Maybe we can share?
Absolutely. I'll take'im Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
You, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Sunday we'll let the Coyote roam free.
Maybe we can share?
Absolutely. I'll take'im Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
You, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Sunday we'll let the Coyote roam free.
Yes, you are easygoing at times and I’m sure a lot of fun to be around because you have a great sense of humor and can poke fun at yourself. BUT, if you’re bringing up the ills of the world and unfairness of it all on your initial dates, that might be somewhat of a detraction!Intense? INTENSE?? I AM NOT INTENSE DAMMIT... I AM EASYGOING...!!
And this is why, at least for me, I’m not a huge fan of online dating. I think there are too many expectations for things to “click” right away. Maybe a little slower pace in getting to know someone would be better? It doesn’t necessarily mean you will be permanently friend zoned. Even though work is unfortunately one of the worst places to get romantically involved with someone, it’s one of the best places to get to know someone! When you see the person day in and day out like that, you get to know them on a different level than when meeting a total stranger. You get a chance see them interact with other people, get to know their interests, etc., without all the initial pressure of dating. Maybe you should stay away from online dating for a while and try to get to know women on a friendship level through activities you’re involved in. See what they’re like for a while first without any expectations. If there’s a romantic connection, it will progress on it’s own! And perhaps it will end with just a friendship, but you can’t expect that you’re going to have a love connection with every woman you meet. I seem to recall reading something about most people making a connection with just 3 out of every 100 people they meet. So if you look at it from that perspective, the fact that you’ve not yet found “the one” isn’t all that unusual.Actually I have thought about this to some degree - I think this particularly true within online dating, where there is an expectation of romance and to take things further - but if there is flirtation back - then isn't me flirting with them back the expected thing to do? (but not taking to too slow - otherwise friend zoned - got to get the balance EXACTLY right).
You could try doing that, but you’ll need to be open to hearing what other people have to say that might be contradictory to your expectations. I don't always agree with some of the advice/opinions expressed here, but I am trying to at least listen to and consider what is being said.I mean if I wrote out - exactly how a relationship develops - perhaps you could tell me if my expectations are unreasonable.
You really don’t give yourself enough credit! People here *do* like you and just want to help out. You wouldn't be getting any responses if nobody cared!I know how I come across on here by the way - it's cool. I am making my dinner by the way which is why I can't respond to everything properly.
But in all seriousness, women these days are weird. I mean we always have been, but now many don't want to "settle". It's all about wondering if they could still find someone better, so they're insecure with who they have then. That might not explain all your rejections, but maybe more than a few.
There are two things I want to do.
I want to write out how I think a relationship would normally develop. The expectations from dating and what I would believe is reasonable behaviour.
The other thing is to tell you all - why I personally believe I have been rejected so many times within the context of all these women that I have met.
Erm, then why don't you? You said last night that you knew why you were getting rejected and were going to write about it but you still haven't. You come across as a bit of a "oh, poor me" person and an attention seeker. I haven't seen you ever talk about anything you may have done to put these women off, it's always their fault. e.g. I was too nice, i was too charming etc Maybe if you were honest with yourself you'd get somewhere.
Yeah I know I do - I get that all the time.
But you know you are reading my words and interpreting through your own experience of how things are and your own values - I mean I am not going on about it just for kicks am I? - and it is perfectly natural - because I knew as I wrote up this thread, that these were the kinds of responses that I would receive and that it was going to be challenging.
And I will write it up, I have to take time with it because it is no doubt going to cause offense and controversy so I have to make sure I do it in such a way that is clear - the best way I can - but I will do it my own time, probably in the next couple of days. I was not aware I was under a time limit to do so.
Yes, it is my interpretation, obviously. We're also only going by what you have told us about why you were rejected. I'm sure there are things that you interpreted wrong about those women.
And also - before anyone thinks it - I do not think that I am perfect, I know that I make mistakes, I have met girls and I have made mistakes with them. I am not trying to place ALL of my misfortune on others.
In fact the last girlfriend I had nigh on 10 years ago now - broke up with me. Why? Because I was an insensitive buffoon. I took her for granted. She was so sweet to me and I did not appreciate her (I remember that I brought a cherry cola from the store and the next time I was at her place she had a fridge full of cherry cola for me - now THAT was pretty amazing). I learned. I KNOW why and I deserved it - and I was so terribly upset about it. I would like to think I have grown since then - but the main point that I am trying to sort of get across here, is that even though I know I am not perfect (I am quite shy for instance - particularly around people I don't know) the women that I have mentioned have not given me an adequate reason, after seemingly everything going really great - and instead has left me feeling confused, flat, used, disappointed and sad - you combine those feelings over and over, and you sort of get a thread resembling this one.
You're being way to hard on yourself, love is a magical x factor that makes no sense or reason. It cannot be forced.![]()
I live in the UK and as anyone knows, us Brits love fish and chips. We also love cups of teas, but that isn't relevant to this post.
And also - before anyone thinks it - I do not think that I am perfect, I know that I make mistakes, I have met girls and I have made mistakes with them. I am not trying to place ALL of my misfortune on others.
In fact the last girlfriend I had nigh on 10 years ago now - broke up with me. Why? Because I was an insensitive buffoon. I took her for granted. She was so sweet to me and I did not appreciate her (I remember that I brought a cherry cola from the store and the next time I was at her place she had a fridge full of cherry cola for me - now THAT was pretty amazing). I learned. I KNOW why and I deserved it - and I was so terribly upset about it. I would like to think I have grown since then - but the main point that I am trying to sort of get across here, is that even though I know I am not perfect (I am quite shy for instance - particularly around people I don't know) the women that I have mentioned have not given me an adequate reason, after seemingly everything going really great - and instead has left me feeling confused, flat, used, disappointed and sad - you combine those feelings over and over, and you sort of get a thread resembling this one.
I don't understand what's the big deal with you and "how things should be". The world is not a fair place. People are not rational. You are not either. There is no "reason" in relationships. And there is no rules, in my opinion, not for you, not for them, or if you prefer there is tons of rules, and the rules of the strongest apply. If you expect people to change and play by your rules good luck - you'll need to be the strongest. I guess these are the rules, and if you don't like the rules, you can only hate the game. All this being only an opinion, of course.
I was wondering when you were going to show up...
All I am getting at is that people around here seem to think that its perfectly OK to treat others like garbage and they try to justify that based on their personal values and bias. Just imagine a world where anyone could do whatever they want to anyone else? I mean - I assume you have feelings yourself right? That you expect and wish to be treated a certain way, or is it that anyone can do whatever they want with you? What is the limit before someone can finally say - this is unacceptable and you need to be accountable - and I am not going to take this anymore.
No the world is not a fair place and acceptance of that only propagates that further.