Post a random fact about yourself...


I dont know if anyones noticed ... but I am glass half empty kinda guy... pessimism ftw



Well-known member
I was a misbehaved a lot throughout elementary school. At some point my desk had to be right beside the teacher's desk so she could keep an eye on me.


Well-known member
I was a misbehaved a lot throughout elementary school. At some point my desk had to be right beside the teacher's desk so she could keep an eye on me.

Oh man I was a bad kid until I turned 9ish. I hated school, I flat out refused to go and would lay in my bed for days, then the school called the cops, then I HAD to go and go to councselling where I refused to speak one word and drift off into my own world and completely block them out. I used to rip out our neighbours vegetables in their garden. Oooohhhhh, one time when I was 7 me and my best friend stood on the highway with our thumbs out. After an hour our moms showed up and holy smokes did I get in trouble hahaha. Wow I really need to apologize to my folks for those things. But at 9 I completely turned good and gave my folks no problems after that


Well-known member
Oh man I was a bad kid until I turned 9ish. I hated school, I flat out refused to go and would lay in my bed for days, then the school called the cops, then I HAD to go and go to councselling where I refused to speak one word and drift off into my own world and completely block them out. I used to rip out our neighbours vegetables in their garden. Oooohhhhh, one time when I was 7 me and my best friend stood on the highway with our thumbs out. After an hour our moms showed up and holy smokes did I get in trouble hahaha. Wow I really need to apologize to my folks for those things. But at 9 I completely turned good and gave my folks no problems after that

I wish I knew you when I was a kid. You seemed like you knew how to have a good time!:D


Well-known member
I wish I knew you when I was a kid. You seemed like you knew how to have a good time!:D

Hehehehe ohhh yeah, I knew how to, still do I think. Things changed when my parents eyes were opened one night when we were out to a restaurant and I was crawling under all the tables stabbing at people's feet with a knife. That's when things changed lol


Well-known member
Hehehehe ohhh yeah, I knew how to, still do I think. Things changed when my parents eyes were opened one night when we were out to a restaurant and I was crawling under all the tables stabbing at people's feet with a knife. That's when things changed lol

You really were devious little devil weren't you?!::p:


Well-known member
Oh man I was a bad kid until I turned 9ish. I hated school, I flat out refused to go and would lay in my bed for days, then the school called the cops, then I HAD to go and go to councselling where I refused to speak one word and drift off into my own world and completely block them out. I used to rip out our neighbours vegetables in their garden. Oooohhhhh, one time when I was 7 me and my best friend stood on the highway with our thumbs out. After an hour our moms showed up and holy smokes did I get in trouble hahaha. Wow I really need to apologize to my folks for those things. But at 9 I completely turned good and gave my folks no problems after that
What made you calm down at the age of 9?

If you knew me in primary school you would've hated me and probably vice versa. I was a placid child.

Joy, joy, come and stay, please don't leave me for another day.

I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.
Great news, Shy. Drawing and poetry. You've got it going on. :)


Well-known member
What made you calm down at the age of 9?

If you knew me in primary school you would've hated me and probably vice versa. I was a placid child.

Great news, Shy. Drawing and poetry. You've got it going on. :)

Haha, yeah no. I have wrote a few poems though, but haven't we all?

Your such a sweetie, it must be all the ice cream.::p:


Well-known member
Haha, yeah no. I have wrote a few poems though, but haven't we all?

Your such a sweetie, it must be all the ice cream.::p:
When I was really young, I wrote some novels about killer crocodiles. Another one about stone sculptures coming to life. Another 3-part series about flies or mosquitoes or something. I wish I still had them, because it would've been great to see how immature that writing was. ::p: So the answer to your question is no, I haven't written any poems, only short stories. I'm not deep enough for poetry, unlike you.

Haha thanks. The ice-cream makes me pudgy, not sweet. ;)


Well-known member
When I was really young, I wrote some novels about killer crocodiles. Another one about stone sculptures coming to life. Another 3-part series about flies or mosquitoes or something. I wish I still had them, because it would've been great to see how immature that writing was. ::p: So the answer to your question is no, I haven't written any poems, only short stories. I'm not deep enough for poetry, unlike you.

Haha thanks. The ice-cream makes me pudgy, not sweet. ;)

I never wrote a story, I've always wanted to, but I always find myself having trouble keeping a train of thought. (If that isn't obvious) You seem very well written. so even though you were a kid, I bet they were great. For some reason I could see you coming up with a great murder mystery novel. I bet you could write great thought provoking poetry if you give it a try. Have you ever written lyrics?

Then you must be the pillsbury doughboy. Soft and sweet! lol
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Well-known member
What made you calm down at the age of 9?

If you knew me in primary school you would've hated me and probably vice versa. I was a placid child.

Great news, Shy. Drawing and poetry. You've got it going on. :)

My folks got involved and started getting really strict, I wised up quickly lol.


Well-known member
I never wrote a story, I've always wanted to, but I always find myself having trouble keeping a train of thought. (If that isn't obvious) You seem very well written. so even though you were a kid, I bet they were great. For some reason I could see you coming up with a great murder mystery novel. I bet you could write great thought provoking poetry if you give it a try. Have you ever written lyrics?

Then you must be the pillsbury doughboy. Soft and sweet! lol
Stories are easier than poetry. I have never tried poetry because I couldn't get my thoughts and feelings across so meaningfully and in such a short space. I would actually love to write a story like that, but I'm not such a great writer anymore, as that side of me has been neglected for too many years. Plus I have no motivation, haha. I've never written lyrics, either.

Aww, aren't you just too kind? ::eek::


Well-known member
Okay, I really hate this about myself.

I am a sore loser.

On the outside, I will appear calm and collected, but on the inside it's like my heart sinks and all my organs are being crushed. It doesn't even matter what the competition is - bowling, video games, a race - if I lose, I feel like it's all over and I'm not good enough. My friend has even commented about my competitiveness and how I take something fun and turn it into something serious.

I really hate this about me and it's been with me for as long as I can remember. I need to remember that losing a game of bowling is not the end of the world but that's not how I operate. :mad:


Well-known member
Stories are easier than poetry. I have never tried poetry because I couldn't get my thoughts and feelings across so meaningfully and in such a short space. I would actually love to write a story like that, but I'm not such a great writer anymore, as that side of me has been neglected for too many years. Plus I have no motivation, haha. I've never written lyrics, either.

Aww, aren't you just too kind? ::eek::

I responded, why isn't the message here! Well, what can you do.

You strike me as the kinda guy who would be great at making a meaningful poem. You seem to be good with words. You should give it a try one day, you might be surprised. Motivation is such a killer! There are countless things I would like to do that I just can't motivate myself for. You should try and write some lyrics, I would love to read them. I would bet you could make an awesome song.


Well-known member
Okay, I really hate this about myself.

I am a sore loser.

On the outside, I will appear calm and collected, but on the inside it's like my heart sinks and all my organs are being crushed. It doesn't even matter what the competition is - bowling, video games, a race - if I lose, I feel like it's all over and I'm not good enough. My friend has even commented about my competitiveness and how I take something fun and turn it into something serious.

I really hate this about me and it's been with me for as long as I can remember. I need to remember that losing a game of bowling is not the end of the world but that's not how I operate. :mad:

This is a very common thing for guys. I've never even met a man who hasn't had a problem with this in some way. My X boyfriend was horrible with this. He would get so mad he would break things. Do you get mad or just sad disappointed?


Well-known member
I once wore two similar but different colored shoes to work. Didn't notice 'til I was sitting on the toilet looking down! :eek:

there is a boy in my college who actually pulls off that look!He is one of those marginals who pretends to be kooky because he knows how crazy society is.One shoe bright green and one lime.


Well-known member
I responded, why isn't the message here! Well, what can you do.

You strike me as the kinda guy who would be great at making a meaningful poem. You seem to be good with words. You should give it a try one day, you might be surprised. Motivation is such a killer! There are countless things I would like to do that I just can't motivate myself for. You should try and write some lyrics, I would love to read them. I would bet you could make an awesome song.
I don't think I could do a poem. I wouldn't have the ability to use the proper words. If only we could get our motivation from somewhere, eh? :)

This is a very common thing for guys. I've never even met a man who hasn't had a problem with this in some way. My X boyfriend was horrible with this. He would get so mad he would break things. Do you get mad or just sad disappointed?
I hate it, though. It's stupid and has no meaning or purpose in my life only to frustrate me. I don't get mad and break things, as that's a bit extreme, but I am filled with disappointment, mostly with myself.