How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
The idea of waiting till marriage is funny. If marry at 25 then you have been walking around over 15 years waiting and lost the time when you wanted it the most and have just enterted the time when women's ability starts to decline.


21 still nothing.
anyone ever thougt that this might actually be "natural selection" in action? survival of the fittest.

being a guy I ll make this example from my point of view: Immagine if girls were naturally attracted to people with social anxiety disorder. It would make it easier to find a partner, get married and eventually have children. but thinking about it wouldnt this eventually lead to having more and more sociophobic people? since having a parent with SAD ( I think) would slightly increase the chances of being sociophobic yourslef?

just something I was thinking about the other day :p

Edit: was kinda stupid to make the example form a male point of view only. I guess the same concept could apply from a female point of view. Only that offcourse it's usueally the male who has to take the initiative. but yeah could still apply from a female point of view.


Well-known member
The idea of waiting till marriage is funny. If marry at 25 then you have been walking around over 15 years waiting and lost the time when you wanted it the most and have just enterted the time when women's ability starts to decline.

I thought women peaked in their 30s.


Well-known member
I see no problem with gamer girls. It's quite a rarity. Not that they HAVE to, but it's still cool.

One thing I do know from playing many multiplayer games is that if you are a girl, and use a microphone to talk. All the guys will worship you and treat you like a queen. I'm not even joking, it's how it always goes down.

Is that really surprising? They probably go to bed at night and touch themselves at the thought of having spoken to a girl on the microphone. It's the closest thing those nerds have to being close to a girl.


Is that really surprising? They probably go to bed at night and touch themselves at the thought of having spoken to a girl on the microphone. It's the closest thing those nerds have to being close to a girl.

ditto, the only titties they will ever see is their own in the mirror


So your social anxiety isn't or wasn't as bad as mine. I think only people who have severe social anxiety are the ones who remain single forever. I find it fascinating that people can have relationships while suffering from social anxiety.

I didnt realize this was a contest to see whos social anxiety is worse? I have social anxiety that has screwed my life up and I have still had a few relationships.


Well-known member
They do. So marrying later (if you're gonna wait for sex til then) works out well for women, but screws the men.::p:
I agree with this. In my twenties I had an extremely strong sex drive. It has miraculously disappeared now. Frankly, I'm not interested in sex anymore. Perhaps it's because I'm perpetually depressed, I don't know. But who cares about sex when you suffer from severe depression and debilitating anxiety....
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