Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

this is true

in some places it is even required by law - to ensure that dishes are sterilized a certain percentage of chlorine bleach must be added to the dishwater

Really? That's a little baffling.

About year ago the use of bleach was actually made illegal to use in any significant amount monthly here. At home I can use bleach, but when cleaning for a company I can't even use it to clean toilets without possibly getting the company fined.

Something about removing it from the water supply was their reasoning behind it if I recall correctly.


Well-known member
Epiphany #2: I have become as cheap and irrational as my dad. This realization is hard to stomach. I know that parents have a big amount of influence on their children (maybe 40%), but in my case, it seems like 60%.

My dad does not know everything that there is. I used to believe everything that he told me but now I realized how wrong some of his advice were. For instance, dad used to tell me that dentists are there to rip people off. He and his brother (my uncle) both believed dentists injure people's gums and teeth. [Now I'm old enough to know there are good and bad dentists, just like there are crooks in every profession]. My dad (not a dentist) even tried to give me some “dental advice”, the most infamous of which was “cavities will disappear on their own.” For a long period of time, I believed him. I had cavities for many years but didn't bother to have them filled because I thought they would eventually “disappear.” But I was dead wrong. My wakeup call came when several years ago, I was eating desert when I felt one of my teeth shatter. It felt like eating rock. So I spat out the food and took a look in the mirror. Found out part of my tooth was missing! H0ly s**t! Next day went to the dentist immediately. Needed root canal therapy. Dentist kept telling me I should have seen him earlier. Dentist's aide was looking at me with so much pity. Long story short, I got the tooth fixed as well as most of my cavities.

On the other hand, my dad didn't fix his cavities. When he sleeps, he huffs and puffs with his mouth open. I could smell his breath even as far away as 10 feet, and it stinks! At first, I thought it was fertilizer smell from outside but the windows were closed. Then I realized it's his breath! And I always wonder why my mom wouldn't sleep with him anymore. Cavities and plaque can cause stinky breath, but my dad refuse to go to the dentist for some many years.

Now that I think about it, there are other areas where I resemble my dad greatly. My dad rarely goes shopping for new wardrobe. He wears the same shirts, pants and shoes over again for the many years. I am also the same way. I only have a couple of shirts and pants that I wear out in public. Many of my old clothes were torn so I wear them at home. I also rarely go shopping for clothes, but if I do, I try to find the cheapest clothes there is.

I remember when I was a child, I liked buying books and toys. When I asked my dad to buy me anything over $5, he would sigh a lot and make disappointed faces at me. So he instated a policy where I could only purchase items that were under $3. Even a $3 Barbie is too expensive for him. I must have picked up this habit too, subconsciously. Every time I see something priced above $5, I hesitate and ruminate a lot before deciding to buy.

Another case in point: one time, I saw my dad using a dish scrubber to wash the sink. My mom had poured bleach on the sink beforehand and didn't rinse it out. Then, instead of throwing the dish scrubber away, he was planning to reuse it to wash dishes! So I told him not to reuse it because it's dirty. It's visibly clear that the dish scrubber had started turning black. He said we should reuse it. Then I told him that there's bleach on it and contaminating the dishes with bleach is bad. Bleach is poisonous. Plus there's some mold around the sink before he wiped them off with the dish scrubber. My dad got angry and told me something along those lines: “You are making such a big deal out of nothing. If you continue with this behavior, you might not succeed in the workplace. Did you know that restaurants wash their dishes with bleach?” That last question totally threw me off. I was like WTF?!?! Are you ok, Dad? I asked him where in the world he got this information because washing dishes with bleach is toxic! He told me he saw with his own eyes. What????

Well anyways long story short, I told my mom what happened and she took my side. She threw away the dish scrubber and used a new one.

Takeaway: My dad is freakin' cheap. Even my grandma told my mom that he's one of her cheapest sons ever.

That's great you were able to pull away and think on your own. Parents really do have a big influence on us. I can't believe what your dad said about dentists. That's pretty insane.
Ok. I two hours I'll be going to college, where I'll take a bus that will take me on a 1000 Km ride (620 miles for you gringos) all the way from Bogota to Barranquilla. The trip will be mostly on not very mountainous terrain, but still roads and drivers are crazy and that has me a bit scared, having to be in that bus for about 16 hours.


I'll be attending to a mechanical design congress since Thursday until Saturday. On Monday and Tuesday we'll be on "technical visits" where allegedly we'll see factories and universities in the area. On Sunday afternoon I'm thinking we can go and check out the Barranquilla beach:


And having Wendesday free I hope we can go to Santa Marta:


During the trip, I don't know, I may try to change my attitudes, without changing who I am, kinda like Lisa in this episode:



Well-known member
Really? That's a little baffling.

it's in the Wisconsin Food Code

here's the part for Bed & Breakfasts:

Immediately following either manual or mechanical washing of eating and drinking utensils, and pots, pans and other cooking utensils, these utensils shall be effectively sanitized by being submerged in a hypochlorite solution with a chlorine concentration continuously maintained at 100 parts per million, or another approved sanitizing solution which shall be used at the concentration at which tested and approved by the department. Dishpans may be used to accomplish the final sanitizing rinse.

but then again, until very recently it was illegal in Wisconsin to serve anything but real butter in a restaurant - no margarine or other butter-like substitutes


Super Moderator
Just finished installing Windows 7

Now I have to get familiar with this, re-install all of my shiz and hope that nothing goes wrong.


Well-known member
Ok. I two hours I'll be going to college, where I'll take a bus that will take me on a 1000 Km ride (620 miles for you gringos) all the way from Bogota to Barranquilla. The trip will be mostly on not very mountainous terrain, but still roads and drivers are crazy and that has me a bit scared, having to be in that bus for about 16 hours.


I'll be attending to a mechanical design congress since Thursday until Saturday. On Monday and Tuesday we'll be on "technical visits" where allegedly we'll see factories and universities in the area. On Sunday afternoon I'm thinking we can go and check out the Barranquilla beach:


And having Wendesday free I hope we can go to Santa Marta:


During the trip, I don't know, I may try to change my attitudes, without changing who I am, kinda like Lisa in this episode:


Have a safe trip. Sounds like the beginning of something really good.


Well-known member
I need to get this out of my system. There are people who keep pestering me to move out of my parents' house, get a job, and then start a relationship with this guy they think I like. First of all, they have no right to tell me what to do. Is it really such a bad thing to still live with my parents? We get along just fine. I am happier now compared to 2 years ago when I lived away from home. I was near suicidal and very depressed. I like it here because I have a good emotional support system plus many other reasons.

Second of all, I don't even have feelings for that guy that they tried to hook me up with. None, nada. I don't have feelings for anybody at this moment.

In a nutshell, I'm angry at those people for trying to dictate what I should do with my life. Why can't they just leave me alone and go find someone else who is more cooperative.
Today healthy dinner of grilled fish and vegies, reduced caffiene comsumption.

Oooo, what kind of fish? Congrats on the reduced caffeine, I've heard so many horror stories about going off that stuff so I know it can be really hard for some people.

I'm making a salmon filet tonight with a miso glaze (with asparagus and a baked potato). Never had the glaze before but my sister made it and she's an amazing cook, so I'm sure it'll be great.


Well-known member
don't you just hate it when you're playing fantasy sports on the net and you pick a certain player since you know from all the billions of hours of sports you watch - that he is a very good player, but when you pick him and are willing to pay extra for his price, he ends being a huge disappointment?

and then what's worst is that a completely unknown player seems to be doing really well instead, and so you think, "maybe i should go with the lesser known player since his form is good?" and immediately after you do that the player you picked in the first place is scoring points for fun...

well i don't know who on here, i'm asking this to, but i'm saying it anyway.
don't you just hate it when you're playing fantasy sports on the net and you pick a certain player since you know from all the billions of hours of sports you watch - that he is a very good player, but when you pick him and are willing to pay extra for his price, he ends being a huge disappointment?

and then what's worst is that a completely unknown player seems to be doing really well instead, and so you think, "maybe i should go with the lesser known player since his form is good?" and immediately after you do that the player you picked in the first place is scoring points for fun...

well i don't know who on here, i'm asking this to, but i'm saying it anyway.

I know what you mean. I'm always worried about dropping a player who is struggling, 'cause they will go on a tear as soon as I let them go. Then someone else will pick them up and I'm screwed. :kickingmyself:

I'm doing very well at picking baseball players who are hitting well, but then stop as soon as I add them.
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Well-known member
I know what you mean. I'm always worried about dropping a player who is struggling, 'cause they way go on a tear as soon as I let them go. Then someone else will pick them up and I'm screwed. :kickingmyself:

I'm doing very well at picking baseball players who are hitting well, but then stop as soon as I add them.

:bigsmile: yay, someone who can relate.

yeah whenever you pick certain players they mysteriously lose form. :kickingmyself:

it's a pity i know nothing about baseball, otherwise i could of joined you in a league or something. :sad:


Well-known member
Oooo, what kind of fish? Congrats on the reduced caffeine, I've heard so many horror stories about going off that stuff so I know it can be really hard for some people.

I'm making a salmon filet tonight with a miso glaze (with asparagus and a baked potato). Never had the glaze before but my sister made it and she's an amazing cook, so I'm sure it'll be great.

It was a Basa fillet with seasoning, Opaline. Salmon, yum. Salmon and Barramundi are my other favourite fish.

I slept for twleve hours last night, I think the exhaustion was a result of caffiene withdrawal.