How many of you believe?

Do you believe?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No. No, I don't believe and never have. I remember being ten years old and having to listen to the Minister at my local church give me and all my classmates a lecture on Christianity. Thought it was ridiculous then and think it's ridiculous now.


Well-known member
First of all, faith is a completely different thing from religion. There are a lot of people who believe in God, but don't believe in religions.

All I can say is that I don't believe anything, unless there is a good reason to do so.
In this case, I'd say "I don't believe, but I hope". I think I'm agnostic, but it'd be cool if there was a God, and it'd be even cooler if there was a paradise :D We will see :)


Well-known member
Don't even get me started on religion. This website will be on fire, lol.

My curiosity was peaked.



Staff member
OK I saw quite a bit of cheating going on in that poll, if I catch anyone esle multi-voting they will get kicked off these forums, just like the last person I caught doing it.

The poll is now fair and you can see if you count the names you get the same result for the votes casted.

Anyone wants to discuss this with me then PM me, I don't want to have to drag in he webmaster to look at this, as he will just delete accounts.

back on topic


Well-known member
I'm confused. When I think about that I start to worry about HOW I'm supposed to think about it and what I'm supposed to do in order to think about religion and God. All I seem able to do is use logic and thus I'm just a very confused kid.


Well-known member
All I seem able to do is use logic and thus I'm just a very confused kid.

That is because faith and belief are the opposite of logic and reason.

“Faith” designates blind acceptance of a certain ideational content, acceptance induced by feeling in the absence of evidence or proof.

Logic is man’s method of reaching conclusions objectively by deriving them without contradiction from the facts of reality—ultimately, from the evidence provided by man’s senses.


I wouldn't say the poll is neck and neck considering there are 3 variations of no.
Short answer: No, I used to, but I voted "No I think" because I skimmed the poll answers and thought they were varying degrees of belief. and I am very heavily Atheist now.

Long answer(rant warning): No I don't believe, We don't know how something could come from nothing, but religion only passes the buck on that matter. I understand how religion can give comfort, I know my social anxiety didn't start until I stopped believing someone was going to magically make things better for me; but I would rather have the truth than live my life as a lie. I think if there is a spirit or a soul or even a god, it is a physical or testable thing. How else would we the people in the physical realm be able to feel it otherwise?
Maybe I would believe if I had even felt a spiritual experience, but I haven't and because of my SA giving me so much free time, I know that many if not all spiritual experience are coincidences or demonstrable tricks of the mind. At the very least I find it near impossible that any god of any mainstream religion or sect is real.
While I realize it is the pot calling the kettle black considering my SA causes, I think spirituality is about laziness and comfort zones, wanting answer that are not "We don't know yet" and "Dead people are gone forever". As for main stream religion, I think that is just plain mind control.


I think there has to be some sort of higher power that created us because something can't come from nothing! Science has no way of explaining how it was before the big bang. So there has to be something outside the laws of space matter and time. That's what I think anyway.

I don't believe in any of the "traditional" religions I guess, I think the Bible is a work of fiction.

Which explains all the archaeological evidence backing up a lot of what is in the Bible! ;)


Well-known member
I can't say I agree 100% with everything religions about. However I do believe that there is some sort of higher power no one knows about. I don't consider myself christian, but some people have said I am. I had a bad run in with some Christians before though. One gal, (who was a christian), basically disowned me as a friend when I told her I'm not the religious type. She kept trying to force all this bible stuff on me and I kept telling her I don't feel that I need to know. That's when she basically said "your going to hell" and blocked me off aim. She was a good friend at first to, but 'eh. I don't think the "god" we have is some kinda jerk that demands everyone read the bible or be this religion or that.

Wauf, there's my random thoughts.


Well-known member
I absolutely don't believe in a God.

I've been studying buddhism which believes in karma and reincarnation. I am having trouble grasping the concept of things and beings having no inherent existence. But apart from that it makes the most sense out of the religions and is able to keep up with scientific advancement and doesn't treat anything as gospel.


Well-known member
I believe that there is a higher power of some sort out there, but that it generally doesn't have any real effect on the world and how we live our lives.


I'm a Pastafarian. I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I was touched by his noodly appendage. rAmen.