Well-known member
I relate so much, being five inches shorter would make my life easier. Lol
This is what we need

I relate so much, being five inches shorter would make my life easier. Lol
TALL PEOPLE SHORT WORLD. Knocked my head twice today on different objects that average-height people would not. There is a huge welt on my forehead.
You know those range hoods that go over stoves... WHY? All the time!!! At least once a week. I'm not even going to have one when I build my castle.
When I am rich, no short people will be allowed on my property. Liability. Everything will be inconvenient and unsafe for them.
Oh, cry me a river. You can duck, can't you? Try being a sawed-off runt in a world clearly built for giants. Can't reach anything on a top shelf; can't find clothes that fit 'cause everything's too damn long. Always have to look up at everyone else; always looked down upon in every conceivable way. You bumped your head? Boo hoo. Tall people get what they deserve. :veryangry:
My dogs are wondering why I am laughing at this inanimate box thing on my lap.
Hate speech! This is America and I will sue you!
^ I can relate to being too short.Oh, cry me a river. You can duck, can't you? Try being a sawed-off runt in a world clearly built for giants. Can't reach anything on a top shelf; can't find clothes that fit 'cause everything's too damn long. Always have to look up at everyone else; always looked down upon in every conceivable way. You bumped your head? Boo hoo. Tall people get what they deserve. :veryangry:
One dog looks at dottie and says to other dog "Dude! How long have we lived here? And she still knockin' her head on the hood vent!"
2nd dog says "It's gonna be ok, she's not house trained yet!" :lol:
I think we're going to need a photo of this. :But I need that extra letter to compensate for the lack of lush fuzz under my schnoz.
Throw me a dream please
It's been a dreamless sleep
For such a long time
Such a long time
I think that people overall are getting meaner and more rude.