Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
My chickens have quadrupled in size in less than 3 weeks and are now bigger than pigeons. Wow, hard to believe how fast they grow!
In other news, I have auras and am pretty sure I am getting a migraine :(

How awesome. I bet they do grow fast!...what kind?? I want some chickies for meself too. I want to hatch them from eggs.

I have a meeting of business over dinner this, Thur. kinda nervous about it.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Nearly twenty years out of high school, I still have dreams where I've been told that I have to repeat senior year, for what would be the 18th time. It sounds funny, but those dreams really mess my head up, they make me think of how much I've been held back by SP.


Well-known member
Last Friday I e-mailed my major department at the college about a few concerns. I wanted to know if I was supposed to know who my advisor was prior to my advising meeting in June, and also if I was fully registered for classes that I did on my own or whether nothing was official until I had my meeting. (My registration status says RW, whatever that means.) I just got a reply back in which she listed the dates for advisement meetings and said how I could sign up for one. Thank you for not answering any of my questions! :thumbup: I love it when they do that. :rolleyes::eek:mg:

The least she could've done was replied honestly that she couldn't answer my questions and then directed me to someone who could.


Well-known member
Tired and lonely( not that bad as it usually is).
Life is such a long boring pointless whatever..they call it journey.

I wish I had a lot of money, but then it would have been equally boring.
I find life pretty much uninteresting, expect when i deliberately try to put on a smiling face or laugh alone watching something. Why I am so alone?


Well-known member
I don't want to hope or wonder. I just want it to actually last and for someone to be there with me. Someone who can deal with me, accept me, and make me believe that it's possible.


Well-known member
Nearly twenty years out of high school, I still have dreams where I've been told that I have to repeat senior year, for what would be the 18th time. It sounds funny, but those dreams really mess my head up, they make me think of how much I've been held back by SP.

I like to interpret my dreams. I learned after so many "school" dreams, that it meant I felt behind. When I have that dream, I always notice that I'm feeling down and ashamed at where I am in my life so it's pretty accurate.


Well-known member
Re: off and away

I have the compulsive urge to just run away and join some hippie commune or off the grid community right now.

You should really analyze those urges, and if that is something you think you want to do, then do it. This isn't a test run, this is your life! I think it would be fun.
The best part is knowing that if you change your mind there will always be low wage jobs available when you get back (sad, but true..)


Well-known member

After (3 weeks in):


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
This isn't a test run, this is your life!
I agree 100%!

How are your numbers? So for only 1 of my barred rocks have disappeared (I suspect a hawk). Not sure where you live, but I'm in the boonies and hawks, owls, and so on are quite common.

They've learned to go inside at night without being chased down and tossed in, and as of this morning some of them have started roosting on the shelves like the grown-ups. :)


Well-known member
It's still too cold here for mine to go outside and since I have no hens to protect them, I am keeping them in (but believe me, I am looking forward to them going out as we have to change the litter every other day or they smell bad!) None of ours have died, so happy about that. I must be keeping them warm enough. My husband is outside working on the coop as we speak, so I am looking forward to it!
Sorry to hear you are missing one. Love the way they roost, it's adorable. They fly up to the top of the brooder box so we have to put net on it. They sure grow fast!


Well-known member

After (3 weeks in):

Oh wow those are great photos! TY for sharing! :) You have a lot of birds! Are they all hens? Did you mail order them? I am still learning...are they a few Wyandottes and what are the lighter ones? I am wanting some Buff Orpentings myself...Then I think well maybe I am crazy for wanting chickens LoL I hear they are the gateway farm animal. Next is goats....

Very cool and congrats on your growing flock!

What if they are all hens you will have a maybe up to 30 eggs a week?!


Re: off and away

I have the compulsive urge to just run away and join some hippie commune or off the grid community right now.


I'm the same way... I have been endlessly studying off-grid type setups and looking at land. Maybe we could build an SPW anxiety-free commune!


Well-known member
Oh wow those are great photos! TY for sharing! :) You have a lot of birds! Are they all hens? Did you mail order them? I am still learning...are they a few Wyandottes and what are the lighter ones? I am wanting some Buff Orpentings myself...Then I think well maybe I am crazy for wanting chickens LoL I hear they are the gateway farm animal. Next is goats....

Very cool and congrats on your growing flock!

What if they are all hens you will have a maybe up to 30 eggs a week?!

There are 10 total, 5 Barred Rock (the black and whites) and 5 buff orpingtons. So far I like the orpingtons the best. I wanted the barred rocks because they are stunning, but the orpingtons are so sweet and come right up to you, less skittish than the rocks.
I hope we gets tons of eggs :D We have 5 kids and I do a ton of baking, so they will get used. I have serious allergies to MSG so I am forced to make almost everything from scratch. If we have extras we will have to share with the neighbors for putting up with the cackling, lol! We are right inside the city, but only have one immediate neighbor as we are on a corner and against a hill. The birds are all hens, I am pretty sure if we had a rooster waking everyone up we would be run out of town!
My 3 year old is calling all the robins and wrens chickens too. Today he was telling me that there was a chicken on the tree. I freaked out at first until I realized he just meant a bird :bigsmile:


Well-known member
Re: off and away


I'm the same way... I have been endlessly studying off-grid type setups and looking at land. Maybe we could build an SPW anxiety-free commune!

I would be awfully tempted to join your commune :D One nice thing about dealing with others with social anxiety is that they realize that we need to be extra gentle with each other's feelings :thumbup: