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Well-known member
Yeah religious people often prey :D

prey - Wiktionary

Would you believe me that I just realized the thing?? And I even saw your post this afternoon, and opened your link and all!... and thought about a joke (not really funny, though) that you were doing, without checking for a further sense :D:D I have no words to comment myself! And, I'm very discouraged from my English spelling right now..
I mean, Schopenauer for Schopenhauer could be almost acceptable as an inattention, yet 'prey' for 'pray' is actual ignorance! Sorry for that, sorry for all the people who believed in me, sorry for those who paid for my studies. I failed.
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Well-known member
I do believe in God, but not in the Bible's version of God & I have no religion & do not consider myself religious. Some people think that just because a person believes in God, that automatically makes them religious, when that isn't the case at all. I'm against most, if not all, religions I've ever come across in my life. But I still believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to believe, so long as they don't try to force their views on others.


Well-known member
i like what you wrote about praying :) praying is really overlooked/underestimated...

i was raised in church and i'm southern baptist, when my parents got divorced i stopped going to church, but through even my agoraphobia, i've started going back with my dad and it feels really nice to go :) ..i've always believed in God because that's just the way it is, but there are plenty of times when i feel that i really have had answered prayers, and i feel that some events aren't just 'coincidence'. anyway, i'm very open/respectful about other people's beliefs, i believe in my God and that's all that matters to me, it has nothing to do with you and what you think has nothing to do with me..

Yes, it was definitely praying, not preying in fact ;) I agree with all. About Gods having answered my prayers, in a certain sense yes, I think he does it all the time, because I just ask him to stay with me/ keep me with him, and he protects me in my life. Even if I have my problems, I know that if he is with me it's ok, if I can't get something is all that he wants. And I'm always grateful for all that I have, even if sometimes I suffer. Even because I could have more, and I'm grateful for this too. Yet I don't usually ask for err specific things... well yes, I ask him to protect my family and people I love and so on... and he does.
But I don't know, sometimes I think that even if all this is somehow just in my mind, it is fine because... it works! :)
And finally yes, I definitely agree with your point on respect and tolerance - word that I don't like very much. Openness, the one you used, is better indeed.


Well-known member
I believe in the power of the human spirit.

As for gods, afterlives, and religions? I'm just as likely to believe Tolkien's Silmarillion.



Well-known member
I was brought up as a catholic and went to church every sunday up until 11 years old. (...)
I dont really understand why i was though because my family isn't at all religious.

Exactly the same for me :)

PS. I missed some Sunday then... hehe. And I'm a sinner now, I go mass only at Easters and Christmas... and sometimes I go by myself, when there's nobody, just to pray and ask pardon because I don't visit him too often. :p


Well-known member
Yes, i believe in god. Although this year i've had many doubts and during them moments i've put i didn't believe (i think). I dont know how to explain it, but in my mind i just know there is a god and i hope to have the confidence to return to church soon. :)

This was the start of my journey with god around two years ago (if anyone fancys watching it), i come across it the night before i was going to try to commit suicide for the 5th time. Each time i watched it, it made more and more sense to me...

YouTube - Lifehouse's Everything Skit

Very emotional, loved it.
I'm so sorry to know that... I quite understand what you've been through. ::(::)
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It doesn't really matter what I think, some Christian Extremist will just put words in my mouth. You tell them that you don't believe in GOD, they tell you GOD believes in you.

Liek wtf???


Well-known member
I've had really bad experiences with religion in general, so I was going to make a negative post about it, but that wouldn't be fair for people who have religion to thank for inspiration and guidance.

What I've learned is to respect all religions. I don't think any is 100% correct and none are completely wrong.

I believe there's something out there watching over me. I was brought to this world for a reason. It's up to me to do the best I can do with the time I have left. I know I don't feel this way most of the time, but one thing I won't ever do is give up. I'm going to make it to the end. :)


Well-known member
IF there is a god, it's not any of the religions on this planet, they're all sadistic murdering cults.


Well-known member
IF there is a god, it's not any of the religions on this planet, they're all sadistic murdering cults.

Buddhism has never murdered anyone! :D
Indeed, I have to disagree with your view Eric. I think you focus more on history and on events from a socio-political point of view, having in mind facts that have more to do with human stupidity, than properly with religion... but I respect your anger.
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Well-known member
I don't believe in a god and I'm not part of any religion. As far as a possible afterlife goes, however, I have my own thoughts on that which are completely separate from any religious meaning. I realize that having those thoughts is my own way of trying to answer questions though.

I don't say I'm Atheist because I don't believe in "nothing". I don't think there is something out there that we should worship but I do believe in some things paranormal.
I just say I'm not religious. No pref.


Well-known member
We're doomed.

You crack me up!

I think something as big as the creator of everything in existence is far too complex for the human brain to comprehend. The existence of God cannot be proven, but also cannot be discredited, simply because there are things in this world and universe that are so big in size and function so perfectly, yet don't give away anything about their origin. We don't know what started it all. It could have been a almighty God, it could have been something entirely different. And even if we did know, like I said, I don't think we would be able to fully comprehend it.

The only thing we can do is make assumptions about it and stick with those assumptions. That's why they call it 'believe' and not 'knowing'. Each their own, and that's perfectly okay. ~WO

Long story short, I choose to be neutral. :3

My thoughts exactly!!!

Yes, i believe in god. Although this year i've had many doubts and during them moments i've put i didn't believe (i think). I dont know how to explain it, but in my mind i just know there is a god and i hope to have the confidence to return to church soon.

This was the start of my journey with god around two years ago (if anyone fancys watching it), i come across it the night before i was going to try to commit suicide for the 5th time. Each time i watched it, it made more and more sense to me...

YouTube - Lifehouse's Everything Skit
YouTube - Lifehouse's Everything Skit
Wow, I'm not even a Christian but that video almost brought a tear to my eye!