Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I really but really don't have a lot interest in life, i pretty much being doing the same things over and over again in my life


Well-known member
I haven't been in the chatbox yet. It might sound silly but I'm too scared to click on it.

I'm scared that I will be ignored. (I'm slowly getting used to being ignored)

Or I'm scared that you will want to talk to me and I wouldn't know what to say back. For so reason I find this just as hard as talking to someone on the street or talking to anyone I meet. I also guess I'm scared that people will find me boring as I ain't intelligent like everyone else on here.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I haven't been in the chatbox yet. It might sound silly but I'm too scared to click on it.

I'm scared that I will be ignored. (I'm slowly getting used to being ignored)

Or I'm scared that you will want to talk to me and I wouldn't know what to say back. For so reason I find this just as hard as talking to someone on the street or talking to anyone I meet. I also guess I'm scared that people will find me boring as I ain't intelligent like everyone else on here.

I'm not even sure what the chatbox is, other than it's obviously a real-time thing, and that's scary enough. :eek:


Well-known member
I haven't been in the chatbox yet. It might sound silly but I'm too scared to click on it.

I'm scared that I will be ignored. (I'm slowly getting used to being ignored)

Or I'm scared that you will want to talk to me and I wouldn't know what to say back. For so reason I find this just as hard as talking to someone on the street or talking to anyone I meet. I also guess I'm scared that people will find me boring as I ain't intelligent like everyone else on here.
I've never participate in the chatbox. I entered there twice but wasn't able to say a single word...
Anyway I never know what to say so I guess this is better for its usual users.


Well-known member
I really but really don't have a lot interest in life, i pretty much being doing the same things over and over again in my life
Oh, yes I know how you feel. It's like "I want to do something" but can't find anything you want to do...
And I want something I like to do, and I'm always looking for something, but what? Nothing.


Well-known member
I used to be scared of the chatbox too. I was afraid that I'd be ignored or made fun of whatever I said (silly, I know!). But, just last week I finally just decided to try it anyway. I've been in there almost every night since. I love it. :)


Well-known member
lol I used to have chatbox phobia too, but yesterday I just ventured in... and survived!! :) tadaaa!!

it helped to be chatting with someone else (who was then there too) and watching a Korean drama at the same time (so I had exit strategies prepared! haha)

*umm not really but it helped lol!! to be distracted with other things also!! :)
and people there were... nice?? and scared of forums, PMs and VMs?? lol!!


Well-known member
ha! I would dare you to go to the chatbox now, but I'm afraid I'd get both me and you guys addicted to it too!! :)

As if this forum isn't bad enough! :rolleyes: :eek: ::p::


Well-known member
I don't cut my hair at all. :) And it's longer than it's ever been.

I can't stop watching Korean dramas and going back to this site. I don't even particularly want to.

Hi! My name is Feathers and I'm addicted. Grr
the typical scene of where the boy/girl gets hit by a ball in their face in front of their crush has happened to me before.