im sorry i worry so much when you're gone, i just don't know what i'd do without you and i don't want to lose you. you're everything to me and my paranoia gets in the way.. i hate when i cant see you. i hate being stuck here when you're there. the past week has been a mess and i believe what you say is true but the experiences of the past are like virus that wont go away and keeps reminding me of how worthless i am. never forget how much i love you
im also sorry for what i did to myself. i didnt want you to know, its not something ive ever told anyone. its something i try to hide, but i cant keep things from you. and i never will. its been a 5 year struggle and ive tried to stop. and i did for so long. but please, i just need your help with this....
you're overbearing, overprotective, and need to learn that im not a little kid anymore. im an adult and i wish you would treat me like one. maybe i want to have a life and spend time with the people who actually want me around. im old enough to be out on my own and not tell you every single person who's there, who they are, what we're doing, where we're going and all the details. you need to let go and realize im not 14. im in college, have a job, pay for my car, buy my own food and clothes and everything else i need. i need space. i need to get away from you.