Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I don't understand Outback Steakhouse. The only thing Australian about it is the names of the food. Oh wait, those are stereotypical names created by Americans. So yeah... nothing Australian about it. It's just a steakhouse with corny "Aussie" food names and some novelty decor. I find it kind of embarrassing.
Haha, there's an Outback Steakhouse not far from me. I've been there a couple of times and it's quite nice. I suppose for an American it can be a bit wishy-washy.

I've had those onions there that phocas posted. It was the entree and once we were finished I was just about full. :giggle:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Is this joke funny or just racist...?

"You look like a (choose a word from the list below) ...with that beard!

  • Muslim
  • Islamic Extremist
  • Terrorist
  • Syrian Rebel

Ma oldest sister - well step-sister, technically - says this above mentioned "joke" everytime ma beard gets to a certain length. It's the only reason I even bother to trim ma beard down, though ah never tell her that. Aye, ah know what yer thinkin': Graeme, why the f**k would ye do that, ya daft bastard?! I'm too passive aggressive in ma nature, too nice. Basically, right, the joke's implying that all brown skinned people look the same and are terrorist. Ooop, did I really just say that? :sarcastic:

Naw! Didn't think it was that funny!
Doesn't really help that I got bullied at school for being mixed race, either. So maybe that's why it pisses me off, so much? And if that joke wasn't funny when I was a wee lad, it's still not funny hearin' a variation of it as an adult. Mind you, it's a nice attempt a politically incorrect humour - it's just sh*te, but got tae admire the effort! Granted it's a better than: "Oi paki... Hahahaha!!" But that's no sayin' much, is it?

It's not exactly the most appropriate thing for a white person (ma sister) to say to someone of mixed race (me), it is? Before y'all get offended, don't worry, I do have a point in this rant. Read on, if ye can be bothered. (A wee bit o' subtle humour, there - just for me, mind you, but still...) Anyway...

I think the only reason I let inappropriate jokes slide with ma family. Is because of exactly that, they're family! It's perfectly acceptable for yer family to make jokes at each others expense, isn't it? There's no consequences or any consideration for one's feelings when the punchline is: "... I'm only joking!".

I mean, hypothetically speakin' - whatever the f**k that means? - say yer being bullied, made fun of and gettin' called ugly. You wouldn't respond to an insult with this comeback: "At least ma reflection doesnae huv a brown paper bag over its head when ah look in mirror! Only jokin'..." :eek: Would you? No! Unless, you had the balls & a Scottish accent to give it the full affect - it's not called a punchline for no reason!

^ Even by Scottish humour standards, believe me, that's a f**kin' brutal putdown when said as written in the Scottish dialect. And the Scots are a twisted, cruel f**kin' bunch when it comes to insult comedy. Got tae remember, of course, with that style of comedy (insults / putdowns), there's a very fine line between being very funny and being a total c*nt! Ma point is this, remember ah mention that I had a point? Aye, right. So here's ma point:

If yer gonnae joke about someone else's appearance, f**kin' tread carefully! Because. if the intention is to make 'em, then it'd better be funny. Or else, you just end up comin' across as, and makin' yerself look like, a total c*nt!

Ah think ye get ma point? It's pretty clear, right? Sorry for wastin' yer time and boring you sh*tless with this rant. Ah didn't know what thread to post it in? F**kin' hell... Is this a rant or a f**kin' overly aggressive comedy essay? F**k knows! :idontknow: :bigsmile:


not actually Fiona Apple
As a current employee of Outback Steakhouse, I feel obligated to chip in my two cents (or about how much I make after taxes ::p:)

When I first started working there I wondered what exactly Australia is known for food-wise, and nothing in particular came to mind. I'm not exactly an expert on food, but I don't think Australia has it's own "type" of food, does it? It seems like eating american style food or British style food, it isn't really as defined as Mexican or Italian, or maybe it's just that as an American I am used to the food and just call it food, I don't know :idontknow:

Outback I think is more of a themed steakhouse, with it's food now being associated with Australia. I would call it as authentic as the accent on our answering machine ::p:


Well-known member
Really Australian food is bush tucker, bro. There are a few restuarants, cafes that serve Australian native foods and there are bush food suppliers.

They serve Kangaroo, Emu, Prawns, duck, Crocodile and lots of native fruits (Lily Pily, Brush Cherry) and vegetables, such as warrigal greens, bush tomatoes.
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Super Moderator
I hate it when some folks complain that they have no friends, but when you approach them just to ask where they are from and other silly things like that to break the ice, they tell you "Oh sorry, I don't want to reveal that"

Why do you complain in the first place? Just saying "I'm (for example) from Italy" isn't going to give a possible psycho murderer much information to be able to find you. I just asked where you are from, not your exact address. God...

Just presenting a random scenario based on a situation somewhere else, not calling anyone out. I'm really frustrated.


Well-known member
As a current employee of Outback Steakhouse, I feel obligated to chip in my two cents (or about how much I make after taxes ::p:)

When I first started working there I wondered what exactly Australia is known for food-wise, and nothing in particular came to mind. I'm not exactly an expert on food, but I don't think Australia has it's own "type" of food, does it? It seems like eating american style food or British style food, it isn't really as defined as Mexican or Italian, or maybe it's just that as an American I am used to the food and just call it food, I don't know :idontknow:

Outback I think is more of a themed steakhouse, with it's food now being associated with Australia. I would call it as authentic as the accent on our answering machine ::p:
Kiwong had it right with "bush tucker" type foods, but overall, the only thing we have is Vegemite (disgusting) and meat pies (some can be disgusting). The best food for me is definitely foreign: Italian, Mexican, German, Thai, American...yum yum!


Well-known member
Haha, there's an Outback Steakhouse not far from me. I've been there a couple of times and it's quite nice. I suppose for an American it can be a bit wishy-washy.

I've had those onions there that phocas posted. It was the entree and once we were finished I was just about full. :giggle:

It seems that is the Australian subsidiary of an American company, masquerading as Australian in Australia. I have never heard of "Aussie cheese fries" either

see: Outback Steakhouse - Restaurant Gift Cards - Locations - Menu.


All this talk about food is making me hungry. I set a goal for myself to only eat crappy vegetables and fruits today, and I am just craving real food right


Well-known member
Whatever battles I face, I face them alone. I have to keep fighting for myself even if I don't much like who I am. No one else will.


Well-known member
It seems that is the Australian subsidiary of an American company, masquerading as Australian in Australia. I have never heard of "Aussie cheese fries" either

see: Outback Steakhouse - Restaurant Gift Cards - Locations - Menu.
Hmm, yeah, there's no cheese fries here, although I wouldn't be too upset if they had them. :)

According to that site, there are only 6 in Australia. Surely that can't be right. Nevertheless, they made two spelling errors: It's "Wollongong" and it's "Princes Highway," Mr. Website. :giggle:
The Great Gatsby soundtrack is interesting. I had my reservations, but I like it after the first couple of listens. There are some songs I'm not too fond of (the rap songs), but it all fits together strangely. It seems like it could fit in with the Roaring 20's and today. (I'm very pleasantly surprised by the Andre 3000/Beyonce cover of Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black.")
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not actually Fiona Apple
The Great Gatsby soundtrack is interesting. I had my reservations, but I like it after the first couple of listens. There are some songs I'm not too fond of (the rap songs), but it all fits together strangely. It seems like it could fit in with the Roaring 20's and today. (I'm very pleasantly surprised by the Andre 3000/Beyonce cover of Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black.")

I think the Lana Del Rey track is totally fitting for the tone and atmosphere the movie and time are trying to convey. I was also very excited to hear the Sia track, love Sia :inlove:

Overall I thought it was good, and mainsteam which is fitting for the mainstream culture of the 20's.

Really Australian food is bush tucker, bro. There are a few restuarants, cafes that serve Australian native foods and there are bush food suppliers.

They serve Kangaroo, Emu, Prawns, duck, Crocodile and lots of native fruits (Lily Pily, Brush Cherry) and vegetables, such as warrigal greens, bush tomatoes.

Ah yes, I have a funny feeling a restaurant serving kangaroo, emu or crocodile would not have much success in the US.
I wish I was more interesting. :thinking:

I know! Juggle running chainsaws! This'll either make you very interesting.. or very dead.

Nah, but seriously, you're interesting plenty. You being one of those ''recognizable faces''on the forum kinda reinforces that notion.

And if all really does fail; you could always try juggling lions. Just sayin', that's fool proof.
I'm considering doing an Iron Marathon this evening. And no, that's not a really intensive run outside.. lol, exercise.

It's actually Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2 and The Avengers in a row.