is being a male virgin unnattractive?


Well-known member
Yes, because the advice OP has received so far is helpful, realistic, and approved by evolutionary psychologists around the world.

I'm glad we agree :D

He asked a question, I gave a straightforward answer. How he uses that knowledge, if he chooses to, is up to him ;)


Well-known member
Great! *sarcasm obviously*

Would you prefer if I lied to you? Would you rather hear what's comforting or what's true? Personally I'd rather hear the truth.

But OK, here you go:

[comforting lies]Nahhh, virgins are just as attractive as sexually active men. A guy who's never had a girlfriend is just as attractive as a guy who has plenty of options.[/comforting lies]


the fact is you're being too absolute. The above that u just said isn't necessarily more accurate either. It's better if you say "virgins can be just as attractive".

Anyway.. waht's so different about faking? that you have confidence that you can get something? The lies are just there to portray something that's not necessarily anything.

Seriously though, you are pretty much portraying that girls can't have a mind of their own and are subject to silly things such as what you believe.
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well because just for the possibility that in case that there are SOME DENSE AZ F*CK women out there, that I can feel better in knowing that I have external proof that some girls don't really give a f*ck and care more about love.


Well-known member
It's better if you say "virgins can be just as attractive".

Why did you even ask the question, if all you want to hear are answers that will make you feel better?

You're repeating questions to me that I've already answered in this thread

no1 said:
Seriously though, you are pretty much portraying that girls can't have a mind of their own and are subject to silly things such as what you believe.

Really, this is absurd, and I've already addressed this in previous threads. OBVIOUSLY everyone has a mind of his/her own.

Men and women are wired differently. We are attracted to different things.

Men are all attracted to physical beauty. Does that mean we don't have minds of our own?
Unattractive in what way? Because I would think that it's not obvious (like a physical characteristic) unless you go around advertising it or wear a sign around your neck- and what kind of girl/relationship are you looking for- serious or just a "hook-up"? I think that if you get into a serious relationship with a girl you like, if she knows you well enough and likes you back, she probably won't care about your lack of experience- she might even be happy to initiate you:)


Sickjoke I know what you mean, I agree on many things... it's just hard sometimes explainig something to a social phobic coz of the emotionL issues... Iam just saying this so you won't feel down or whatever lol coz your getting attacked over this quite a lot,

I read the book, I took what I read as self help/improvement, learnt some new things, stopped doing some old things that didn't work for reasons I didn't understand at the time- like throwing my emotions I feel for a girl at her haha and then wondering why she didn't want me anymore

I took it as self improvement, Iam not gonna change now and start hitting on girls every night coz I read the book... I guess that's what most people on here had the most problem with - coz it seems kinda wrong to them... the tool or power of itself is never manipulative or whatever, it's how you use it that's what makes it manipulative in my opinion, just my opinion, Iam not sure Iam in the right topic


Well-known member
Sickjoke I know what you mean, I agree on many things... it's just hard sometimes explainig something to a social phobic coz of the emotionL issues... Iam just saying this so you won't feel down or whatever lol coz your getting attacked over this quite a lot,

I read the book, I took what I read as self help/improvement, learnt some new things, stopped doing some old things that didn't work for reasons I didn't understand at the time- like throwing my emotions I feel for a girl at her haha and then wondering why she didn't want me anymore

I took it as self improvement, Iam not gonna change now and start hitting on girls every night coz I read the book... I guess that's what most people on here had the most problem with - coz it seems kinda wrong to them... the tool or power of itself is never manipulative or whatever, it's how you use it that's what makes it manipulative in my opinion, just my opinion, Iam not sure Iam in the right topic

Thanks, but I'm not even talking about a particular book here, I'm talking about science: evolutionary biology which leads to evolutionary psychology. If you really want to get deep into this, start off by reading The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.


Ye had the feeling Iam not in the right topic... thanks, gonna check it out, human mind is interesting stuff

Edit: I read some reviews and Iam gona avoid it like the plague. A guy wanted to give it a 5 and a 0 at the same time, he got depressed coz the book showed him life is meaningless, there's no spirituality, no god, (now I know why you don't believe in religion), Iam spiritual, believe in energy, Iam doing energy therapy which helps me a lot... If I read the book I will be against it and not believe in this stuff anymore.

Seems like a very interesting book, but Iam way to unstable at the moment, just reading those reviews got me depressed....

So ghosts don't exist?? I don't need to be afraid of the dark anymore?
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I'm not exactly virgin either but I've never had a girlfriend or had much of any experience whether it be good.

Aside from that though.. it's obvious I haven't had much experience. Does that make it harder?

Not in my experience...i had sex quite young,but i was still very sexualy inexperienced for a long time,and actualy scared to have sex because of a bad experience.But it didnt seem to affect me...I still got plenty of girls when i was at school college and even offers of sex on a plate ::eek:: Without soudning like bragging,I didnt take them up on it cos i was to unconfident and of course this was before i had social anxiety.

After anxiety it was a bit of an issue,because i was scared to get into a relationship because i wasnt secure about being sexual.I messed up a few times because of it but then i learnt to be honest :) But it was me not dealing with it...not because it turned girls off.Once i opended up to someone about being insecure about it,it was no longer an issue.

Every girl is cant predict how any girl is gonna react no matter what theroies and books you read.So yeah i think aslong as your honest most girls would be cool about it :cool:


Well-known member
j_brown2 said:
Edit: I read some reviews and Iam gona avoid it like the plague. A guy wanted to give it a 5 and a 0 at the same time, he got depressed coz the book showed him life is meaningless, there's no spirituality, no god, (now I know why you don't believe in religion), Iam spiritual, believe in energy, Iam doing energy therapy which helps me a lot... If I read the book I will be against it and not believe in this stuff anymore.

Yeah :D I don't want to hijack this thread, but feel free to PM me with questions.

Danfalc said:
Every girl is cant predict how any girl is gonna react no matter what theroies and books you read.So yeah i think aslong as your honest most girls would be cool about it

Well I wouldn't go that far. We can predict with a very high probability, how people will respond to certain situations.

If a heterosexual man is minding his own business when suddenly a supermodel walks into his field of vision, we can predict scientifically that he'll feel some level of attraction toward her. We could verify this by monitoring his physiology and even his brain activity.

On the same token, if a heterosexual women is minding her own business when suddenly a man walks into her field of vision surrounded by beautiful women, we can predict in the same way that she'll feel some level of attraction toward him.

It's very well documented that women feel attraction toward men who are attractive to other women. So on a broader scale, a guy who's never had a girlfriend will be considered less attractive than a guy who has plenty of options with women, or at least comes across as a guy who has plenty of options with women.

OK ok, I'm done :D


Well-known member
I'm not exactly virgin either but I've never had a girlfriend or had much of any experience whether it be good.

Aside from that though.. it's obvious I haven't had much experience. Does that make it harder?
I really thought you were a fellow virgin ::p:


Im just gonna agree to disagree sickjoke cos my personal experiences tell me different,and i really dont think girls come down to statistics and maths...I should of put you cant predict how "every" girl is gonna react not "any".Sorry for any confusion.

I really dont think its as clear cut as you make out,but again i guess we will agreee to disagree :)


Well-known member
Actually i wouldn't be attracted to him at all, i'd think he was a player and in my opinion not worth going near!

OK, that's fair. But I think we could agree that you might at least be intrigued, wondering, "Who is this guy? Why's he surrounded by beautiful women? What's so special about him?" And after all, they might just be friends of his.