Imagine you have unlimited money. Post what you would do!


Well-known member
I would hire a permanent stenographer to follow me around (preferably an old woman with a name like "gretchen") and marry the girl of my dreams tomorrow, then just do whatever we wanted to do whenever we wanted to do it, because as long as she was there i wouldn't care what was going on. Buy a motorcycle with a private track, and buy a drink for everyone at any bar. Pay off my friend's debts. Give others hope... that's about it, oh and I'd want to meet the voice actor for Goku from Dragonball Z :)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'd buy an island somewhere fairly isolated. My own land where I'm not under the thumb of any government. An island lush with fruit trees and wild game, with a river and at least one lake or pond for freshwater fish.

Somewhere on a rocky part of the coast, I'd build a 13th-century style castle. Not a palace--and old school castle. Slits for windows, squat and oppressive; built to withstand a siege. The inside would be decked out with all the modern amenities--AC, electronics, and so on.

I'd have a decent sized yacht parked in the bay that I could take on months-long trips to wherever, whenever I felt like it.

I'd have a grotto built into the rock (with access to the castle of course) where I'd park my custom-built submarine. It would be a nuclear powered exploration vessel and I'd call it the freakin' Nautilus.

I'd set my friends up so that they'd never have to work again either, or stress about money.


Well-known member
I'd buy an island somewhere fairly isolated. My own land where I'm not under the thumb of any government. An island lush with fruit trees and wild game, with a river and at least one lake or pond for freshwater fish.

Somewhere on a rocky part of the coast, I'd build a 13th-century style castle. Not a palace--and old school castle. Slits for windows, squat and oppressive; built to withstand a siege. The inside would be decked out with all the modern amenities--AC, electronics, and so on.

I'd have a decent sized yacht parked in the bay that I could take on months-long trips to wherever, whenever I felt like it.

I'd have a grotto built into the rock (with access to the castle of course) where I'd park my custom-built submarine. It would be a nuclear powered exploration vessel and I'd call it the freakin' Nautilus.

I'd set my friends up so that they'd never have to work again either, or stress about money.

Lol nice. Shall I call you Captain Nemo?


Well-known member
I would buy a girl friend first... I would then make sure that my family is well taken care of, then I would tackle our sluggish economy, by shaking up the White House and getting rid of the idiots and put the brightest minds in power, to try to get the US back on it's feet with the country working again... I would try to make things better for the people.... There is no way I could sit still and watch others struggle to try to pay their bills, afford food or anything that they need.


Well-known member
Mail order bride? o_O

Changed my mind about servants somewhat. I'll be buying *ahem*..."service"-bots as soon as they are available.


Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I'd make sure all my family were taken care of. (Financially I mean, not in the sense of having them "whacked". Although now I think about it, there are one or two...... ;))

I'd buy a large, secluded house and several cars. I'd buy a few smaller homes in other parts of the world where I like to spend time, so I could just up and go there whenever I felt like it.

I'd give a large amount to charities. I might even start my own charity, to give me something worthwhile to focus on.

I'd consider adopting a child, one who would otherwise be pretty certain to have a crappy life, and try to give them the best upbringing I could, so that at least I could say I made a real difference to one other human being in the world.


First thing I would do is buy my Mum a new house,or maybe an really posh bungalow.I would then hire myself a private psychiatrist and get into therapy as quick as possible,none of this waiting two years on a waiting list for c.b.t

Then I would probably move to south America maybe Peru,hopefully living close to the Amazon, spending my days lost in the jungle,apparently there are so many animals and new species we don't know about so I would love to go looking for them.I would also see if I could get most of the amazon set up as a wildlife reserve to stop the logging which goes on.


Well-known member
instead of buying a mansion i think i'd design a really cosey apartment and a 5 story warehouse apartment and i'd make them really busy with posters and art on the wall and i'd try and give them an alternative/indie music vibe ...

i've had this idea for a while and i need to actually properly design them and draw them.

but essentially i would start my own business and paint and record music and i'd probably be alot more relaxed and less anxious about adult life anyway ...


Well-known member
I'll need to give this one some thought. But some things that come to mind quickly include:

Acquire a large forested, mountainous domain. With a castle. And dangerous wildlife. And golden eagles, peregrine falcons, and Friesian horses.

I'd start buying up land in NJ just to slow the destruction of this once-beautiful state. And I'd slowly return it all to a more natural state.

I'd give all the idiot politicians one chance to resign and get into a line of work more appropriate to their inherent talents of self-preservation and doing nothing. One chance. Or else.

I'd buy my parents a house in Maine, or wherever they wanted to live. Then I'd offer to buy them new vehicles, new furniture.... basically all the things they've never been able to afford because of my siblings and me. And if they turned anything down I wouldn't feel too bad.

I'd give homeless people a one-time payment of a large sum of money.

I'd leave exorbitant tips in restaurants.

I'd find a woman who loved me and settle down in my mountain home. We'd have a few kids and raise them to be intelligent, compassionate, and productive members of society.

I might even start a voluntary eugenics program, but not like the Nazis. I'd have a section for short, bearded people and a section for slender, delicate people. Yes, I'd try to be the guy responsible for bringing elves and dwarves into the world.

I'd probably do more, but I need more time to plot.


Well-known member
You know, it's funny, people with SA are usually very nice. How cool is that?

I mean, here you're asked what you would do with unlimited money and most would spend it on other people. That's why I love you guys! (my SA brothers/sisters)
I would buy myself happiness.

Could this be done? I, maybe more, would like to see.
As the saying goes: 'happiness cannot be bought.'

I have that right? Looks right.

How much for just a portion of happiness? I got some cash saved.

Off Topic: last LottoMAX ticket 'Not winning ticket', annoyed. For my southern neighbours try thinking Powerball(?) on a smaller scale.