Before I post my actual journal entry of the day, I would like to take this moment to wish all of my fellow SPWers a
Merry Christmas!
Oh wait, wrong picture xD
that's what I'm talking about
Ladies, don't you just wanna feel those snowballs?
Ahem yes well... on a more serious note...
So yeah, it's Christmas. Yay...?
Sorry, I just haven't been feeling that holiday spirit for a while. Well, years actually. It just feels like another mundane day with nothing to do and nobody to spend it with. I just spent it here in my lovely home, having a movie marathon with my mom and have been locked up here in my room video gaming myself to death and, of course, am now sitting here on my lazy bum before my bright computer screen trying to find something to make my life more worthwhile and failing miserably to do yet again.
Yeah.... but enough about boring ol' me. How was you guys' Christmas?? Much more enjoyable I hope. Get anything special? Something you really wanted? Got drunk off your rocker? Do tell~ =D
As for my "actual" journal entry, I'll just save it for tomorrow or another day. You guys are probably better off not reading it anyway. Just some more emotional rambling over my typical nonsensical life. Wooo! \o/
Happy Holidays to you all and I hope you enjoy the rest of your Christmas! =)