Imagine you have unlimited money. Post what you would do!


Well-known member

I'd build this landscape in reality with fully enter-active ladybug sound especially for tasting the lilacs

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Well-known member
If I had unlimited amount of money I would not have any money if it really was unlimited. Because if you have unlimited amount of something that thing is not worth anything


Well-known member
Get a very strong financial base and keep buying property and increase my own resources. Improve my intellect to the level of a genius. Find a way to extend my own life to a few hundred years or even a millennium. Change my genetic makeup to become much stronger.

Establish my own entertainment company and a research institute. Make shelters for the poor and homeless. Sponsor groundbreaking advances in green technology and truly sustainable growth. Campaign for animal and human rights. Get a few morally sound people as apprentices so that they can continue my work after I'm dead.

I would do all that, but I would also become Batman to fight crime.


Well-known member
There's alot of places where you can rent one for a few hours.

No, I wouldn't want a lady friend for just a few hours... I want a lifelong friendship and romantic relationship till death do us part... I guess I was saying that I would buy or pay someone to hopefully be my friend first and foremost, and see where it goes from there....


not actually Fiona Apple
I would first get rid of those pesky student loans I have. Then I would give enough to my family for whatever they may need. After that I would buy some plane tickets and fly somewhere that it's always sunny. With unlimited money I would then do research and try to discover the best way to make the world a better place for everyone with it. This would of course be a daunting task, but blinding throwing money at charities really wouldn't help that much. I'd try to live my life fully by trying new things and seeing new places and experiencing everything I could as well, and maybe trying to make that option available to the rest of the world as well if I could.


Well-known member
Buy a house either in the country, or in a Naturist resort, like Ponderosa. I will also buy a mobile at Bare Oaks Naturist resort for me to stay at. Too bad I can't live there permanently, they are on a green belt or green laf land whatever it's called.

I would buy more Hunger Games merchandise, maybe get my car painted up with The Hunger Games, maybe a pictur of Katniss of it, that'll be something to see, ha ha. Or maybe, like the SUV's in Jurassic Park (1993). I was thinking about that the other day.

I would buy DVD in bluray, for all the movies I have and then some. Th only problem is, I can't geth them to play on my laptop.

I would stock up on a bunch of Anbesol, Orajel Ultra, Kanka stuff for my tongue. By two of the most expensive ASUS or SAMSUNG laptops, that are top of the line 1.5 TB Solid State Hard Drive, 8GB of RAM, Intel Core i7 procssor.

two 3GB externla HDD. I love stuff like that. I don't need 8GB of RAM, but if I could afford to, I would becuase I love stuff like that, having my laptop up to top.

The other laptop will be as a backup. They will have Ubuntu 12.04: Precise Pangolin.

I wouldn't buy much, for having a ton of money, just a house, with lots of acreas, woods to explore. A place with privacy so I don't have to worry about wearing clothes. I could mow th lawn without anyone seeing my nudity. I don't like being around people.

One thing I would most likely do, buy a place with lots of acerage and build a family Naturist resort, since my province dosen't have any. I think my province is th only one that dosn't have a Naturist resort, which is sad. I would give it away for someone to look after, someone who is reliable.

I would most likely spend a lot of time in the summer at Bare Oaks and Ponderosa Resort in Ontario, also Jewel Lake Naturist Wilderness, which is also in Ontario, always wanted to goto these places, if my tongue stays healed long enough to get there.


Well-known member
UNLIMITED money?! That's like cheating, isn't it? You can only call cousin vinny once, can't you?!

...if I had unlimited money there would only be one thing to do, honestly.
Save the world.

It's a big job... I'd probably have to do alot of research with the help of brilliant people from all over the world. No idea how I would do it at all-- or where to begin but with unlimited money, it would be a possibility.


Well-known member
I would hardly go out and have people do things for me. With that kind of money, I would be even more scared to walk outside.

That means that I own the world. I would not only be the worlds richest, but my money flow is infinity. Where is this all this cash flow coming from? haha.

Oh yea, this is pretend, but I try think practical about it, because I really wish someone good was in power that could do something about the worlds issues.

I would take down many industries because many of them are a major source of the worlds problems today.

I would probably be assassinated. Yay let's help the world, many people don't find that ideal sadly.

Oh right this was supposed to be fun........and I am talking about being shot.
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Even if I spent the money on things I need in my life, and traveling of course, it would be only a tiny amount of it all, so I guess I´d try to figure out ways how to efficiently put it into helping where it´s needed. With just dropping money on charities you never can be sure what they do with it though, so it´s a bit difficult.

Oh and I would buy some villa in the mediterranian I think :). And visit all the countries in the world. It wouldn´t be budget travel like now of course, but I wouldn´t unnecessarily waste money either, like first class or X-star hotels - it´s superfluous.


Well-known member
I'd give money to all the people that need it. If I had unlimited money, it would be incredibly selfish and narcissistic *not* to help everyone as much as possible. Money can only buy so much, but it can also do a lot. I could save millions of dying/starving people across the world. It'd be great.
Noways i have no idea, as i'm so used to doing nothing with my life, and having no definate goals/dreams, that i wouldn't know where to start. It would probably take years and years to get used to the idea that i have money, and that i can do whatever i want. And even then it'll probably just sit in banks, worried to spend it, just like now. So i think it would barely make any difference to my life, as my ways are now basically "set in stone" ::(:
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Well-known member
I would donate most of it to dog rescues.i'd give away everything i own,buy a big RV,and spend my days traveling,going to concerts,and when i got too bored of that I would buy a hut in borabora. i'd learn to weave baskets and make jewelry.i'll die happy in my hut over the water.


Well-known member
unlimited money? hmmm
id do whatever the heck i wanted.
buy a huge mansion, maybe a castle or two
give poor people lots of money, food n stuff
go anywhere i wanted to
have my own team of scientists and engineers to build me cool stuff, like mechs, maybe i huge dragon to ride everywhere


Well-known member
Okay, lets get to the point.

Hmm, unlimited money. I wonder how that would affect to the value of money if one had unlimited money... inflation etc.. :D

If I had unlimited money, I would buy the moon and build my own empire with the world's strongest army though I didn't need one :D. I would pay all the debts of my relatives and support homeless pet organisations.