Post a random fact about yourself...

sorry u nice lovely people, wasnt really planning to reveal it, just thought maybe someone will be lucky enough to guessed it.. its a rather embarrasing secret of mine! ::eek::

but you can all have the prize, its a smiley! :) <- it can be shared!


Well-known member

Guys you are brilliant, but even I don't follow your thought processes!!!! :eek: :confused: :D

Just to clarify: I AM NOT Pingu!! :)

I am not this either. Had to Google:
Wallace & Gromit - The Wrong Trousers - Characters Wallace & Gromit - The Wrong Trousers - Characters - Feathers McGraw. Notorious criminal mastermind and bird of many faces. Long thought to be a chicken, McGraw was actually exposed as a penguin when his plan ...

Okay, Pingu: you live in an igloo?? /please invite me into one, especially when it's 30°C+ in the shade!!!/
sorry u nice lovely people, wasnt really planning to reveal it, just thought maybe someone will be lucky enough to guessed it.. its a rather embarrasing secret of mine! ::eek::

but you can all have the prize, its a smiley! :) <- it can be shared!

Aww you have to tell us now!


Well-known member
Ooh, contest is over? noo

Well, maybe someone will guess in the future... Pingu, I don't think you can ever have a very embarassing secret though, you're too nice!!! :)

YAY for the prize!!!
Now I can add to the prize list in the Off Topic forum! :) hehe!!

I bet this will be in the trending topics next week, hehe!! :D
LOL, its fun while it lasted.. the guessing game!

u mite laugh at me.. so i want to keep it a secret! maybe one day, i will reveal in the secret thread!

@ phocas! me, me, me!! please! :D
@ feathers: thank you! ::eek::

Thank you all for participating!
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Well-known member
well, if everyone won then that's wonderful!
I feel like it's not really winning when everyone gets a prize equally though. haha

Your avi and name are cute, pingu! even if I don't know the meaning behind it~ <3


Well-known member
LOL, hmm.... what kind of secrets does luckycharms have? :)

Oh wait, maybe eat the cake first? It looks too pretty to eat!!
(I'll have the filling, especially if it's chocolatey!! :) Oops, and gluten-free?? hm! almost forgot out of excitement! lol!)


Well-known member
random fact:
I love random facts.

my eyelashes obstruct my view when looking through a microscope lens, which was my main deterrent to taking chemistry in school. Also... the stench of the science labs; a secondary deterrent.