I hate to be Debbie Downer for the millionth, if not the billionth time, but I desperately need to do some ranting about my Thanksgiving today to relieve some of my nerves and frustrations. I was expecting my Thanksgiving to be a good one, honestly, but then it all went to piss at quite an alarming rate.
We went to my great aunt's house where we expected to enjoy it and spend it only with her and her family, but low and behold, my godmother and her family was there before us. The expressions on my and my mother's faces as we entered their home and saw them sitting there at the table, greeting us with their fakes smiles, were
far from pleasant. I've written enough posts here describing how horrible my godmother is to my mother and I so I won't bother going into detail on that.
We said hi to them very dryly, didn't bother greeting them with hugs and kisses on the cheek, and continued greeting my great aunt and her family instead. After that we all sart there at the huge table, waiting for the food to be done, and everyone was conversing normally for the most part. As usual, I sat at the farthest corner of the table, silent as the grave. I could feel my godmother's daughters eyeing me from time to time and I made my discomfort obvious to them.
After a while of sitting there like a petrified statue and listening to everyone converse, I get up to use the bathroom. As I'm exiting the bathroom, my older cousin's daughter is standing there, watching me curiously like she always is. I playfully wave at her, she giggles and runs off, and then BAM! She smashes her head right into the wall and starts wailing up a storm.
Of course, everyone comes to her aid and I'm just standing there next to her, not knowing what to do. My great aunt asks me what happened, I awkwardly explain to her what happened, and then my godmother says "Can you blame her for running away?" I just shot my godmother a glare and pushed my way through the crowd to the table.
Everything was really awkward and uncomfortable from there. Once the food was ready, we all served ourselves, gave thanks, and ate silently. At least until my godmother, being the attention whore she is, starts shooting her mouth off about her life. Everyone just nods and listens, giving their two pence from time to time, while I just keep my eyes on my plate as I eat.
After dinner and dessert, everyone continues talking random nonsense and I'm just sitting there all quiet of course. My eyes met with my godmother's and much to my chagrin she gives me that fake smile of hers and says "You talk
so much! My ears are starting to hurt." She was being sarcastic of course. I didn't speak more than 100 words the entire time I was there.
I know it was just a "joke", but I was already fed up with her as it was. I decided to heck with it and fired back with "Funny. You seem to be the one here who enjoys hearing herself talk." That got everyone to shut up.
You could tell my godmother was embarrassed and pissed as hell, but as always, she wore that fake smile of hers and continued talking nonsense with the family like nothing happened. I looked at my mom and she had a mixed expression on her face like she wanted to say "kudos to you" and "what the hell are you thinking??" at the same time.
My godmother left earlier than usual. She usually stays the latest, probably to chismear (gossip; talk s***) about my mom and I. I guess I worked her up pretty good? I sure hope I did. B**** ruined my Thanksgiving.
So, there you have it... sounds like something out of a soap opera huh? Yeah... if my family wanted to they could set the standards to make an overly-dramatic soap opera. It's ridiculous.
Well, on a lighter note, I hope you all had/are having a good Thanksgiving! Just as long as you didn't eat enough to gain 5 pounds like I did :
