortable I felt (7, 8; on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being the worst), as well as my thoughts (I'm going to come off as stupid; no one likes me; no one cares about me; I can't talk to anyone). Then I listed alternative thoughts to combat the negative ones (It won't be so bad; the day will go by faster doing all this; at least I'm not bored and sitting inside all day; I can be charming and likable if I try to put myself out there; it's good to be busy and not to wallow), then looking at those thoughts, I indicated how I felt after thinking about it (anxious - 6, scared - 6).

I really like this method as it doesn't aim for replacing negative thoughts, as it tries to work with your thinking. You're seeing your thinking patterns in all its entirety and trying to work with it rather than trying to replace those thoughts -- which is what I think we try to do when we talk to people about our issues and most just say, "Hey you have nothing to worry about." or something along those lines. I'm honestly thinking about going out to buy a journal to try logging more often.

As tough as it will seem, this is where you sort of need to be a little selfish. Think to yourself 'I'm not here to make friends or be your friend. I'm here to pick up any little bits of info that may help.'..

So try not to look at the person who's talking, but listen to what they're saying.
^ Right. I have been picking up some info, but I just find it hard to concentrate during some moments of the session when my anxiety gets triggered when he starts saying how he's going to pick people at random and forces you to share. I was told from the start, by my therapist, that I didn't have to share anything if I didn't want to, I could just listen, but yet this guy hosting it is making us...? I don't get it.


Well-known member
I have spent days on this freaking assignment, I've tried every single possible thing and my model accuracy is still stuck at 70%. According to our teacher we should all stabilise around 84% accuracy so I'm still way off and I don't understand why. I only have 3 more weeks to figure this out and write a report.

I should be doing this with another guy but he's always busy, haven't seen him in the last 3 weeks. Can't really do anything about that.


Well-known member
"Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier.'"

I hope so. I am hopeful and scared for the approaching new year. But more hopeful than scared. I think.


Well-known member
I have spent days on this freaking assignment, I've tried every single possible thing and my model accuracy is still stuck at 70%. According to our teacher we should all stabilise around 84% accuracy so I'm still way off and I don't understand why. I only have 3 more weeks to figure this out and write a report.

I should be doing this with another guy but he's always busy, haven't seen him in the last 3 weeks. Can't really do anything about that.

This freaking assignment is making me feel like this field of study might be too complex for my brain. It's so frustrating. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
I can't let go of the past. Can't let go of my mistakes. Can't forgive myself. Can't love myself. Why am I still even trying?


Regardless of what you think about climate change, how is it that it's 2015 and people are arguing that it's a bad idea to give scientists the ability to express themselves freely in the press?

I'm not saying we're living in a true democracy, but how can people actually argue in FAVOR of an uneducated population incapable of making informed decisions?

I still remember when the right-wingers actually cared about the environment and weren't such incredible morons. In the 80s they were all about fighting acid rain and recycling! In fact, it used to be that both sides could agree that ruining the environment was probably not a good idea... the only real difference was HOW they were going to help.

Now it's the obnoxious conservatives coming out with 'drill baby drill', conspiracy theories about corrupt scientists and making fun of anyone who says that we might want to listen to people who actually know what they're talking about.
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Well-known member
For most people, "thinking for themselves" is still hilariously not so. It's just moving on to blaming video games, pop music, technology, feminism, or something else for all their and the world's problems so that they can be absolved of responsibility for the state of themselves and the world around them. It's hard to take a 20-something seriously when they think pop music being shallow is why people are shallow or World of Warcraft being fun is why they spent their teenage years avoiding school and work.

Couldn't possibly be the fault of something complicated that they could have blame in, like how we raise and condition our children or poor willpower and time management. No, that would just mean they're not the victims here... victims of Lady GaGa and Deathwing the dragon.

People just do things like go from using religion as their crutch to using drugs as their crutch. That's how people "rebel" and "think for themselves". The same people who complain that Christians bullied them growing up join a different religion and bully the Christians around them.

Some days everything seems like it's just the product of the sickness running rampant in people, like I'm swimming in factory sludge and trying to keep it from tainting me. It's why I can't commit to communities, why groups do nothing for me, and why I don't really care that much. I see the same attitude in video games ("It's everyone else's fault we lost!") but at least it's just a game then and I can turn it off. It's worse when it's people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, doing it to everything in real-life or in positions of power.

At least I admit that my life sucks because I didn't do anything for years, not because the Internet forced me to sit inside. At least I left my parents' religion at 8 and actually left it, instead of carrying it with me years after leaving as my excuse to be a ****.
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