I'll need to give this one some thought. But some things that come to mind quickly include:
Acquire a large forested, mountainous domain. With a castle. And dangerous wildlife. And golden eagles, peregrine falcons, and Friesian horses.
I'd start buying up land in NJ just to slow the destruction of this once-beautiful state. And I'd slowly return it all to a more natural state.
I'd give all the idiot politicians one chance to resign and get into a line of work more appropriate to their inherent talents of self-preservation and doing nothing. One chance. Or else.
I'd buy my parents a house in Maine, or wherever they wanted to live. Then I'd offer to buy them new vehicles, new furniture.... basically all the things they've never been able to afford because of my siblings and me. And if they turned anything down I wouldn't feel too bad.
I'd give homeless people a one-time payment of a large sum of money.
I'd leave exorbitant tips in restaurants.
I'd find a woman who loved me and settle down in my mountain home. We'd have a few kids and raise them to be intelligent, compassionate, and productive members of society.
I might even start a voluntary eugenics program, but not like the Nazis. I'd have a section for short, bearded people and a section for slender, delicate people. Yes, I'd try to be the guy responsible for bringing elves and dwarves into the world.
I'd probably do more, but I need more time to plot.