Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I stopped using texts or fb messages as a form of communication because I can no longer use emoticons. I see them as childish and overused so I just use one or two, and very occasionally. I also dislike using "lol" and stuff like that so it's harder to convey laughter or to let the other person know I read what they wrote but I have nothing to add. These little things made it kinda hard for me to communicate via text, which was something I was pretty good at 6 years ago but absolutely terrible at nowadays. I mean, when I was 14 I got a girlfriend (the only so far) just through the usage of messenger and texts. One week I sent over 1500 sms (most of them to that girl). Nowadays I send 5 a week if I'm feeling chatty.
Nothing wrong with emoticons! :applause: :thumbup: :cool: :reading:
More snow, and then even more snow... We have enough snow. We don't need any more snow. There is plenty of snow to go around. Stop snowing. STOP SNOWING.


Well-known member
^ I can so relate to that, dottie.:sad:
The more you communicate verbally, the more information you reveal about yourself that someone could potentially use to harm you. It's such an irrational fear, but so hard to quell.:idontknow:

How do you mean? In the sense that people might find out more about you, or just in the sense that you feel you're drawing too much attention to yourself? Or something else?

Too much attention + confidence + paranoia... I find myself withdrawing big time. The rare words I speak are bare minimum, usually close-ended answers. In real life, talking to other people feels like nails on a chalkboard... When someone speaks to me I feel like running for emergency evacuation (literally, not an exaggeration). It's not them, it's me. I often feel moved, and there are many things I want to express but words feel so mechanical and unnatural that I fear I will come across as insincere or awkward... so I don't say anything. I feel bound and powerless. I am functioning, but just barely. Thanks for listening.
(Because I'm one sick mofo) I was watching a video of open-heart surgery (man, I miss having Discovery Health :sad: Stupid cheap basic cable package), and, well, I feel kind of dumb, but... I hadn't realized that you'd actually be able to hear the heart beating with the chest open, and hear it even louder than usual. I know that's kind of "duh", but it's such a freaky thought. It sounds 2-3 times as loud with the chest open. All I could think of was "The Telltale Heart" while listening to it thud.

Edit: Watched part of a Lasik eye surgery... oh my god :O They cut part of your cornea away, and you're still awake! Obviously your eyes are anesthetized, but you can see the cutting apparatus coming toward you, and when the doctor removes the flap you can see that too! NEVER EVER. My mom wants that surgery. Who the hell could deal with that?
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Too much attention + confidence + paranoia... I find myself withdrawing big time. The rare words I speak are bare minimum, usually close-ended answers. In real life, talking to other people feels like nails on a chalkboard... When someone speaks to me I feel like running for emergency evacuation (literally, not an exaggeration). It's not them, it's me. I often feel moved, and there are many things I want to express but words feel so mechanical and unnatural that I fear I will come across as insincere or awkward... so I don't say anything. I feel bound and powerless. I am functioning, but just barely. Thanks for listening.

:( I'm sorry dottie. Have you ever tried CBT or considered it?
Man, doing a whole lotta nothing sure makes you tired.

Well... I've been playing Civilization V, so I guess it's not technically nothing. The game seems like it would get really boring after a while, though. It's just like Farmville.


Well-known member
Finally done with the toughest part of my Intro to Chemistry online class. The teacher put a lot of material in week 2 and 3 (specially week 2), which took me 3 weeks to go through. The deadline to complete the quiz for week 2 was last week (and I managed to complete it just in time, since week 2 took me two weeks to go through), and the deadline for week 3 is this Monday.
Going through all the videos and taking notes was very time consuming. It wasn't particularly hard though, I didn't revise (in order to make the quizzes in time) and I got the maximum score in my first try in both weeks.

Week 4 doesn't look particularly long looking at the duration of each video and the number of videos. I'll have to complete it and the peer assessment by next week but it shouldn't be as time consuming as these last three weeks.