[/QUOTE]I've felt odd, kind of craving some semi-normal interaction for once. Most of the human beings around me have no knowledge of basic human behavior and it's driving me insane.
When you are able to mantain a fluent, adult conversation with your 7 year old niece... but not with a bunch of folks in their 20/30's, something is not working right.
I think I'm afraid of going crazy. I fear that this behavior around me is not okay and it's starting to affect me. I'm not sure. Something is seriously wrong here, but can't tell what it is.[/QUOTE]
Hellhound, it sounds like it could be related to 'perceived potential threats'.
A classic hallmark of SA.
We don't perceive kids as any kind of social threat, so our mind can subconsciously relax, allowing it to work normally.
But we can tend to see adults (consciously or subconsciously) as having/thinking ulterior motives against us. Our mind feels insecure and it sort of...has an information traffic jam. This has happened to me numerous times.
You are not crazy (or heading there)

Though when we don't understand why things are happening it can seem that way.