Post your dreams!

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Okay, so I was at my aunts house doing whatever, playing video games or TV. Somehow SGT. Doakes from the first two seasons of Dexter showed up and started shooting up my aunts house. My uncle comes home to find the place being shot up and chases Doakes out of the house. They shoot up the neighbor hood trying to kill eachother. I jump in to try and help, I distract my uncle who winds up getting shot right in front of me, on a rooftop.

After that, I had another dream where me and my cousin we driving these old school motorcyles around this deserted airbase. I was having a good time, I woke up after we just got done riding.

Sort of bizarre.
Last night i dreamed about a festival for high school kids. The festival was on a huge lawn with a camping and stage on it. I was Halle Berry who had to perform with a band on stage. Then suddenly one of the high school kids was kidnapped. It was a short adventure but i can't remember that part of the dream. But anyway... we saved her. After that it was time for me to sing with the band but i had to wake up.


I have a reoccurring dream where I'm in some sort of classroom situation, and someone is trying to talk to me. I try to keep a conversation, but I start grinding my teeth together. By this point, everything is sort of vague besides the realization that my teeth are beginning to crumble out of my mouth. Then I usually wake up. I've actually looked this up and found that dreams about teeth like this signify anxiety.
I had a strange one last night. I was some sort of wrestler (don't know where that came from) and I was in a parking garage with some other people. This group came in and started shooting at us. I jumped over some steps and just missed having my hand shot. Then I was in a field, waiting for my M&M Blizzard from Dairy Queen. The grass was up to my armpits and I remember saying in the dream to a guy I went to high school with, "You know, there could be a dead body in here and we would never know it." He wasn't impressed. I waited and waited and waited for my Blizzard. I looked up at the counter and they finally had it ready. As I was walking up there, I woke up. I never got my Blizzard. :(

It's weird, I usually remember my dreams for about ten minutes, then they start to get fuzzier and fuzzier until I only remember a thing or two about them. I remember quite a bit about this dream.


Well-known member
I had a really weird one last night.
For some reason i was out shopping in this really huge and complex store, and suddently a girl with a huge crush on me drags me with her.
So, we go around shopping, doing this and that, it was a lot of fun i tell you. Anyhow, this ended at a WC, wich was for sale. It was deep inside, where you wasnt actually supposed to be, and i almost bought it before i woke up.
No girl with a crush on me, and no WC either.... Ah it really depressed me.
Im not sure what i wanted the WC for anyhow, it looked like it was 20 years since built, without a single cleaning, yet i didnt even hesitate on buying it....


Active member
i had a dream this morning that i was standing on my parents porch and i was having an arguement with my brother in law and he walkd away from me so i chased him down and said that i was sorry and then we were hugging underneath a big tree by the gate and i heard church bells ringing and i asked him if he could hear them too and he said no and then my parents dogs face was behind his head and it scared me so i ran away screaming and that was it. Usually i have dreams about finding or trying to find an old classmate of mine that i had a huge crush on in high school. Or i have dreams about missing the school bus. Or weird dreams about my brother in law. I dont understand y i would have dreams about him in the first place cuz half of the time we dont get along.


Active member
There were these two girls outside my window who kept looking at me trying to get my attention from across the street then I got all scared because they looked all violent and were trying to break in the house across from me, then they just started blowing me kisses and started flashing me like full naked again. weird.


Well-known member
Last night I dreamt that I got out of bed, walked into the dark hallway, tried to turn on the light, and smacked right into the wall.

Oh wait... I was awake ::p:


Well-known member
I had a... Uhm... How to say it?

A "romantic" dream with a girl I know, but she just happens to be a girl that I can't barely stand, as she is shallow as hell and very dumb (a harsh thing to say, but that's the truth).

I think my subconscious mind just hates me, as it keeps giving me awful dreams.


Well-known member
I once had a dream where a bunch of trolls or something were trying to stab me with scissors.
The night of the last day of work (before vacation) I dreamed that I went back to work one the first day of my vacation. I kept saying ''I'm not supposed to be here''. It was kinda weird.


Well-known member
There's this guy I met online awhile back and I used to enjoy talking to him but we haven't talked in a few months. I've been wanting to, but shy, awkward me is usually too chicken to start a conversation. So last night I dreamt that he messaged me and we were talking a bit. I was thinking earlier today I should talk to him again. Well, tonight he sent me an IM!:eek: I was freaked out. I had to just sit back for moment before I could even respond. I was like, "Wow, I totally saw that coming." And then I thought, "Yes! I didn't have to start the conversation!"::p: Of course, I didn't tell him that. I didn't want him to be weirded out by me having dreams about him, lol.:rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Recuring dream

I am laid in bed looking at the curtains.Suddenly everything starts to slowly grow bigger or I am shrinking. I am moving towards the curtains, almost floating towards them. As everything is getting bigger I can see every detail of their structure. Everything is huge now but I am not stopping, I still move towards the curtains. I am now so small and the curtains so huge that I can see the individual fibres that make up the material of the curtains. I am moving towards a square gap in the fibres still getting smaller. I am moving through the fibres into bright white nothingness. At this point I always wake up without finding out what is on the other side.

The dream might not seem that scary but it leaves me with a feeling of abject terror. My body tenses up and I find it difficult to move. I can't close my eyes because when I do even in a woken state I can see the dream start over again.


Well-known member
I had a dream that I was asleep, woke up, and was starting to get ready for school. Then I really did wake up. My dreams are horrible.


Well-known member
I had this dream a few weeks ago, but i think given the type it was, it seems appropriate to post here. In the dream I make the decision to change my life, my attitude and overcome my shyness and to become more assertive. I have a meeting planned with a psych, who is willing to teach me how to do all these things. My psych turns out to be Gordon Ramsay (yep the swearaholic) who by watching Kitchen Nightmares believes you're a wimp if you don't swear others to get what you want. But this time he's kinda nice and keeps asking me "are you willing to change?" and I keep saying "yes". So his first strategy is that I go out and buy myself an obscenely expensive watch and designer clothes. He takes on the role of life coach, but after a while I start thinking... "Hang on, are these material things really gonna change me?" By the end I was too scared too change I think, and I was glad I woke up and realized it was just a dream. (But of course I spend every waking moment wishing I wasn't shy, awkward and unassertive - yep go figure)
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