How old were you when you lost your virginity?


13 but i so regret it...she was like a year older..It just wasnt a nice experience because it was rushed for both of us.I had sex a few times after that but i didnt really enjoy it till i had my first long term relationship.


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I was 19. Because I have to write more than that to be able to post this reply, my favourite colour is green.


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i'm 19 & haven't so much as held a guy's hand, let alone lost my virginity. i've kind of gotten used to it by now, but it's lonely sometimes. i am completely untouched...& definitely not by choice. the opportunity has just never come along. hopefully it will before i'm 40.
i feel like i have so much to offer too. i feel things much more stongly than most people, & i feel so much love/affection inside me, i almost feel suffocated by it. i need someone to give it to, or i'm going to explode!::(:

Sounds exactly the same as my situation and i feel exactly the same way about it.


Well-known member
i'm 19 & haven't so much as held a guy's hand, let alone lost my virginity. i've kind of gotten used to it by now, but it's lonely sometimes. i am completely untouched...& definitely not by choice. the opportunity has just never come along. hopefully it will before i'm 40.
i feel like i have so much to offer too. i feel things much more stongly than most people, & i feel so much love/affection inside me, i almost feel suffocated by it. i need someone to give it to, or i'm going to explode!::(:

Yes I feel the same way. When I love someone I really LOVE someone, you know? I think that I would be okay with not having any friends so long as I had a significant other who loved me very much.

Speaking of being 40 and not having sex, did anyone else get really sad/offended when they watched The 40 Year Old Virgin? I hate movies that pick on losers.


Well-known member
Yes I feel the same way. When I love someone I really LOVE someone, you know? I think that I would be okay with not having any friends so long as I had a significant other who loved me very much.

Speaking of being 40 and not having sex, did anyone else get really sad/offended when they watched The 40 Year Old Virgin? I hate movies that pick on losers.

Havn't seen it, but ive been meaning to see it haha. Yeah lots of movies these days do that.
I wouldnt even have to be in a "relationship" with someone to show the affection I have stored up. It could just be someone i found attractive who liked me aswell and showed understanding and was nice. I could show my appreciation and affection for someone in that way even if i had only known them for 5 minuites. Which might seem wierd to some people but thats just how i feel. Just a shame i dont get the chance to do that, and the way society is.


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29 and still a virgin, sometimes it bothers me other times I really don't care


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27, soon to be 28. Virgin, held hands, hugged and kissed but never actually had a girlfriend.


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I'll be 33 this Summer and still a virgin. It doesn't bother me anymore. I think with age I have realized how trivial this is in life. It's not as if your value as a human being is determined by your sex life. I know I'm a good person, that's all that matters.


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I was 17 he was my first serious boyfriend and it really wasn't that bad, he was more experienced but he took the time to show me the way and stuff...anyway waaaaay too much info there sorry lol
So your social anxiety isn't or wasn't as bad as mine. I think only people who have severe social anxiety are the ones who remain single forever. I find it fascinating that people can have relationships while suffering from social anxiety.


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There was a point in my life where i had a little bit of control over my SA i had friends and stuff, i still found it extremely hard in certain situations but yeah i managed to cope! Now though is another thing, i rarely go out, i have so many bad thoughts about myself my SA has come back with a vengeance!!!
I understand. Now that I think about it, I too could have had a girlfriend when it wasn't as bad. It really became worse and worse over the years. Now it's just impossible...
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Well-known member
I am 17 and still a virgin. I have a bf that i have been dating since i was 15. I just dont think i will ever have sex, i have tried but i get extremely anxious and nervous and get panic attacks.
I was 19 and am now 30.
I think I just lucked out that a guy (my ex-husband) was interested in me enough to pursue me- and now I can admit that I just latched onto him because I figured that I wouldn't have many other chances, and he seemed like a decent guy.
Nowadays, I can't even seem to get a guy to notice or talk to me (except the teenagers and dirty old men where I work lol- just my luck) so I'm not sure I'll have another serious relationship much less sex.


Well-known member
I actually used to tell people I know that I'm a virgin, since I don't have complexes whatsoever (I'm very "confident" in that respect), but I noticed that they were trying to make fun of me. I then decided not to be so "open" anymore, lol.

It seems to me that some of those sexually experienced people have more self-esteem issues than me, since they felt uncomfortable when I mentioned my virginity (I'm 32). I was very cool and calm when I revealed it, which seemed to freak them out.

Besides, sticking your "johnson" in someone is a very very trivial matter in life. It's not as if your value as a human being is determined by filling vaginas. Excuse the language :)
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