How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
I actually used to tell people I know that I'm a virgin, since I don't have complexes whatsoever (I'm very "confident" in that respect), but I noticed that they were trying to make fun of me. I then decided not to be so "open" anymore, lol.

It seems to me that some of those sexually experienced people have more self-esteem issues than me, since they felt uncomfortable when I mentioned my virginity (I'm 32). I was very cool and calm when I revealed it, which seemed to freak them out.

Besides, sticking your "johnson" in someone is a very very trivial matter in life. It's not as if your value as a human being is determined by filling vaginas. Excuse the language :)

I've come to accept the fact that i am a virgin at 27. I used to get so depressed that everyone else seems to have had some kind of sexual experience, but now i value myself. Although i am proud of the fact, i would not tell anyone, apart from when i will eventually be in a loving and trusting relaationship. It's inevitible that small minded people will laugh at someone being a virgin at an older age.

You are right; Just because i have not had the privelage of having sex it does not make me less a person, it would be absurb to judge a person in that way.


Well-known member
I've come to accept the fact that i am a virgin at 27. I used to get so depressed that everyone else seems to have had some kind of sexual experience, but now i value myself. Although i am proud of the fact, i would not tell anyone, apart from when i will eventually be in a loving and trusting relaationship. It's inevitible that small minded people will laugh at someone being a virgin at an older age.

You are right; Just because i have not had the privelage of having sex it does not make me less a person, it would be absurb to judge a person in that way.

Excellent attitude Recluse! And youre are most certainly NOT any less of a person!


Well-known member
I'm 20 and I have never had a girl even though I'm pretty damn handsome, chicks give me signals all the time, but I'm too big of a pussy to say anything.
Looks like a lot of us suffer from not having relationships and not being able to find the significant one. I have an idea why don't we make a dating website for people with SA, its kinda SAD, lol. It could definitely work.


19 and a half. And then i didn't see the girl for 6 months. Then she disappeared again. It was strange as I'm not used to touch and I'm very self conscious
And Ubersonic, if i can get laid (with my issues) I'm sure you will soon!


Well-known member

Why is everyone so preoccupied with virginity and having sex? Most of the time sex only leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. You guys should check out all the statistics and trust me, you will feel better about not being sexually active. I especially love guys that aren't sex freaks. I have a deeper respect for them. Be proud, virgins! :(


Well-known member

Why is everyone so preoccupied with virginity and having sex? Most of the time sex only leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. You guys should check out all the statistics and trust me, you will feel better about not being sexually active. I especially love guys that aren't sex freaks. I have a deeper respect for them. Be proud, virgins! :(
Well, beyond a certain age it becomes very hard, especially men have a very very 'stubborn' libido, lol.


Well-known member
Well, beyond a certain age it becomes very hard, especially men have a very very 'stubborn' libido, lol.

I second that. The male's libido is very stubborn. Sometimes I just want to "cut it off". I'm serious; sexual urges are very frustrating.

Also, when you're past 40, there is absolutely no chance of you having the experience of having sex with an attractive 18-23 year old. I wish I could stay the age I am for another 20 years.
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Well-known member
Why is everyone so preoccupied with virginity and having sex?

Well i'm a's kinda hard not too LOL. It's just the way it is.

Most of the time sex only leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. You guys should check out all the statistics and trust me, you will feel better about not being sexually active.

I'm pretty sure it probably would to a certain extent. It would make me more careful...but...

Be proud, virgins! :(

I both am proud and not proud. I occasionally feel like i've failed because I take a look around me and everyone has already had their time but yet I have not. It's whatever really...maybe i'm dwelling on this too much.


Well-known member
Excellent attitude Recluse! And youre are most certainly NOT any less of a person!

Thankyou licorice. I'm fed up of being depressed just because i don't conform to the ''norm''....Why should i feel the need to be like everyone else? This is the time i have decided that i'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself.


Well-known member

Why is everyone so preoccupied with virginity and having sex? Most of the time sex only leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. You guys should check out all the statistics and trust me, you will feel better about not being sexually active. I especially love guys that aren't sex freaks. I have a deeper respect for them. Be proud, virgins! :(

I agree! We live in a sex obsessed world, everywhere you look there's sex advertised; Films, adverts, magazines, tv programs, music...Everywhere! The more this is advertised in such a way makes virgins/sex starved people feel inadequete. It actually makes us feel abnormal because every ''normal'' person seems to do it.

We have a big problem of teen pregnancies and std's here in the UK and frankly it makes me sick. It just makes me wonder what has happened to morals.


Well-known member
Thankyou licorice. I'm fed up of being depressed just because i don't conform to the ''norm''....Why should i feel the need to be like everyone else? This is the time i have decided that i'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself.

To hell with the "norm"youre unique and thats what makes you who you are! No need to be like everyone else,that sounds boring anyway..Embrace who you are and try to improve where you feel you need to and not where you dont..Outstanding Recluse!


Well-known member
I agree! We live in a sex obsessed world, everywhere you look there's sex advertised; Films, adverts, magazines, tv programs, music...Everywhere! The more this is advertised in such a way makes virgins/sex starved people feel inadequete. It actually makes us feel abnormal because every ''normal'' person seems to do it.

We have a big problem of teen pregnancies and std's here in the UK and frankly it makes me sick. It just makes me wonder what has happened to morals.

I completely agree Recluse...But realize that sex is mostly used via tv,mags,music to make money...These greedy people could care less about morals all they see is $ signs,its pathetic..


Well-known member
The more this is advertised in such a way makes virgins/sex starved people feel inadequete. It actually makes us feel abnormal because every ''normal'' person seems to do it.

As abnormal as it makes us feel, we continue to adhere to what the media says its right. Kind of like all those millions of girls (and boys) who have eating disorders because the media says you have to be super skinny to be sexy or all those magazines with air brushed models on the centerfolds making our already low self-esteem get even lower. Or even worst...drugs! Just because celebrities do them or your cool friends do it doesn't make it right. that I think about it, I've never heard anyone complain about how they're not the one 'doing' drugs or smoking cigarettes when a lot of people out there do have these nasty habits:rolleyes:

Now I feel inadequate and abnormal cause I dont smoke::(:

Well, beyond a certain age it becomes very hard, especially men have a very very 'stubborn' libido, lol.

So do women. We just don't admit a lot of the times. I honestly wish I had the guts to be out there fooling around with every cute guy I see. The 'slutty' ones always seem to have more fun :( I'm just very paranoid and have too much self respect.
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Well-known member
As abnormal as it makes us feel, we continue to adhere to what the media says its right. Kind of like all those millions of girls (and boys) who have eating disorders because the media says you have to be super skinny to be sexy or all those magazines with air brushed models on the centerfolds making our already low self-esteem get even lower. Or even worst...drugs! Just because celebrities do them or your cool friends do it doesn't make it right. that I think about it, I've never heard anyone complain about how they're not the one 'doing' drugs or smoking cigarettes when a lot of people out there do have these nasty habits:rolleyes:

Now I feel inadequate and abnormal cause I dont smoke::(:

So do women. We just don't admit a lot of the times. I honestly wish I had the guts to be out there fooling around with every cute guy I see. The 'slutty' ones always seem to have more fun :( I'm just very paranoid and have too much self respect.

I know to well about eating disorders. At the age of fifteen i suffered from anorexia because i felt that all the skinny people were normal. I wanted to fit into the ''norm''...How wrong i was though!