I hate how society is so uber image obsessed these days. Its sad.
I just feel bad for the guys who have to spend all day retrieving dildos from power lines.
At least they weren't used.... Well, Portland has a lot of interesting folks, so I don't know lol.
If anything they can have sword fights![]()
Yeah Art Bells returns to radio tonight. The world is a better place again.
so true - "The state of public toilets suggests not everyone was successfully potty trained."
I've been hating myself lately. I think it might have something to do with all the negative vibes at my work place in the last months. I wish I could just quit and go live in a tropical place where there is more trees than people so I can just fish, cook, get fruits in the trees and play in the sand. Sounds lazy and utopic but when you think about it that's what people used to do in these places before we destroyed everything to build resorts.
Yes, there certainly is a lack of "character" in modern electronics (& cars).I don't like the minimalism in design these days too. I miss products from the 90s and early 2000s. I like a few buttons.
And things don't last as long as they used to
Thanks to this image, i found this fantastic band "Balduin"!. Listening to "All In A Dream" (full album). It's very seagent-pepper-beatles-like. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._,.~*~.,_,.~*~.,_,.~*~.,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I agree. I just wish he wasn't on so late. Looks like he will be on at 12am EST and I have to get up early tomorrow. :crying:
Start wearing Hawaiian shirts and sandals to work, maybe plant the fruit tree in the lobby, and set some fish free in the company fountain. If you can't go to the utopia, bring the utopia to work!![]()
That sux, man! Starts at 10 pm no "Midnight in the Desert" lol
Graham Hancock is his first guest- love him! He is great. WIsh I could afford his new book. Sounds amazing.
Hope you get to listen soon.
Oh, you should just become a "Time Traveler" and I think you can listen and download anytime, right? $5.00 a month seems reasonable.
Wow-That was an excellent show! Art is back, Woo Hoo!!! Crystal Gale and all![]()
Imagine if we were all followed around by a Greek chorus. Epic or annoying?