DAWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHH!!! he looks so happy
he looks so sad :C
haha >.<honey
here is my super-duper-amazing adorably cute pet! His name is Mr. Fuzzles ::
My Desert Tortoise
I rescued him from crows one day when he as just a hatchling
He's been my "baby" ever since lol
^ I'm pretty sure my cat has SA too. He's only truly comfortable around me, and he freaks out whenever anyone else comes near him (except my mom). He can't even eat if other people are in the room either. I've gotten to the point of actually feeding him in my room and cracking the door if I leave. It actually seems his anxiety is worse now that he's older.(^ she has social anxiety too and she doesn't like having her picture taken...makes her really nervous)
So cute. I've always wanted a turtle.
What a cool looking cat. I like the spots on his or her body, reminds me of a cheetah.
He/she is adorable.
What a cutie! That has to be a little girl, she's so adorable!
So lovely!Ta da! The newest member of our family!
Yeah! It's awesomeLook at that curly tail! So cute!
Ta da! The newest member of our family!
This is my two year old tabby cat, Georgie Boy. I was bored one day, so I decided to film him while I gave him a bath. Post a picture of your animal and enjoy!
How to Bathe your cat - YouTube