Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I say what I really think when something needs to be said, and certain individuals have tried and failed, and will continue to fail, to silence me.


Well-known member
I can't read!!

...have I said this before?
Anyway-- I can't read more than a few sentences of writing without my brain exploding. It's the amount of processing power it takes to understand what I'm trying to read through my dyslexia... I don't know how to explain it.
Anyone else with dyslexia may understand, though...
after awhile, all of the words on the page just look like this:
Aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaAaa aaaaa Aaa aaaaa aaaaAAaaaAAAAa aaaaaaaa
and I have no idea what in the hell is going on!

Last time I read a book all the way through was grade 5 social studies class.
And somehow, I still managed to ace English classes all the way through highschool. wee!
doesnt want a diamond ring, since watching blood diamond.
doesnt like wearing a ring, in fear of it not coming out


Well-known member
i hate centipedes and i scream when i see one.
i am an agnostic wiccan.
i like to play violent video games.
i dye my hair weird colours a lot.
I am an Atheist, but I dislike telling people when they ask me.

In the same way I dislike people who use Christianity as a certificate for being good. I don't need to know you're Christian as soon as I meet you, I'm happy to listen to your sincerely held beliefs, and I love that you're so passionate about something, but don't use it as a way of distinguishing yourself from me
^ I'm going to pass this off as an ironic comment, because I realised how stupid it was haha.

I was telling you to prove a point, obviously :D


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I am an Atheist, but I dislike telling people when they ask me.

In the same way I dislike people who use Christianity as a certificate for being good. I don't need to know you're Christian as soon as I meet you, I'm happy to listen to your sincerely held beliefs, and I love that you're so passionate about something, but don't use it as a way of distinguishing yourself from me

^ I'm going to pass this off as an ironic comment, because I realised how stupid it was haha.

I was telling you to prove a point, obviously :D
If someone asks you your religion in real life, there is potential for immediate and major conflict, yelling, and general unpleasantness. Very different thing than posting it as a random fact about yourself. So I didn't take it as ironic at all.

I will agree that it's pretty irksome when someone equates being Christian (or whatever their belief system is) with being a 'good' person. More so if they're going to declare it upon meeting you, thus instantly creating in and out groups and peering at you to find out which category you fit into.
I have a pet spider named Pringle. She likes to walk around on my hand.

What kind of spider is that? She's pretty.

I have this weird dotted line going across my nose. I have no idea what it is or where it came from.

ETA: Apparently, it's because of my allergies. Hmmm.

Line Across the Middle of the Nose
An allergic child whose nose perpetually itches (but the itching may not cause sneezing) will frequently rub their nose upwards with the flat of their hand causing, after a time, a permanent crease across the nose, frequent throat clearing or hoarseness.

You learn something every day.