Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I find that if I focus hard enough and listen really deeply, I always hear some sort of ringing sound in my head. I notice it more when it's completely silent and sometimes it's really hard to get out of my head.


Well-known member
I find that if I focus hard enough and listen really deeply, I always hear some sort of ringing sound in my head. I notice it more when it's completely silent and sometimes it's really hard to get out of my head.
Sounds like tinnitus.


Well-known member
I probably have it because I play my music too loud. Either that, or some ear destroying disease I've never heard of and somehow managed to get. Though I'm pretty sure I don't have any hearing loss problems.
Yeah, loud music will do that. I have it because of loud music, too.

Doctors have been saying that our recent love affair with iPods and having earphones jammed in our ear canals will cause a deafness epidemic in years to come. They are not wrong.


Well-known member
I can never remember how to pronounce this correctly. Tin-it-tus? Tin-nigh-tus? Anyway, I'm totally going to go deaf from it as well. :thumbup:
I pronounce it as tin-nigh-tus, but I've heard it pronounced other ways. I guess I'm going deaf and can't hear it properly. :giggle:


Well-known member
Music's good for letting anger out too, or hearing some sounds that speak to the sadness/ pain you are feeling.
Yeah, loud music will do that. I have it because of loud music, too.

Doctors have been saying that our recent love affair with iPods and having earphones jammed in our ear canals will cause a deafness epidemic in years to come. They are not wrong.

I can never remember how to pronounce this correctly. Tin-it-tus? Tin-nigh-tus? Anyway, I'm totally going to go deaf from it as well. :thumbup: It's those frakking earbud headphones, I'm telling ya.

Yup, I expect to be needing a Hearing Aid earlier then I would have, if listening to loud music with earphones did not do such a good job of alleviating my stress! :eek:h: I just can't stop it as a stress release though :idontknow:


Well-known member
Yup, I expect to be needing a Hearing Aid earlier then I would have, if listening to loud music with earphones did not do such a good job of alleviating my stress! :eek:h: I just can't stop it as a stress release though :idontknow:
It's not easy to enjoy music at low volumes, unfortunately, so we always turn it up and it ruins our ears without us even knowing. But yes, like you, I will need a hearing aid in the future.


Well-known member
I'm going to really start making an effort to make new friends.
The only people I currently have to do things with are completely worthless.

Went to a concert with my one friend and my older brother on the 19th.
The concert was amazing...but I'm never buying them tickets or inviting them to anything ever again.


Well-known member
I need a vacation so bad! And not just a 5 day stay at home and rest type of thing either. I need to get away from everything that's been aggravating me.

The smilie above represents how I feel on a daily basis.
I... I have... abs :eek:

Not like those super-chiseled (in my opinion, unattractive - at least I wouldn't want them) six-pack abs -->

More like... these:
but slightly less flat. For now ;)

And this was just from doing Pilates and light cardio a few times a week (and of course, much better eating habits)! I can't believe it. I've NEVER had that before. I showed my sisters and they had the same reaction O_O

Hey, great effort and results. It's always nice to see people take care of themselves. You should also try to walk as much as possible (you wouldn't believe how much of a difference walking two to three hours can do in a week).

So for example, if you walk half an hour to the grocery store and then back again, you've already got an hour of exercise. Transportation and exercise, two bird with one stone. That's how I get all my exercise, by taking the most/more physically labouring route with mundane tasks.

This works especially well because after a while it becomes second nature, and you're getting healthy simply by doing stuff.


Well-known member
Epiphany #1 occurred a few years back: I am so naïve. I believe so many things that people tell me, without doubting them! For instance, one time I took a cab to and from an institute. The first cab driver was honest. He didn't try to rip me off. The second cab driver was a little more slick. He was all smiles when he told me his 10-12 years old daughter was a genius. He told me she had already graduated from high school and is attending a prestigious school of some sort. Then he asked me for my age and told me he's in his 20s-30s but he doesn't even look this young – more like in his 40s or 50s. But the entire time, I was smiling and praising him and focusing so much on my conversation skills. After we arrived at my apt, he tried to charge me $2-3 extra “fees” but after I questioned him repeatedly, he gave up and said he'll accept a discount.

Takeaway: Everybody should learn how to reason and think for themselves. Schools should teach critical thinking skills.


Well-known member
Epiphany #2: I have become as cheap and irrational as my dad. This realization is hard to stomach. I know that parents have a big amount of influence on their children (maybe 40%), but in my case, it seems like 60%.

My dad does not know everything that there is. I used to believe everything that he told me but now I realized how wrong some of his advice were. For instance, dad used to tell me that dentists are there to rip people off. He and his brother (my uncle) both believed dentists injure people's gums and teeth. [Now I'm old enough to know there are good and bad dentists, just like there are crooks in every profession]. My dad (not a dentist) even tried to give me some “dental advice”, the most infamous of which was “cavities will disappear on their own.” For a long period of time, I believed him. I had cavities for many years but didn't bother to have them filled because I thought they would eventually “disappear.” But I was dead wrong. My wakeup call came when several years ago, I was eating desert when I felt one of my teeth shatter. It felt like eating rock. So I spat out the food and took a look in the mirror. Found out part of my tooth was missing! H0ly s**t! Next day went to the dentist immediately. Needed root canal therapy. Dentist kept telling me I should have seen him earlier. Dentist's aide was looking at me with so much pity. Long story short, I got the tooth fixed as well as most of my cavities.

On the other hand, my dad didn't fix his cavities. When he sleeps, he huffs and puffs with his mouth open. I could smell his breath even as far away as 10 feet, and it stinks! At first, I thought it was fertilizer smell from outside but the windows were closed. Then I realized it's his breath! And I always wonder why my mom wouldn't sleep with him anymore. Cavities and plaque can cause stinky breath, but my dad refuse to go to the dentist for some many years.

Now that I think about it, there are other areas where I resemble my dad greatly. My dad rarely goes shopping for new wardrobe. He wears the same shirts, pants and shoes over again for the many years. I am also the same way. I only have a couple of shirts and pants that I wear out in public. Many of my old clothes were torn so I wear them at home. I also rarely go shopping for clothes, but if I do, I try to find the cheapest clothes there is.

I remember when I was a child, I liked buying books and toys. When I asked my dad to buy me anything over $5, he would sigh a lot and make disappointed faces at me. So he instated a policy where I could only purchase items that were under $3. Even a $3 Barbie is too expensive for him. I must have picked up this habit too, subconsciously. Every time I see something priced above $5, I hesitate and ruminate a lot before deciding to buy.

Another case in point: one time, I saw my dad using a dish scrubber to wash the sink. My mom had poured bleach on the sink beforehand and didn't rinse it out. Then, instead of throwing the dish scrubber away, he was planning to reuse it to wash dishes! So I told him not to reuse it because it's dirty. It's visibly clear that the dish scrubber had started turning black. He said we should reuse it. Then I told him that there's bleach on it and contaminating the dishes with bleach is bad. Bleach is poisonous. Plus there's some mold around the sink before he wiped them off with the dish scrubber. My dad got angry and told me something along those lines: “You are making such a big deal out of nothing. If you continue with this behavior, you might not succeed in the workplace. Did you know that restaurants wash their dishes with bleach?” That last question totally threw me off. I was like WTF?!?! Are you ok, Dad? I asked him where in the world he got this information because washing dishes with bleach is toxic! He told me he saw with his own eyes. What????

Well anyways long story short, I told my mom what happened and she took my side. She threw away the dish scrubber and used a new one.

Takeaway: My dad is freakin' cheap. Even my grandma told my mom that he's one of her cheapest sons ever.


Well-known member
"...Did you know that restaurants wash their dishes with bleach?”

this is true

in some places it is even required by law - to ensure that dishes are sterilized a certain percentage of chlorine bleach must be added to the dishwater


Well-known member
Just realized that people are conditioned to be dependent on others giving them love, care and safety.. While they spend a lifetime not learning how to love themselves, take care of themselves and enrich themselves.

People should be selfish, nobody likes someone who comes to you and tells you love me, make me feel lovable.. I personally hate people that want you to make them become or feel better because they feel like they are missing something in their own life, while its supposed to be their job to enrich themselves..

When I am in a relationship with a woman, I dont do it because I want to feel better or more complete myself, rather because I want to enjoy being with her company and share experiences with her.. I wouldnt even like her to keep calling me, begging me and acting like she cannot live without me; that would put me off as much as I expect her to be put off by me doing the same..

When I have kids, I will not expect them to have to love me back.. People will automatically love you as soon as they see that you are a well grounded, fulfilled individual that loves himself and cares for himself.. I will 'not fully' sacrifice, jeopardize my health, my passions and my happiness for them and believe me they will respect & love me more after seeing this.

In the end of the day the big question is: how will you help or take care of others if you cannot help or take care yourself?

Be selfish, dont give a f**k and make sure you get yourself the best as long as you are not harming others..
Plus, If others fail to better themselves then its their problem, not yours, let them hit bottom and learn the hard way. Sometimes thats the only way..