Post a random fact about yourself...

I don't like any kind of alcohol, except shandy.

Speaking of shandy, I've got a bottle of "panache" from France, from last summer.

I was saving it for a special occasion (my grandparents aren't planning on going again, so it might be the last bottle for a long time).

I think deserving the title of "flirty user" is merit for celebration
I don't like any kind of alcohol, except shandy.

Speaking of shandy, I've got a bottle of "panache" from France, from last summer.

I was saving it for a special occasion (my grandparents aren't planning on going again, so it might be the last bottle for a long time).

I think deserving the title of "flirty user" is merit for celebration


I don't like alcohol unless it's fruity flavored. I'm a lightweight in the drinking arena.
I can't eat, smell or see pancakes or pancake mix without feeling sick.

I had a bad experience once, ever since, pancake day has been the bane of my life


New member
I love acting, reading and traveling. I also love singing, writing, painting, and trying new things in life.

I was in a cup stacking competition with good friends of mine once (competed in State). Most random thing ever LOL

I love PC Cast, Stephanie Meyers, Kerrie Kramer. I love to watch inspirational movies.

I speak languages, learning Japanese.


Well-known member
Well, if you believe in the Horned God, you can't be an agnostic, because agnostics aren't believers, but people who accept the existence of a divinity as something possible. This a contradiction.

I'm agnostic too.

i was agnostic but then adopted the lifestyle/views of wicca. technically, wiccans dont believe in a physical god as other religions do. they have a symbolic god and goddess which represent the energy of the universe, and not a greater being that they worship. i do not address the god and goddess figures of wicca, and do not necessarily believe in a higher power or energy. so i consider myself an agnostic wiccan. make sense? ;)
I used to suck bath water out of flannels.

I was a strange child

My parents should have taken that as a precursor I think.

(Stick that in your pipe and smoke it mum, ^^ Jak And Daxter did teach me something)


Well-known member
I don't like posting in the morning...
or too late at night...
brain...tired (of doing nothing...too much work)