Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I read an article the other day where a company has plans to mine the moon. Initially I thought 'oh well, it's how we as a species will keep progressing, by branching out into space'.
But after I thought about it some more I realised that it could be a choice that has disastrous implications for the human race. The moon stays in orbit due to the fine balance of size, weight and gravity of both the earth and moon together. If we go changing the weight of the moon - even slightly - it could mean huge effects on the tides and ocean currents. We all know just how dangerous that could be.

It would make global warming look like a picnic..
It dumbfounds me that we as a species think we are so smart, but we can do things that are so seriously stupid.

I completely agree with you on this.
I read an article the other day where a company has plans to mine the moon. Initially I thought 'oh well, it's how we as a species will keep progressing, by branching out into space'.
But after I thought about it some more I realised that it could be a choice that has disastrous implications for the human race. The moon stays in orbit due to the fine balance of size, weight and gravity of both the earth and moon together. If we go changing the weight of the moon - even slightly - it could mean huge effects on the tides and ocean currents. We all know just how dangerous that could be.

It would make global warming look like a picnic..
It dumbfounds me that we as a species think we are so smart, but we can do things that are so seriously stupid.

Unlike the climate, orbital mechanics and tidal forces are very well understood and very predictable, and the balance of forces between the Earth and Moon is actually not very delicate. The speed at which Earth rotates changes slightly every day, the path Earth takes around the Sun is slightly different every year, and the same goes for the Moon's orbit, and even the rates at which these things change is not constant.

The mining we do here on Earth already has an effect. Mining brings material "up", away from the Earth's axis of rotation, which negligibly (but by a calculable amount) slows the Earth's rotation. Damming rivers does the same thing.

I'm just not sure this particular issue is worth worrying about.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I bet there is a verrry interesting story attached to that! :giggle:

Is it a :kickingmyself: :sad: result?

Or a :eek: result?

Aw, nothing so exciting really. In the end I finished my project, it's just that it became increasingly difficult to do so and I had to keep breaking up the hardening concrete with a shovel. Normally I do projects that require multiple bags at a time and I pour the stuff as soon as I mix it. This time, I would have been better mixing it up one cup at a time.

Unlike the climate, orbital mechanics and tidal forces are very well understood and very predictable, and the balance of forces between the Earth and Moon is actually not very delicate. The speed at which Earth rotates changes slightly every day, the path Earth takes around the Sun is slightly different every year, and the same goes for the Moon's orbit, and even the rates at which these things change is not constant.

The mining we do here on Earth already has an effect. Mining brings material "up", away from the Earth's axis of rotation, which negligibly (but by a calculable amount) slows the Earth's rotation. Damming rivers does the same thing.

I'm just not sure this particular issue is worth worrying about.

Yep. To begin with, the moon is already leaving us. Have been since the beginning. There's no such thing as a truly stable orbit. After that, consider that the amount of mass required to significantly destabilize the orbit of the moon will be beyond out capabilities to remove for the foreseeable future.

What we're doing to our own planet is far, far worse in terms of the decimation of life.


Well-known member
How powerful is the mind?

My mind can cause so much pain for me, a self fulfilling prophecy of the worse happening. It can make other people angry, swear and scream at me, call me names, view me with distrust and suspicion, think the absolute worse, question my integrity as a human being, reach the conclusions that I fear. My thoughts can cause all that? That is powerful. How weak are the minds of those who react with such hostility and discrimination to me? My fear manipulates their thoughts and how they react, an undesired consequence but nevertheless true. How powerful are the minds of those that see beyond the fear, and speak with kindness despite my difference?

How powerful is the mind, what if it could be harnessed into shifting the balance to believing the best instead of the worst? How powerful is my mind, so weakened by fear, but helpful thoughts still make it through, and I can act on them and build a dream out of a nightmare. My mind so weakened, can still beat illness and pain, rebuild and create, make miracles happen, open my world into never dreamed of horizons, find happiness for itself.

What if my mind was stronger, anything might be possible? How powerful would a mind like that be?
I have only ever been to two concerts in my life - neither of which were particularly memorable - and I have the money to go see someone this summer so I'm wondering... who should I see in concert? I need to see who'll be playing Boston this summer. Or even in May - the sooner the better. I'd like to see someone alternative. Very excited :D

Also Noam Chomsky will be at my school soooooon!
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You want to know how I got these scars?
Unlike the climate, orbital mechanics and tidal forces are very well understood and very predictable, and the balance of forces between the Earth and Moon is actually not very delicate. The speed at which Earth rotates changes slightly every day, the path Earth takes around the Sun is slightly different every year, and the same goes for the Moon's orbit, and even the rates at which these things change is not constant.

The mining we do here on Earth already has an effect. Mining brings material "up", away from the Earth's axis of rotation, which negligibly (but by a calculable amount) slows the Earth's rotation. Damming rivers does the same thing.

I disagree.
Yes moving stuff around on earth doesn't have much effect, because you are not changing the mass between the two orbiting planets. But take part of the moon and bring it back to earth?....

Mass = everything on a planetary scale.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Yep. To begin with, the moon is already leaving us. Have been since the beginning. There's no such thing as a truly stable orbit. After that, consider that the amount of mass required to significantly destabilize the orbit of the moon will be beyond out capabilities to remove for the foreseeable future.

What we're doing to our own planet is far, far worse in terms of the decimation of life.

Yes it's common knowledge the moon is making incremental movements away from the earth each year(for those with an interest in astronomy).This forces the earths environment to change (whether it will be suitable for human habitat because of it remains to be seen).

But if you believe in 75 years we as a species can effect our climate negatively, but within the next 100 we won't be able to find a way to mine the moon and bring large quantities of extract back..
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Active member
This is hard. I want a new job but i am scared to make the leap... Because I'm tired of being unsuccessful at my jobs. But I really do hate my job. Stuck... Stupid brain... I don't want to be an unsuccessful person when I'm old... :( I'm just totally disappointed in my self & idk what to do. I wish I had a cheerleader or just one single person to help me through this and be a positive light in my life... But I don't... I guess that person has to be me. What a lonely realization... What ever.
We are all but one grain of sand on a beach that spans for miles and miles and miles.

Why should we even bother worrying about anything?

Our old instincts to reproduce to ensure the survival of our species is now obsolete and irrelevant.
7 billion and counting.....

Most of us are nothing but excess matter.
Why even bother? :sad:


Well-known member
We are all but one grain of sand on a beach that spans for miles and miles and miles.

Why should we even bother worrying about anything?

Our old instincts to reproduce to ensure the survival of our species is now obsolete and irrelevant.
7 billion and counting.....

Most of us are nothing but excess matter.
Why even bother? :sad:

I feel like this all the time.

We need an existential crisis sub-forum on here, but what would be the point?!?!?!(see what I did there?:bigsmile:)


Well-known member
We are all but one grain of sand on a beach that spans for miles and miles and miles.

Why should we even bother worrying about anything?

Our old instincts to reproduce to ensure the survival of our species is now obsolete and irrelevant.
7 billion and counting.....

Most of us are nothing but excess matter.
Why even bother? :sad:

Often times when looking at the world, life, or different subjects, I find it helpful for me, personally, to consider a more fluid perspective. I agree with you that in the grand scheme of things, in and of ourselves, we are indeed very small, but a piece of the largest puzzle imaginable.

In knowing this, we can internalize the idea that we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously or think too highly of ourselves. However, we are, at least, to some degree, also self-actualizing puzzle pieces. So, were one piece to be missing, maybe Joe Shmoe miles away or some alien planet would be unaware, but those that surround it would know of that which is missing. You can take these to be family, friends, coworkers, or anyone who you may have positively influenced whether knowingly or unknowingly. That's just one puzzle piece. Who knows how the next would be affected if it was not or was no longer part of the picture.

In keeping with the ocean theme, even though we are all similar combinations of matter on an endless beach, it doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the view- a wonderful ocean. An ocean that ebbs and flows, with no inherent meaning, purpose, yes, but that goes as it goes and goes through a spectrum of life. Maybe life is nothing, but wow, isn't that something? That out of nothing we can make anything? Even if imagined? Even if fleeting?
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Well-known member
That's really beautiful and true somethingvague.

BlueDays and S_Spartan
I know how you feel completely..but the more I learn about this world and how we are "set up to fail" by the people who rule this planet the more I feel a deep desire to not only to reveal these lies and atrocities I feel also a real connection to being human again. I feel like I do belong here just as much as any species. Have you studied Tesla at all? Do you know he invited Free Energy? FREE energy for all of mankind. Can you imagine how many opportunities we would have if we were not forced to pay for things that should be free? Do you know there's cars that run off water? There are so many ways our civilization could be advancing for the better but this information and these patents are never going to go public for everyone to use and enjoy do you know why? Money. We live on the most beautiful planet in the most complex and amazing universe but until we can do away with money there is no hope really for us. There is more good than bad in the world the problem is the people with money rule the world and they need the general population enslaved in debt and too scared and weak to fight back. Look at all the toxins in the food now. That is meant to make your brain and body mush. Look at the education system falling apart the govt so full of corruption. What does the bread crumb trail always lead us back to? Money. We all worship the God Money. Think about it. It's so obvious when you do.
when you can get free of the insane level of corruption and greed we all live in everyday, you will maybe get a glimpse of what life could be. For me the Off The Grid movement is where it has always been at. The only way to get there though is to save money for land. We are really trapped on this planet. It is depressing!... why I am depressed is not chemical it's situational. The situation of this world sucks!


Well-known member
If I pm someone on here, will it send an email notification that they have a message? I'm worried they might not know they have a message if they don't log on for a little while.
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If I pm someone on here, will it send an email notification that they have a message? I'm worried they might not know they have a message if they don't log on for a little while.

Only if the "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages" box is ticked