How old were you when you lost your virginity?

I was 18, I'm still 18. It was last Halloween actually...the best night of my life! Buuuuuut it doesn't look like it's gonna happen again any time soon lol


Well-known member
I've yet to experience it - but as a few others have mentioned, I've realised that being a virgin isn't anything to be embarrassed about and it doesn't determine your self worth.

Hope to share with someone special, but I'm in no rush to cross the finish line (so to speak)



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TheNewZero said:
I think that I would be okay with not having any friends so long as I had a significant other who loved me very much.
yes, i'm sure i'd be fine with it too. a siginificant other is all i really want.

I got it backwards, it seems. I just don't think having a significant other as your only friend is a good idea. It probably puts too much pressure on the relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if all that love would eventually turn into pure hatred and bitterness.

Ericisme said:
I'm 18, I lost it at like age 25.

Interesting. So what kind of crystal ball are you using? Mine is CB-340, which is accurate only 80% of the time.
I got it backwards, it seems. I just don't think having a significant other as your only friend is a good idea. It probably puts too much pressure on the relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if all that love would eventually turn into pure hatred and bitterness.

I agree with this- that's why I think I will focus on building friendships with people before I try to get into a serious romantic relationship. Plus, the way relationships don't really last nowadays, you just end up heartbroken and friendless if/when the relationship ends.


Im 22 and I lost it at age 14 and yes I do have social anxiety, pretty bad actually but it is mostly in remission thanks to CBT and meds.


Well-known member
I don't know if i lost it. I was so numb at the time that i couldn't even muster the energy to thrust, so gave up and fell asleep. I have no idea what my ex-GF thought at the time lol. Now i would love to have sex and can't get any. I'm almost 20. Most people think i'm a joke. I feel so shit today it's surreal. I need to read the bible or i will lose my mind aaaargh!


Well-known member
'That's dumb. '

Maybe slightly, but sex is supposed to be way better when you do it with someone you love anyway. It's not just the action, it's the whole emotional connection! I think it's a choice, that though i wouldn't personally make, should really be respected :)


Man...the media have really gotten into you guys....the way it goes is like if you don't have sex before you turn 18 you're a loser? right?

It makes me SICK!


Well-known member
i was 20 ish i was mixed up then , it was a mate of my sisters , i remember i was um sort of akward after , since then iv got married , that didnt work out , now im a lil more sensible , an old lady told me at a nursing home , gary if you want to make a relationship work you have to be freinds first , know what ... shes right , my best freind is my gf


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In my opinion I don't think that having satisfying sex requires love or an emotional connection. I think it has more to do with sexual confidence and how comfortable you are with your body than anything else. Lots of people have satisfying sex who don't necessarily love each other. Sex is a skill like anything else.

Very true. People can have "satisfying masturbation" so why not "satisfying sex"?

Rise Against

Well-known member
Nope... ive never even gotten close, lol. Oh well even if i had the chance i don't think i would, not until i am a little older. Im 18 btw.


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At 13,to a girl that was 15 I think, that was before I was in my shell,my cousin did with the same girl too,she actually started,havent had much after that,if I could go back,I would choose to not do so early as I feel that my issues with girls are mostly because of that experience.


Well-known member
What's up with all these 15-year-old girls who are into doing preteen boys? Is that even legal?