Heh. .... some say its already here.
Yeah, but some also say the moon landings never happened, even though enormous rockets were built and shot off into the sky in clear view of thousands of people
Heh. .... some say its already here.
Yeah, but some also say the moon landings never happened, even though enormous rockets were built and shot off into the sky in clear view of thousands of peopleh:
Everyone believes differently and i respect that and expect the same in return.
To nobody in particular: I know I'm opening the flood gates for people to tell me I'm wrong or dumb or whatever but i believe what i believe and that's that. Everyone believes differently and i respect that and expect the same in return.
Someone is walking back and forth down my street playing the bag pipes. Good thing I'm not sleeping
I joined an online dating site.
I wonder why? Am I hopeful or just hopeless?
I once joined a Russian Bride website. (No picture, incomplete and wrong profile and yahoo email)
Numbers of emails professing undying love: 170.
Number of profile views:1
My parents complain that they never see me, so I just invited them for dinner tomorrow night... And now I'm very depressed about it. Haha
My parents complain that they never see me, so I just invited them for dinner tomorrow night... And now I'm very depressed about it. Haha
Any specific reason for it? Usually it would be good to have your parents... Best wishes
Dinnae take offense at whit ah'm aboot tae say, but... It sounds like yer parents might huv guilt-tripped ye intae inviting them round fur dinner. At least that's the impression ah git... Jist sayin'.
Nah my parents are alright, but they were not when I lived with them and everytime I see them it's like all the shame and self-hate that I managed to bury since I left their house is trying to come back to the surface. So now the less I see them the better I feel.
And yes my mother is very good to play the victim and make me feel guilty, she's that kind of person.
Fortunately I'm a cold hearted one. :thumbup: