Post your dreams!


Well-known member
Falling down a hole with spiraling pattern moving out from the centre. Doing nothing but falling continuously until I wake up.

and the worst ever...

Not long after my daughter was born I dreamt I left her in the bath to go and get something and when I got back she was floating face down.
Scared the crap out of me.


Well-known member
Oh, what was I wearing then?

Sorry. It wasn't you either.

Maybe I should have specified that it was one of the female members of this site? And honestly, I no longer recall what she was wearing. But she was wearing something.

Man, we've got some desperate men on this site. Trying to cuddle up with me while I'm asleep. Really? Am I the best you can do?


Well-known member
I'm running. No where in particular, but I'm also paniced about something, everythings realy white too. not just bright, but pure white. The windows have bars on them but no glass and outside the grass is very green and neatly taken care of, every door I try leads to another door, but it's always the same room. Like a never ending loop.


not actually Fiona Apple
I had two dreams last night I could remember in the morning, lately I haven't been having any so it was nice.

The first I can sort of remember, but can't really explain it, it was weird. Like I was sleeping, and then the ground sort of opened up a little bit and I fell into it. And so did other people, and then someone got us out. And then I went to sleep in another room. And other stuff happened.

The other was shorter but I remember much more vividly. I was sitting on like a porch or stoop and texting someone. I don't remember the exact exchange of texts, she was doing something, in a building, and then something, and then she left and texted "I'm leaving the place now!" And then I see her, in the distance, leaving the place. I then text, "I know, I can see you." She then looks around confused, and then starts to walk over. It then dawns on me, "oh s-, she's going to come talk to me now." For some reason I did not realize this when sending the text.

She gets closer, and says "Vj? Is that you?" She actually said vj, and not my real name. And she was very surprised and confused, as she should be. I was equally in shock, I still could not make the connection between sending the text and her coming over to say hello. I say "yeah..." still confused, and then she lights up and gets very excited. "Oh, Hi! I didn't expect to see you here!" I say Hi, fake smile because I am still in shock. We shake hands. She starts saying some things, I have a "wtf" look on my face, still very confused. I think I answer in a friendly-but-really-rude-standoffish manner to her comments, and after a very short talk (30 seconds - 1 minute 30 seconds maybe) she says "okay, I guess I'll go. Bye, nice meeting you!" Because we had never met in person. She was very upbeat and friendly, a little weirded out by my strange behavior though. Waves, walks away, dream over.


Well-known member
I don't normally talk about my dreams. I don't know why, I just don't usually like to mention them (but atm I do for some odd reason). Also most of the time I don't remember my dreams, unless they're vivid enough to remember. If anything, I usually remember most of my nightmares.

Anyway, the other night I had quite a peaceful dream. It was in black and white too, which is pretty rare for me. Well, I was walking down the driveway with my dog, went across the road and onto the other side through the woods. Just kept walking with her until I found a large rock by a tree and sat there, listening to the creek and everything else and watching her roam about. That was it. Then I woke up. How simple. Why can't any of my dreams or nightmares be that simple? ::p:

I'd rather not post my nightmares here, although I'm tempted. They're just way too weird and frightening.


Well-known member
I keep having these dreams about being the fourth member of the Top Gear team. Yeah, weird, I know. It's a program I watch occasionally and I do like, but I'm not really into cars at all. I can only guess that I'm envious of the way they get along and have so much fun when the 3 of them take their cars on a road trip and have their challenges. anyone who watches the program knows that chaos usually occurs and the results are quite funny. I think I want that in my life. A group of people to be around and have fun. Fun is what I'm missing in my life. I can only assume that's why I have these dreams. I'm certainly not a hardcore follower of the show, or a petrol head.


Well-known member
I've been sleeping really bad the past week and having weird dreams. Last night I had some type of dream that I was by this ocean town and I went in to the "country buffet" though there were only three pots of food in the back. A Jamaican guy let me try some, though I didn't want to buy it because I thought it would be bad, but I walked out with his samples without paying for it and they (him and his family i guess) didn't say anything.

I was walking and noticed the beach to the left. I wanted to go down there. Suddenly I was on the beach holding my cat and these huge waves came and they started pounded us down, but I was holding on to her and wasn't letting go. The waves sort of died down a bit. All of a sudden it was dark, and I was looking down at these people who had their dog running around. Suddenly this...person...came out of the darkness of the ocean in like a little raft. He was dressed in a bear suit and when I looked he had these round eyes that were totally pinkish red with no pupils. He yelled at them that he was taking their dog away because they were abusive letting the dogs run around when there were waves. Then he yelled he was a psychiatrist that's why he could do that and he'd do it again. Then he paddled back out into the darkness.

Change of scene; I'm going away from the ocean town but I see big waves in the distance. Suddenly I'm at I guess a gas station and this girl from my job, Kiana is with me. The gas station sells all types of stuff including make up and stuff. I notice she slips something in her pocket and look up and see a camera. Later she takes it back out. We go to the cashiers, who are sitting on the other side of a desk with hand-scanners, like a political debate or something. The cashier ringing us can't scan one product.

And that's all I remember. What I find weird is I often dream of big, scary waves. I wonder what it means...


Well-known member
Usually I don't remember my dreams, but last night was different...

I was sitting in a couch of an apparment, watching TV, nothing special, a boring, normal day. And then the door opened... and she entered the room... my dream girl. I couldn't move of how amazed I was... she moved slow motion, everything was just... perfect. And she sat next to me and without saying a word I moved towards her... and.... I woke up.

But that was just a dream
Why try?
That was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream.... dream....

And it will never be true


Active member
Couple of days back I had this dream I was walking with a blind woman on a very busy road. She was leading the way..i was holding her hand. Some people i know were walking right behind us..We visited some familiar places from my past..and the rest i forgot :confused:


Well-known member
I can never remember my dreams :( and when I do I forget them after like 2-3 mins
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Well-known member
A couple of months ago I had a dream about Remus. I was staying at a hotel in Sydney, which I did not recognize, and was on SPW. Remus was also on, and somehow I realized that he was staying on the same floor. I thought that it was remarkable that we were connected via SPW even though we were physically close. So I went around to his room and met him in real life. He was fifteen years older than he really is, but I was my correct age.


Well-known member
I never thought to be so afraid of guns until I had an incredibly vivid dream of being shot.

Where do these things come from, if not our experience??


Well-known member
I had this dream except it wasn't really some would call it lucid dreaming or something like that but I was aware and in control of my actions, everything seemed more real like just another world and not faint like most dreams are. I was walking up a street and it was really sunny with palm trees I was by myself which doesn't surprise me but it had plenty of depth and how real it was is unexplainable.


Well-known member
I dreamt that the Hoover damm was being built now in stead of during the 1930's. I was taking a break from my studies to work at the construction site, when I fell into the wet concrete and died. I was given a christian burial inside the concrete, yet I still roamed the place as a ghost.

Even if it sounds extremely morbid, you have to admit that the myth about men being buried inside the Hoover dam is very poetic. :) I probably dreamt about it because I love the song "Highwayman".


I had a dream that I was abroad, on a train station. I think I didn´t have much time, so I was buying a ticket in a hurry. I was asking the seller when the train was leaving, he said 11.36, I said what platform, he said 3. So I was running there, there was something which looked like platforms, a subway with stairs up, but there were no numbers, so I was running back and forth. There were actually some rows of small numbers but they made no sense to me. I was starting to get annoyed, like WTF why can´t you describe your platform normally, in my country we have numbers big like a cow, 1,2,3, is that so difficult??! Then not knowing what to do anymore, I got panicky and run up randomly stairs to one platform, asking „is this a platform 3“? The people were turning their faces to me which were dulled with disinterest and apathy, not knowing what the hell the strange girl wants. I was also talking to some kiosk owner, but he obviously didn´t know, only started to ask me personal questions or things which were not related to my problem, not getting it that I was desperate. Then on my way back I ran into someone who took me into his car without words but somehow implying that he would take me to platform 3. We were driving through the city, I was panicking inside that I won´t make it. Then we entered into some high building and he was driving his car up the stairs. I was wondering but on the other hand was happy that I don´t have to walk. When we were on X floor it seemed to me too high already and why were we going there at all. I asked him if we were going to the platform and he said something like we were going to have a bit of fairy tale. I excused myself and got off the car, run downstairs and on my way I met some woman, asked her if she had keys from the front door. She smiled and gave me her mobile phone, explaining I would just have to listen to some talking and music and then it would explain me how to open the door. I shouted at her I didn´t have time for that, that I just want a ****ing key :rolleyes:. Then I felt I didn´t have the capacity to deal with these problems anymore and the frustration forced me to wake up (was easier than to look for a solution). After that I had a bit of feeling that I cheated but thought it didn´t matter because it was a nonsense anyway :).

(Excuse my English)

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I haven't been sleeping all that well recently, and that seems to have caused some strange dreams, and improved my recall of them.

Last night I dreamt that one of my work colleagues was actually a South American revolutionary who was in hiding here. He even had an autobiography on Amazon - I still have a pretty clear recollection of how the book cover looked. When I found out his true identity I was surprised, but then it started to seem odd that I'd never realised who he was before, since he was an internationally well known figure. Even then, it never really occurred to me to wonder why he'd chosen to hide by getting a job in a large office in the UK.

Dreams, eh? :rolleyes: