Post your picture thread


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Re: Post your pics! :)


I like sunsets.... This one comes from my 20 acre property up North where I feel free from SA and depression.


Wish I was there.


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Re: Post your pics! :)

I snapped this photo outside my back door... This storm eventually spawned a tornado which did allot of damage in Hugo, MN in 2008


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Now THAT is cool, thenra! It looks like some kind of holy apparition... apparently sent to deliver punishment =(


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Re: Post your pics! :)


I am addicted to storms, when people hear the sirens and head for shelter I usually go outside to see what there is to see. I got to see a tornado as a teen from the rooftop of my parents home. Even though the tornado was only 10 miles away, it was still cool to see it.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)


Even the clouds can burn....


Sorry for the poor quality, this was taken with a very old cam corder when I was out in Craig Colorado hunting for pronghorn antelope. It sure is a bunch of handsome mule deer bucks!


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Re: Post your pics! :)


I was fishing with my cousin up in Ontario Canada on lake Finlayson. I thought it was neat that the moon was out still in the morning....


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Almost, that is a cute pic!

Nice pic Redzer, it wouldn't show up for me before but I can see it now. :)

Psyche, you are so pretty! I've always loved the combination of dark hair and blue eyes.