Well-known member
*Deep breath* OKAY. Here we go:
Today's journal entry is proving to be quite a b**** for me to type up. Trying to figure out where to begin is reducing my brain to microscopic mush…
Well… I’ve been off and on about this site for a while now. I’ve been dealing with so many mixed emotions and my mind is just scattered everywhere right now.
On a very good note, my godmother and her family relocated to the Midwest. Apparently they had bought some land over in Wisconsin a long time ago and I’m guessing her son’s trying to start a new life over there. Thank God they never found out about us living in the same city as them. I’ll keep hoping that they stay over there in Wisconsin for the rest of their lives so my mom and I never have to worry about them again.
That’s not what I’m here to type my fingers to arthritis on though. It’s something much more enlightening than that. Well, enlightening for me at least. I can’t say the same for you poor generous souls that bother to take even a glance at this ridiculously-longer-than-usual post of mine.
My day today was simply… life changing. Not in a bad way. It just really opened my eyes to life and I feel like all of the self-loathing that’s weighed me down practically my entire life has finally been lifted off my shoulders.
It’s a really long story, but I’m sure you guys have had enough of my nasty habit of rambling so I’m going to reduce the length of this journal post by half. Yes, it was twice as long before if you could believe that. You’re welcome :
So let’s get one thing straight: I’m not.
See what I did there? …No? Guess I wasn’t blunt enough.
Today was the day I came out of the proverbial closet as a bisexual.
No need for double-takes my dears. You read that correctly…
*Sighs* See Malice? That wasn’t so hard now was it?
To think that I’ve had these feelings bottled inside my heart like poison all these years, thinking that my coming out would completely shatter the image the people closest to me have of me and for what?? I’ve received nothing but acceptance and love from the few people I’ve come out to thus far. I obviously can’t expect to get the same reaction from others with homophobia retarding the public’s ability to think outside the box. Plus all the crap I went through in jr. high with my sexuality will always serve as a reminder to me of how cruel people are and how careful I have to be about who I come out to.
My best friend was the first person I told and I was really surprised to discover that she’s bisexual too. I came out to her a few weeks ago but I didn’t consider myself to be officially out of the closet until today when I told my mother the truth. She was the one person that made me tremble in my shoes at the thought of telling her about my sexuality. She usually made anti-gay slurs and jokes and while I knew she didn’t mean any harm by them it still hurt me, especially when I had to play along and act like her jokes weren’t daggers being driven through my heart. The bigger roadblock for me was that I felt disgusted with myself for being attracted to girls after my mom was molested by one (a family member no less) when she was very young.
Knowing all that crushed any hopes I had of her accepting me and you can only imagine how shocked I was to hear her say right away that she accepts this part of me, let alone say she’s proud of me for coming out to her. It just broke my heart when she asked if she ever did or said anything to make me this way. That’s when I went ahead and told her about everything I went through in jr. high and that was the breaking point for her. She was so angry at herself for “allowing” these things to happen to me. What I wanted to avoid the most was her feeling guilty for what I am and I made that happen by shutting her out all these years. I feel so terrible knowing that I did more harm by trying to do what I thought to be the right thing.
Well… no use in regretting the past. What’s done is done and it’s nice to know that things didn’t turn out anywhere near as bad as I imagined they would. Naturally it was a very emotional experience for both my mom and I, but all that’s ever been needed to be said has been said and for once in my life I can say that I am at peace with myself.
I no longer have to conceal the part of me that’s always been there. I no longer have to force myself to be with guys simply because my religious upbringing and society calls for it. I no longer have to be sorry for who I am.
I’m bisexual and I’m happy.
I’m not saying all my troubles in life are over just yet. Of course there will always be problems. Life is a story and conflict is an element necessary to make the story evolve. I may be able to accept myself for who I am and be able to look at myself in the mirror without cringing in disgust, but the bigger task at hand now is being accepted by people in general. That’s a goal I'll probably never achieve.
A world where everyone accepts each other will never exist. It’s human nature to challenge the things in life that are beyond our understanding and a species that consists of individuals with so many contradicting beliefs could never truly co-exist without dispute. That’s just the world we live in and I’m fully aware of that. I just want to be able to openly show this side of me without having to keep my heart chained down by homophobes. It’ll be quite the challenge but it’s one I’m more than willing to accept, especially knowing that I’m not alone in this fight.
Well… I hope this journal entry wasn’t too shocking or sappy for you guys. It’s just so hard for me to take in the fact that my self-esteem has been rekindled after so many years of hating myself over something that doesn’t even define me as a person. I’m just so full of confidence and relief right now and it’s such an amazing feeling. One I thought I would never be able to experience again...
Okay Malice, enough rambling!!! I’ve given you guys enough of a headache with this journal entry of ungodly proportions so I’ll just shut up now and let you guys breathe again.
Good day to you all
Today's journal entry is proving to be quite a b**** for me to type up. Trying to figure out where to begin is reducing my brain to microscopic mush…
Well… I’ve been off and on about this site for a while now. I’ve been dealing with so many mixed emotions and my mind is just scattered everywhere right now.
On a very good note, my godmother and her family relocated to the Midwest. Apparently they had bought some land over in Wisconsin a long time ago and I’m guessing her son’s trying to start a new life over there. Thank God they never found out about us living in the same city as them. I’ll keep hoping that they stay over there in Wisconsin for the rest of their lives so my mom and I never have to worry about them again.
That’s not what I’m here to type my fingers to arthritis on though. It’s something much more enlightening than that. Well, enlightening for me at least. I can’t say the same for you poor generous souls that bother to take even a glance at this ridiculously-longer-than-usual post of mine.
My day today was simply… life changing. Not in a bad way. It just really opened my eyes to life and I feel like all of the self-loathing that’s weighed me down practically my entire life has finally been lifted off my shoulders.
It’s a really long story, but I’m sure you guys have had enough of my nasty habit of rambling so I’m going to reduce the length of this journal post by half. Yes, it was twice as long before if you could believe that. You’re welcome :
So let’s get one thing straight: I’m not.
See what I did there? …No? Guess I wasn’t blunt enough.
Today was the day I came out of the proverbial closet as a bisexual.
No need for double-takes my dears. You read that correctly…
*Sighs* See Malice? That wasn’t so hard now was it?
To think that I’ve had these feelings bottled inside my heart like poison all these years, thinking that my coming out would completely shatter the image the people closest to me have of me and for what?? I’ve received nothing but acceptance and love from the few people I’ve come out to thus far. I obviously can’t expect to get the same reaction from others with homophobia retarding the public’s ability to think outside the box. Plus all the crap I went through in jr. high with my sexuality will always serve as a reminder to me of how cruel people are and how careful I have to be about who I come out to.
My best friend was the first person I told and I was really surprised to discover that she’s bisexual too. I came out to her a few weeks ago but I didn’t consider myself to be officially out of the closet until today when I told my mother the truth. She was the one person that made me tremble in my shoes at the thought of telling her about my sexuality. She usually made anti-gay slurs and jokes and while I knew she didn’t mean any harm by them it still hurt me, especially when I had to play along and act like her jokes weren’t daggers being driven through my heart. The bigger roadblock for me was that I felt disgusted with myself for being attracted to girls after my mom was molested by one (a family member no less) when she was very young.
Knowing all that crushed any hopes I had of her accepting me and you can only imagine how shocked I was to hear her say right away that she accepts this part of me, let alone say she’s proud of me for coming out to her. It just broke my heart when she asked if she ever did or said anything to make me this way. That’s when I went ahead and told her about everything I went through in jr. high and that was the breaking point for her. She was so angry at herself for “allowing” these things to happen to me. What I wanted to avoid the most was her feeling guilty for what I am and I made that happen by shutting her out all these years. I feel so terrible knowing that I did more harm by trying to do what I thought to be the right thing.
Well… no use in regretting the past. What’s done is done and it’s nice to know that things didn’t turn out anywhere near as bad as I imagined they would. Naturally it was a very emotional experience for both my mom and I, but all that’s ever been needed to be said has been said and for once in my life I can say that I am at peace with myself.
I no longer have to conceal the part of me that’s always been there. I no longer have to force myself to be with guys simply because my religious upbringing and society calls for it. I no longer have to be sorry for who I am.
I’m bisexual and I’m happy.
I’m not saying all my troubles in life are over just yet. Of course there will always be problems. Life is a story and conflict is an element necessary to make the story evolve. I may be able to accept myself for who I am and be able to look at myself in the mirror without cringing in disgust, but the bigger task at hand now is being accepted by people in general. That’s a goal I'll probably never achieve.
A world where everyone accepts each other will never exist. It’s human nature to challenge the things in life that are beyond our understanding and a species that consists of individuals with so many contradicting beliefs could never truly co-exist without dispute. That’s just the world we live in and I’m fully aware of that. I just want to be able to openly show this side of me without having to keep my heart chained down by homophobes. It’ll be quite the challenge but it’s one I’m more than willing to accept, especially knowing that I’m not alone in this fight.
Well… I hope this journal entry wasn’t too shocking or sappy for you guys. It’s just so hard for me to take in the fact that my self-esteem has been rekindled after so many years of hating myself over something that doesn’t even define me as a person. I’m just so full of confidence and relief right now and it’s such an amazing feeling. One I thought I would never be able to experience again...
Okay Malice, enough rambling!!! I’ve given you guys enough of a headache with this journal entry of ungodly proportions so I’ll just shut up now and let you guys breathe again.
Good day to you all