Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


in a VAN down by the RIVER
There is no escape, only distraction.

I don't know if that's true, but I said it out loud in my Yoda voice and it at least sounded good.

EDIT - it sounds even better in my Splinter from TMNT voice.

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Well-known member
Finally went to the allergist. I've been having acid reflux and I thought it could be because of all the snot I feel in my throat, but she said it's better to check a gastroenterologist. She prescribed something that can help me with it and gave me some tips like eating an hour before going to bed, so I'll see how that works before going to the doctor.


Well-known member
Finally went to the allergist. I've been having acid reflux and I thought it could be because of all the snot I feel in my throat, but she said it's better to check a gastroenterologist. She prescribed something that can help me with it and gave me some tips like eating an hour before going to bed, so I'll see how that works before going to the doctor.

Try taking apple cider vinegar. You have to get the raw organic stuff at the health food store. It's an old, natural remedy for reflux.


Well-known member
You know the feeling when you listen to an upbeat music, you get a surge of overwhelming happiness so you keep playing it over and over again.... then little by little a vague sense of bitterness creeps in, realizing how much you're missing out in life... how the song contrasts to what you are having at the moment. How you wanna be a part of that jumping crowd but you can't coz you're alone. Then you remember the missed opportunities in the past... and you feel bad coz you're not getting younger anymore.
I just got ripped to shreds online by a feminist. I am a woman, but that doesn't count with some stubborn females apparently. :idontknow:
*cuddles with her teddy in the corner* :bigsmile:


Well-known member

Yikes-Uma Therman is another Renee Zelwigger! What is going on with these people? They need to stay away from those horrible plastic surgeons!
They end up looking nothing like they did before Uma Thurman Looks Unrecognizable, Wears Minimal Makeup, Sleek Hair - Us Weekly

And now we are supposed to think it's actually just normal aging and not fillers and botox?

Please! She was so pretty, now she looks alien... what a shame...

I say we reject this crap and stop pushing these awful beauty and aging standards on people. These Hollywood types are really setting a bad example as usual.

That is all.


Well-known member
Try taking apple cider vinegar. You have to get the raw organic stuff at the health food store. It's an old, natural remedy for reflux.
I got both the medicine and the apple cider vinegar. After reading the side effects of the medicine, I decided to try apple cider vinegar first. The side effects weren't very frequent, but it's stuff like bleeding from your eyes/mouth/nose/lips/genitals and "rapid deterioration of your general health state". I'd like to avoid being exposed to that risk.


Well-known member
I got both the medicine and the apple cider vinegar. After reading the side effects of the medicine, I decided to try apple cider vinegar first. The side effects weren't very frequent, but it's stuff like bleeding from your eyes/mouth/nose/lips/genitals and "rapid deterioration of your general health state". I'd like to avoid being exposed to that risk.

I was in your exact situation two years ago. Then I was hearing that those medicines make you dependent on them.
The vinegar helped me. Exercise seemed to help also. I hardly ever get it now and I eat some crap and spicy foods!
I was taking two teaspoons per day right before meals. If it's too strong straight you can mix it with water.
Some dude at the health food store recommended drinking it through a straw so the acidic vinegar doesn't wash over your teeth but I think eating right after taking it would take care of that.
I still take a teaspoon per day just for appetite control and it's many other benefits.
Good luck my friend!


Well-known member
I truly hate that thing they do on TV shows when a beautiful woman or group of women walk into a room and they show them strutting sexy in slow motion with this like half smile/half stuck up look on their face while sexy music plays in the background. Sometimes they will make their hair blow a little with a fan.
They do that over and over again on TV.
Real life is nothing at all like that.