I've been thinking about making a big (maybe huge) thread with different advice, tips, help, etc for lessening and/or overcoming social anxiety. Basically the first post would be an index, and then each topic would have it's own post, and the index would have links to each post.
I've started reading about body language and having been thinking up my own ideas of ways to help me socialize, become more comfortable around other people, share myself with others, and make friends. Currently since I'm not working I don't have a reason, or money, to be going places and being around a lot of people several times a week. So I would prefer to wait until I am working so I can try out my ideas, maybe refine them, before finalizing and posting this topic.
I think it would be a good idea though if some of us got together and shared things that have worked for us. Especially things that we thought up ourselves that you may not find out about easily. I'm sure some of you have good ideas. Nothing is too silly or simple to not be included, in my opinion.
I just think it would be a good idea to have a helpful sticky with lots of information, even though people still post before searching/looking at stickies, etc. I am going to make something like this whether or not it ends up being posted here or can become a sticky, etc. When I have a website I will probably post it there.