Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Swum in the ocean for the first time (after taking that pic, of course)



Well-known member
^LoL I have messed up hard boiled eggs before too.

What is going on....every phone call I have made today people are being absolutely helpful and nice? I usually hate making calls but this is a down right pleasant activity today. People are being so cool to me...what is going on?


not actually Fiona Apple
On the bright side you only failed once.

Also, 100% of the time! :crying:

Haha. How do you mess up a boiled egg? :p Maybe if you undercook it (I think it's hard to overcook it though unless you leave it there for longer than 30 minutes)

Yes, I undercooked it, or at least didn't cook it enough for my liking. I cooked it for like ten minutes and then heard a *CRACK* with each shell cracking. I assumed as the water wasn't flooded with yolk at that point it must be cooked, but after unpeeling it I see the yolk is like, sort of cooked but still gooey and not crumbly like I wanted. I decided to try it, and then decided it would look better on the bottom of my trashcan.

I wish I had X-Ray vision


Well-known member
Less than 3 days until my husband is reunited with me. AHHHH WISH TIME WOULD GO FASTER! Not having to work would make it feel faster. -_-
Yes, I undercooked it, or at least didn't cook it enough for my liking. I cooked it for like ten minutes and then heard a *CRACK* with each shell cracking. I assumed as the water wasn't flooded with yolk at that point it must be cooked, but after unpeeling it I see the yolk is like, sort of cooked but still gooey and not crumbly like I wanted. I decided to try it, and then decided it would look better on the bottom of my trashcan.

I wish I had X-Ray vision

That is unusual for an egg not to be completely cooked after 10 mins. Did you have the temperature up to the highest amount possible? Did you time the 10 mins starting from when the water was really boiling properly?
To help prevent the shell cracking, place the egg in luke-warm water in the saucepan at the start.:thumbup:


Well-known member
Have you ever been trying to explain something to somebody,
And they just have this blank ass expression on their face and you can just tell that the point you're trying to get across is just flying over their ****ing head with such ferocious velocity that you can swear that it almost made an audible sound?

And you can tell that it's not processing in the way that you wanted to and you feel exhausted and want to give up midway though??

Or is it just me...
Yes, I undercooked it, or at least didn't cook it enough for my liking. I cooked it for like ten minutes and then heard a *CRACK* with each shell cracking. I assumed as the water wasn't flooded with yolk at that point it must be cooked, but after unpeeling it I see the yolk is like, sort of cooked but still gooey and not crumbly like I wanted. I decided to try it, and then decided it would look better on the bottom of my trashcan.

I wish I had X-Ray vision

Man, that's kind of an impressive achievement in itself. Did you boil them in lava by any chance?


Well-known member
I would really really love to learn how to stop caring and be an indifferent person. Indifference is the key to mental health and happiness. I'm the opposite way, I care too much. How do I block everything out?


Well-known member
I can't seem to sleep, for some reason. I might just end up pulling an all-nighter and chugging lots of caffeine throughout the day and hoping I can function at work properly.


Well-known member
Some days I am extremely self conscious and will avoid leaving the house altogether.

Thing is, I am about to go back to work for 4 weeks on an offshore platform where I will be sharing a cabin with 3 other people, 1 of whom I know, a bathroom with 7 other people, an an office that is 4 meters by 4 meters with upto 10 other people during the dayshift and there will be about 115 personnel living on top of each other. I know some of these people reasonably well as I have lived/worked with them before. My anxiety level goes through the roof some days, simply being around people 24/7, except when I draw the curtain around my bunk and sleep, starts to mess with my head and I have to try really hard to keep my avoidant behaviours in check. What I become frustrated with is that I can get through this, (barely on some occasions as when I am depressed it is hard to remain task focused and communicate/act in situations that can be rapidly changing, I struggle to keep up) but I will freak out at the idea of meeting one of these people outside of work say at a restaurant or a bar.
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not actually Fiona Apple
That is unusual for an egg not to be completely cooked after 10 mins. Did you have the temperature up to the highest amount possible? Did you time the 10 mins starting from when the water was really boiling properly?
To help prevent the shell cracking, place the egg in luke-warm water in the saucepan at the start.:thumbup:

Ah, yes I did put it in luke-warm water at the start, I did my research on egg cooking! I put it in and then started the water boiling on high, and turned it down when the water appeared to start to boil. It was probably less then ten minutes after the boil, I wasn't timing it though. I was hoping winging it would work. :eek:h:

Man, that's kind of an impressive achievement in itself. Did you boil them in lava by any chance?

That was my plan B, I know a great little volcano nearby that just has the best lava. They also sell novelty shirts which are a hoot and a half!