(Because I'm one sick mofo) I was watching a video of open-heart surgery (man, I miss having Discovery Health :sad: Stupid cheap basic cable package), and, well, I feel kind of dumb, but... I hadn't realized that you'd actually be able to hear the heart beating with the chest open, and hear it even louder than usual. I know that's kind of "duh", but it's such a freaky thought. It sounds 2-3 times as loud with the chest open. All I could think of was "The Telltale Heart" while listening to it thud.
Edit: Watched part of a Lasik eye surgery... oh my god :O They cut part of your cornea away, and you're still awake! Obviously your eyes are anesthetized, but you can see the cutting apparatus coming toward you, and when the doctor removes the flap you can see that too! NEVER EVER. My mom wants that surgery. Who the hell could deal with that?