Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
but there's alot of rental property up here - many owners would prefer to rent to someone long term so that don't have to worry about the logistics of turning the place over every season - the biggest challenge is finding a place that's winterized

yeah, i don't doubt that would be a problem. i really gotta move to the woods before i'm too old to enjoy it.


Well-known member
I write with my right hand but count money and deal out cards with my left hand. My dad was born left-handed but the nuns in his school made him learn to write with his right hand. Maybe this accounts for my partial left-handedness?
I mix up pronouncing English and Dutch numbers. In the Dutch language you first mention the single digit, and then the larger one (unless it goes over a hundred, then that one is first), but I'm too used to the English one.

Which is particularly annoying when I have a shift at the cash register. :rolleyes:

''That'll be €54,- please, oh I'm sorry, I'm mistaken. €45,- please.''
You get the picture.
When sitting on a chair/couch that he detached seat/back cushions, the seat cushions need to be as far back as they can. If I can feel them slide forward when sitting on them, I more or less freak out internally.


Well-known member
When sitting on a chair/couch that he detached seat/back cushions, the seat cushions need to be as far back as they can. If I can feel them slide forward when sitting on them, I more or less freak out internally.

Lol puma, love the way you think and speak x)


not actually Fiona Apple
I'm not one of those "I'll try everything once" people, I'm a "Once I have thought of all the possibilities and considered whether trying something new is worth the risks I may try it once if I'm feeling ambitious" type of people.


Well-known member
I'm not one of those "I'll try everything once" people, I'm a "Once I have thought of all the possibilities and considered whether trying something new is worth the risks I may try it once if I'm feeling ambitious" type of people.
^ Sounds like me