How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
Well, beyond a certain age it becomes very hard, especially men have a very very 'stubborn' libido, lol.

There's masturbation.

I think actual sex is overrated. Even foreplay can be more exciting. It's all about the interaction any way. And I believe interaction doesn't only include jumping up and down on the bed like animals. For me, a simple thing like a mischievous eye contact matters.

So I am 26 and virgin, but I seem to know things about sex a lot better than some of my friends having serial sex...



Why is everyone so preoccupied with virginity and having sex? Most of the time sex only leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. You guys should check out all the statistics and trust me, you will feel better about not being sexually active. I especially love guys that aren't sex freaks. I have a deeper respect for them. Be proud, virgins! :(

I think its one of those things...when you havnt experienced it,you normally want it all that more or feel like your missing out ::(:.I know i did before i lost mine,there is so much peer pressure...and like other people have said pressure from the media.

Std's and unwanted pregnancies can be avoided with common sence and protection alot of the time...or only sleeping with a partner and you both having check up's ect.I dont see anything wrong with people being sexualy active aslong as there adults and no one gets hurt ect.
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not even 14, but i had a long-time boyfriend whom for some unknown reason really adored me and since then i've only done it with two other jerks that i've known from school. ugh.

i'm 18 now and i've barely SPOKED to a boy for like 3 years. and it's not like i don't want it.
I got damn jealous when I heard a porn star tell she was 9.

9??? I don't think I would be jealous of a sexual abuse victim- I'd actually feel pretty sorry for them. 9 is way too young for it to have been consensual on her part- she probably hadn't even hit puberty yet.:eek:


Well-known member
It's strange, but it doesn't hurt me anymore that i'm still a virgin at this age, even if it remains like this till I die. I guess I have bigger problems to deal with, lol.


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22 year old virgin, almost 23. I've had my chances, even with women I really really liked. I always end up losing my confidence when its time to make the move though. Had a few sluts proposition me as well, but I cant lose it to that.


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Girls should be girly and not play games. ::p:

I see no problem with gamer girls. It's quite a rarity. Not that they HAVE to, but it's still cool.

One thing I do know from playing many multiplayer games is that if you are a girl, and use a microphone to talk. All the guys will worship you and treat you like a queen. I'm not even joking, it's how it always goes down.


Well-known member
One thing I do know from playing many multiplayer games is that if you are a girl, and use a microphone to talk. All the guys will worship you and treat you like a queen.

Haha, thats why they don't get any. Also, distance is an issue. BTW, I was 17 and it wasn't that good. That girl didn't help me out much. I needed it because I was so nervious.


don't ever give up on love

The lights are low
And were alone
The fires glow
It keeps us warm
As I reach out and touch your face
The moon lights up our first embrace
But please dont hesitate
Hold my hand, dont be afraid
Of the feelings in your heart
Just close your eyes, no one will mind
If were to fall in love this first time

Dont be afraid of love
Dont be afraid of love
Dont be afraid of love

Its the first time
The first time for love
There could be so many worlds and mountains
We could climb
Together, the two of us tonight

The two of us, were quite a pair
These lonely nights we both can share
So dont be shy, cause its okay
I understand feeling that way
Hold my hand, dont be afraid
Of the feelings in your heart
Close your eyes, no one will mind
If were to fall in love this first time
Its the first time
The first time for love
There could be so many worlds and mountains
We could climb
Together, the two of us tonight


Well-known member
Turned into a whore when I was 18.
None of them ever meant anything to me :*(
Kudos to anyone who will only have sex while love is involved.

Met someone on the internet who I thought meant something to me but turned out that I was just kinda going along with my own little imaginary world. Which is fine. But it's imaginary is the only thing. Relationships don't last when one member is a whore.


Gotta love the armchair generals in this thread talking about exactly how good/bad sex is, how it should be, who it should be with, etc. when they haven't even done it


Well-known member
23. 24 in June. Never had sex. It only bothers me when I know girls I like are getting some and it makes me sick to my stomach.


Well-known member
I was 17, and it was a total let down. I didn't feel any different afterwards - not sure what I thought I'd feel like, but I thought there'd be some sort of emotion! I think it was bad because I was nervous and not sure it was right for me at the time.

So your social anxiety isn't or wasn't as bad as mine. I think only people who have severe social anxiety are the ones who remain single forever. I find it fascinating that people can have relationships while suffering from social anxiety.
It's weird... I'm not shy at all around my boyfriend but around other people I often become a nervous, stuttering mess. I suppose when you're used to spending a lot of time with someone, it's impossible to carry on being nervous or you'd go crazy! With my previous boyfriend (my first serious relationship) I started off being really shy around him and would never let him see me without my makeup on (I was convinced he'd decide I was hideous and dump me) and it took quite a while for me to become more confident around him.

Besides, sticking your "johnson" in someone is a very very trivial matter in life. It's not as if your value as a human being is determined by filling vaginas. Excuse the language :)
It seems like humans still have a very primative way of viewing life - deep down inside we're all still cavemen bragging about how many women we dragged back to our caves (or how many cavemen tried to drag us there!) ::(: I agree with you, our value as people shouldn't have anything to do with how many people we've had sex with - it's not like we're dying out as a species and we need to repopulate the planet or something! :rolleyes: