How long have you been single?

How long have you been single?

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Probably till the day I die. I don't want some girl to find me attractive only because I've become finacially viable and shes tired being whored out to every guy that looks at her and wants to start a family now.

"In college, mommy was very friendly."

Wow, that scares the heck out of me too. I don't want to be that guy either. I think you may be right, we may have to be that guy. By the time we actually found someone, we'll be further along in life than most other people, and that means everyone else will be married except for the women who are what you just stated. These women won't be marrying us, they'll be marrying the only opportunity left to have children and have a dependable man to share living expenses with.

Well, we'll see what happens. Hopefully things turn out better than this.


Since before I was born. If I look up the word, single, in the dictionary, I wouldn't be surprised to find my name there.


Well-known member
I'd like to see split "girls - how long..." and "guys - how long..." polls by the way.

It wouldn't say much about people with SA, but rather how "ordinary" people approach and build relationships with us


Well-known member
23 soon to be 24,I had some chances but they didnt feel right,I am also not good for anyone I know this,when I browse a dating site it makes me feel worthless.


Active member
All my life im affraid, and i dont think it will change any time soon, thats so pathetic...

Sometimes i wonder how wonderful that must be, to have someone who loves you.. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I see a lot of negative attitude for being single in this thread. It may be a grass is greener on the other side case. Haven't you heard those people who say they would love to be in our situation cuz they are sick of being in a relationship and catering to someone else's needs? I've had a girlfriend before, and it wasn't that great. All of the sudden, you have to be careful about what you do and be concerned about another individual. It's kind of like carrying a another person on your shoulders through life. It's great at times, but I'm wondering if the not-great times outweigh the great times.


Well-known member
I see a lot of negative attitude for being single in this thread. It may be a grass is greener on the other side case. Haven't you heard those people who say they would love to be in our situation cuz they are sick of being in a relationship and catering to someone else's needs? I've had a girlfriend before, and it wasn't that great. All of the sudden, you have to be careful about what you do and be concerned about another individual. It's kind of like carrying a another person on your shoulders through life. It's great at times, but I'm wondering if the not-great times outweigh the great times.

It's human nature, to want to love, and to be with somebody.

I'd love to have someone to talk to, someone to be close to and to love.


New member
Im 24 and for 20 years I was fine with being alone but for the past 3-4 years (correlate with me being in university) ive wanted a girlfriend..., but I am scared to death. It's not the sex that I want the most, it's to be intimate, loving someone and been loved in return. I envy people that have that.
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Well-known member
It's human nature, to want to love, and to be with somebody.

I'd love to have someone to talk to, someone to be close to and to love.

Exactly, Liam - I have the same feeling.

I just turned single last month actually, so I still very much miss the girl, but it was my choice to break-up. Why? Because I didn't feel loved, and I want to feel loved - otherwise there's not much point in being in a relationship.

We're all different people, but those things JamesSmith just described, is something I dream about. I don't care about "being careful about what you do and being concerned about another individual."
I would love to find a girl, where we share this mutual care and love. To care for another human being is certainly not a burden.


Well-known member
last girlfriend was when i was 22, i'm gonna be 31 soon, so i've been single for 9 years. i dont' get the "he must be gay" treatment, but i can't stand looking at other couples, or seeing the magazine covers at stores "9million sex tricks to try with your hot sexy wife (except for Jason who hasn't even been on 1st base in 9 years)"


Well-known member
So how come many of us are single?
Is it because we lack social skills?
Because we are afraid of being social and therefore never get the chance to meet new people?
What about netdating? Couldn't that be a succes here?


For all my 19 years. It's not that guys haven't been interested, I just can't take compliments or hold a good conversation with them, letalone flirt back.

And I always seem to attract men like ten years my senior. What the is up with that?!


Well-known member
I see it as need not to be loved, or even liked, but just to fit in. I want to feel at peace in the world, I want to fit in. I don't assess myself as single, I refuse to fill it out as a status even on census forms.

there are an infinite number of ways to feel love in this world other than in the realm of romantic relationships.