is being a male virgin unnattractive?


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May I help?

I have slept with a male virgin before. I wasn't very experienced myself at the time but I had a vague suspicion. However, he'd been very shy about being a virgin and had covered his tracks by saying that he hadn't slept with anyone for about a year, hence he came quite quickly.

The thing that made me suspect that he was a virgin (although I didn't bring it up with him) was that he was clearly quite unco-ordinated with placing his arms and legs, had a bit of trouble working out the dynamics of actually moving in missionary position and didn't know how far to pull out each thrust at first so kept on pulling out completely by mistake. However, he got the hang of it within two or three sessions, so all was fine after that.

I only discovered for sure that he had been a virgin a few dates later when we had a chat about age of loss of virginity. He admitted then, and asked if I was angry. I wasn't - I could appreciate why he'd felt shy about it. We moved on just fine from that.

Re: whether a male virgin is unattractive or not, a girl who just wants a racy night might not want to be with one as she'll want him to know what to do, and a male virgin will be busy trying to grasp the basics on that night.

On the other hand, introducing a person to the world of sex sounds exciting and fun, so some might take to the idea. I would if I dated a male virgin again. The attraction of the idea isn't sexual: I'd be just as happy introducing someone to anything non-sexual.

I hope this helps throw some light.


Staff member
I think it's all about passion and letting yourself go, I think two people could click sexually but would not click with others.

One of my girly mates complained about her new BF to me, "he's in his 30's experienced but like a plank of would, the guy has no passion!"


Well-known member
Ah, now this is one thing: I had a short fling with a guy who was a fair bit older than me. I was hoping that, because he was older and more experienced, he'd be good in bed. Truth was, he'd decided he was fantastic no matter what, and decided that he knew what I wanted in bed far better than I did, but was actually awful. I wouldn't normally call a partner awful as that's a bit cruel, but I draw the line with him - he was inconsiderate and cloth-eared to the max. And, to cap it all, he was so bad at listening to me that he raped me once because he decided I wanted sex at a time when I definitely didn't.

And he had the gall to interrogate me about why I wanted to split up with him a week later.

The male virgin I mentioned above listened to me when I spoke and actually acted on it. He may not have been terribly skilled, but the fact that he knew he had things to gain from listening to me put him head and shoulders above Mr. Experienced.

So, erm, if you want to get good brownie points with a girl, regardless of experience, just listen to the girl. Insisting you know what she wants is an insult, in my opinion.


Active member
I agree with Sickjoke and I am a woman.
Do not worry that you’re not experienced, she wont know till you tell her so, don’t.
If you wont last long, tell her that's because she is just to sexy and she will take it as a compliment.
Good luck


This is why little kids are having sex everywhere nowadays. I don't know why people care so much if they're virgins or not, maybe it's cause i don't see it the way some people do.

I still remember the old days when people have sex after they are married, anyone notice the growing population of single woman with a child?


Well-known member
I would counter the idea that it's beneficial to save sex until after marriage, but I think that sex is so applauded in our society that that can cause problems.


Well-known member
Not in my experience...i had sex quite young,but i was still very sexualy inexperienced for a long time,and actualy scared to have sex because of a bad experience.But it didnt seem to affect me...I still got plenty of girls when i was at school college and even offers of sex on a plate ::eek:: Without soudning like bragging,I didnt take them up on it cos i was to unconfident and of course this was before i had social anxiety.

How did you get these offers? I feel jealous when i read of that happening to people. I know ive never had an offer like that myself so its impossible to say 100% surley what i would do, but if i got those offers i would definatley take them regardless of the fact i am completley inexperienced. The whole reason why i'm experienced is because ive never had the chance, so if i was given the chance i would. I wouldnt be bothered by the fact im never done it before because at least id be getting the chance to actualy do it.

Actually i wouldn't be attracted to him at all, i'd think he was a player and in my opinion not worth going near!

All I can say to that is I wish i knew gilrs with that mentality of you and Lurknomore. It would probably solve a big part of my problem.
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Well-known member
Yeah, girls are that dense. And so are most men if you think about it. Girls in the popular crew are seen as more attractive and desirable even if they barely hit the 'pretty' marker. Whereas girls who are clearly not popular (shy, distant) but still damn attractive... well even i with my social phobia would feel slightly hesitant lol. 'Fake it till you make it' is damn good advice. Just pretend you're more confident/intelligent/popular/horny than you actually are, that way you're stalling for time and give them a chance to get to know and appreciate you for who you are :D


Well-known member
Yeah, girls are that dense. And so are most men if you think about it. Girls in the popular crew are seen as more attractive and desirable even if they barely hit the 'pretty' marker. Whereas girls who are clearly not popular (shy, distant) but still damn attractive... well even i with my social phobia would feel slightly hesitant lol. 'Fake it till you make it' is damn good advice. Just pretend you're more confident/intelligent/popular/horny than you actually are, that way you're stalling for time and give them a chance to get to know and appreciate you for who you are :D

Well coming across an attractive shy girl would be great to me. Because she'd probably like the fact i was shy aswell, If only that would happen.


Well-known member
I'd prefer a shy guy because they're less likely to set off my SA and won't try to pressure/intimadate me into doing things I don't want to do.

I actually dated a guy that would purposely set off my panic attacks, so he could get me alone and "have his way with me"...asshole


Well-known member
as a girl, i could care less if a guy's a virgin or not.

if anything, his virginity would make me feel less abnormal/inadequate about my own inexperience.


Well-known member
Wow this thread got popular fast. I wonder why:confused: :D

beauty is not always a fixed idea. this is also part of evolutionary psychology I believe?

In terms of physical beauty, men look primarily for signs of youth, health, and fertility in women. Secondary to that is personal preference.

zofia-life-coach said:
I agree with Sickjoke and I am a woman.
Do not worry that you’re not experienced, she wont know till you tell her so, don’t.
If you wont last long, tell her that's because she is just to sexy and she will take it as a compliment.
Good luck

Agreed, don't tell her!

If you really want to make a good impression get those condoms with the numbing agent on the inside so you can last for hours :D (just make sure you put it on the right way, not inside out ;))


The last girl I told about my virginity immediately started kissing me and might have had sex with me if I hadn't told her to stop. (She was dating my friend.) I have talked to other guys who have had similar experiences.

Obviously you are not always going to get that reaction, but I really doubt you are going to turn any woman off just by admitting you are a virgin. Of course, the way you break it to her could make a difference. Act like it isn't a big deal (i.e. don't sound whiny, bitter, insecure, etc.) and you will probably get a better reaction.


SICKJOKE is absolutely right. women always prefer who is already bunched around, fashion attracts demand. anyway i shit on women and girls bcoz my social anxiety multiplies itself by 1000000000000000 when i have to deal with them.


Well-known member
The last girl I told about my virginity immediately started kissing me and might have had sex with me if I hadn't told her to stop. (She was dating my friend.) I have talked to other guys who have had similar experiences.

Obviously you are not always going to get that reaction, but I really doubt you are going to turn any woman off just by admitting you are a virgin. Of course, the way you break it to her could make a difference. Act like it isn't a big deal (i.e. don't sound whiny, bitter, insecure, etc.) and you will probably get a better reaction.

This story actually gives me hope about being one myself. Hmm, if this is actually possible...than WIN.


Well-known member
The last girl I told about my virginity immediately started kissing me and might have had sex with me if I hadn't told her to stop. (She was dating my friend.) I have talked to other guys who have had similar experiences.

Obviously you are not always going to get that reaction, but I really doubt you are going to turn any woman off just by admitting you are a virgin. Of course, the way you break it to her could make a difference. Act like it isn't a big deal (i.e. don't sound whiny, bitter, insecure, etc.) and you will probably get a better reaction.

Wow Your'e lucky, whish that could happen to me. I'd love an oppertunity like that.


Well-known member
Simple answer with me being female .... the simple answer toyour question is = No it is not unnattractive